The New Jordan is coming.

By Ted Belman

Hamas and Abbas make separate trips to Saudi Arabia

I don’t believe what we are being told about Hamas and the PA visiting Saudi Arabia. They are both proxies to some extent of Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood whose headquarters are in Jordan.

Saudi Arabia  and the other sunni Arab States have banned the MB and Jordan will also very soon. My guess is that SA agreed to meet with them at the behest of Iran its new dialogue partner.

I also think that the talks will center around the future of the PA and Hamas which is very bleak.

Abed Amaala just tweeted: “King Abdullah II, hear from me, the Saudi leadership has agreed to normalization with Israel and the new Jordan. “

I believe SA will accept the New Jordan as the Palestinian State.

ZOA: Stop Biden/Blinken/Amr Unconscionable Plan to Establish Army of 5,000 Palestinian-Arab Terrorists plus U.S./Foreign Forces.

Mudar’s ascension to power will also mean that he will control this 5000 man force the US is creating in Jordan.  This force will replace the PA security force. All good for Israel

April 21, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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  1. It is not up to SA to accept Jordan as the “Palestinian” country but it is time for Israel to impose the resolutions of the San Remo Accords to be accepted again instead of keeping them erased ! The king must step down