Melanie Phillips cuts to the chase

April 16, 2012 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. I wrote the previous comment after viewing another speech given by Melanie Phillips at Bar Ilan which was more detailed in terms of actual problem analysis and sensible recommendations for real solutions. My comment makes more sense in that context. I recommend viewing that speech.

  2. This is the message that Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to hear every day and make it a training film for everybody in the diplomatic corp. and government charged with Israel’s cause. Imagine how liberating it would be if the diplomats and others responsible for getting Israel’s message out were to internalize what Melanie Phillips is telling them,start telling the truth and basically REVERSE the playing field of ideas especially now that the so-called peace process has crashed, it is the perfect opportunity to reverse these falsehoods and truly “enlighten” the world. True solutions would then follow. Fear should be replaced by righteousness.

  3. This is the message that world leaders need to hear and understand…unfortunately many of those are already moral relativists, without a moral compass and no sense of history!