A Christian Goes to AIPAC

By Arlene Bridges Samuels, Israel Blog

Last week I was privileged to attend the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference as a guest along with a contingent of Christians representing various pro-Israel Christian entities. AIPAC leadership and delegates alike welcomed us with warmth and acknowledged in many ways our growing cooperation, as Christians and Jews face the malignant threat of Islamist terror.

Internationally known Pastor John Hagee’s rousing plenary address to the over 6000 delegates is well documented by now but suffice it to say, his speech was emblematic of the strong alliances maturing between the two ancient faiths rooted in the Jewish olive tree with its growing branches of grafted-in Christians; first that Hagee was invited to speak and secondly that the Jewish delegates stood to their feet in response to his speech. While I could outline the many issues addressed in the plenary and break-out sessions, I want to share my personal feelings and insights regarding two meetings I attended at the Washington Convention Center where I was exposed to some of the greatest minds. leaders, and thinkers in the world today in Mid East issues.

March 17, 2007 | 4 Comments »

5 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Canada, which you failed to mention, is no slouch either when it comes to democracy and under the current new Conservative leadership of Stephen Harper its getting even better.

    Let’s not forget Australia.

  2. Alene in your rousing and passionate article you closed with:

    Give me America! Give me Israel, the two greatest democracies on the face of the earth.

    Canada, which you failed to mention, is no slouch either when it comes to democracy and under the current new Conservative leadership of Stephen Harper its getting even better.

    Further, unlike the previous Liberal governments that held power for about 13 successive years, when it comes to support for Israel, Harper’s government has been pretty good at saying what they mean and meaning what they say. Harper’s actions have not betrayed his words of support for Israel.

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