Free speech is under assault

By Ted Belman

A rally was held in Boston by few hundred people who supported free speech.  20,000 protesters showed up to protest free speech. A crowd of that size had to be organized by Antifa and their backers. Many of these protesters came to to rally intending to be violent. The police ended the rally earlier than planned. There were just too many counter protesters..

Boston Commissioner William Evans said that 27 arrests were made on Saturday — mostly for disorderly conduct, but including some for assaulting police officers. Protesters threw bottles, urine and rocks at police officers in the late afternoon, according to police.

Notice in this MSM report the violent protesters are not identified to to what side they were on. When that happens you know they were on the left.

To stand up for free speech ie the First Amendment is a noble thing. But the left has conflated this with hate speech ie “Free Speech enables “hate speech”. Therefore they frame their protest as protesting hate speech and the media do nothing to clarify this but in fact is joining the left in doing so.

Pres Trump tweeted;

“Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston,” Trump tweeted about two hours after the largely peaceful rally and march there ended. “Police are looking tough and smart! Thank you.”
Later, Trump tweeted that the protests might help heal decades-old divisions.
“Our great country has been divided for decades,” he wrote. “Sometimes you need protest in order to heal, & we will heal, & be stronger than ever before!”

Evanka tweeted.

1:2 It was beautiful to see thousands of people across the U.S.A come together today to peacefully denounce bigotry, racism & anti-semitism.

Gateway Pundit reported,

Ivanka Trump is a lovely young woman but she ought to do a little more research before she starts praising violent anti-free speech thugs.

Like Bannon says , its the end of the Trump presidency.

August 21, 2017 | Comments »

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