Abbas Can’t Solve Gaza or Make Peace

By Jonathan S. Tobin, COMMENTARY

While both Hamas and Israel’s government have been trying to assert that they both won the war that apparently concluded with a cease-fire agreement yesterday, a third party is attempting to stake his claim as the man who can win the peace. Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas anticipated the announcement of the cease-fire by vowing to go back to the United Nations on Monday to force Israel to withdraw from all of the West Bank as well as Jerusalem. And some in the U.S. and Israel think the best response to the end of the fighting is to further empower Abbas as a counterweight to Hamas. While this sounds logical, it would be a colossal error.

Some critics of the Netanyahu government believe it has erred in recent years by being so critical of Abbas while essentially acquiescing to continued Hamas rule in Gaza. That school of thought holds that the prime minister thinks leaving Gaza in Hamas’s hands makes it impossible for Abbas to make peace and undermines the chances of a two-state solution. There is no doubt that some in the government would prefer the status quo to a peace deal that would give Abbas the West Bank for a Palestinian state. But those who believe that sort of Machiavellian thinking is responsible for the lack of peace are ignoring some hard truths about Abbas and the political culture of the Palestinians.

A rational analysis of the Palestinian predicament would lead one to think that this is Abbas’s moment. Hamas achieved nothing with its decision to launch a war of attrition with Israel after its members kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers. Nothing, that is, except the utter devastation of Gaza, the loss of two thousand dead as well as the destruction of its terror tunnels and the expenditure of much of its rocket arsenal in return for only a few dozen dead Israelis and little damage to the Jewish state. By contrast, Abbas can now stride into Gaza with his PA forces and claim to be the man who can improve conditions for Palestinians and forge a deal that might give them independence. But those assumptions about Abbas’s ability to act decisively now completely ignore the realities of Palestinian politics as well as the utter incompetence of the PA.

Even if we were to take it as a given that Abbas is as dedicated to peace as some of his American and Jewish friends claim him to be, the notion that it has been Netanyahu’s disdain for the PA leader that has prevented peace is absurd. Throughout his years in power Abbas has had two key objectives: to portray himself as a peacemaker to the West and to avoid being trapped in any negotiations with Israel that might obligate him to sign a deal that would recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state and end the conflict for all time. That’s why he fled the 2008 peace talks with Ehud Olmert even after Netanyahu’s predecessor offered virtually all of the West Bank and much of Jerusalem. It’s also why he boycotted peace talks from 2009 to 2013 and then fled them again at the first opportunity this spring when he signed a unity pact with Hamas rather than peace with Israel. And rather than ask the U.S. to drag Netanyahu back to the table now that the fighting in Gaza is over, he is running to the UN in a stunt that will discomfit the Israelis but do nothing to get Palestinians a state.

The reason he has stuck to this no-peace strategy can be discovered by asking why he has avoided elections (he’s currently serving the ninth year of a four-year term) in recent years with no sign that he is looking to take on Hamas at the ballot box even after their military failure. The unfortunate reality is that Abbas knows that even unsuccessful attempts to slaughter Jews—such as Hamas’s shooting of more than 4,000 rockets at Israeli cities or its attempt to use tunnels to pull off terrorist atrocities—boosts its credibility as the party that is doing the most to “resist” Israel. When Hamas talks about ending the “occupation” they are not referring to the West Bank (which the Palestinians could have had as long ago as 2000 when Israel made its first peace offer) but all of pre-June 1967 Israel, a stance that resonates more with the Palestinian street than Abbas’s clever equivocations. None of the positive statements he has made in recent years or the occasional help he provides Israel can override the fact that Palestinian national identity is still inextricably tied to the continuation of war on Zionism. Abbas may regret this, but he has showed time and again that he won’t do anything to change it.

As the revelations of a planned Hamas coup in the West Bank uncovered by the Shin Bet security service showed, the only thing keeping Abbas in charge in Ramallah is Israel and Palestinians know it. The notion that parachuting Abbas or his PA forces into Gaza will somehow stop Hamas from re-arming or using humanitarian aid to rebuild its bunkers and tunnels is a fantasy. So, too, is the idea that more Western or Israeli support will enable Abbas to govern either the West Bank or Gaza effectively with his corrupt and incompetent Fatah cadres.

It is an unfortunate fact that Israel’s decision to leave Hamas in place rather than seek its elimination has, despite its clear defeat in the field, bolstered the Islamist group. But Netanyahu can’t compensate for that by empowering Abbas. The PA leader hasn’t the guns or the guts to face down Hamas in its Gaza stronghold and doesn’t dare try his luck at the ballot box even in the West Bank where conditions are more favorable to him.

The vast majority of Israelis know that any withdrawals on the West Bank would probably mean the creation of a larger and more dangerous version of the mess in Gaza. That is something no rational government of any kind would countenance. So while neither Israelis or their American allies are satisfied with a reinstatement of the pre-Gaza war status quo, even the dangerous uncertainty such a decision represents is better than repeating the Jewish state’s calamitous decision to withdraw from Gaza in 2005. Boosting Abbas at the expense of Hamas sounds logical, but it is part and parcel of the same fool’s errand diplomacy that brought the Middle East to the current impasse.

August 28, 2014 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. It is an unfortunate fact that Israel’s decision to leave Hamas in place rather than seek its elimination has, despite its clear defeat in the field, bolstered the Islamist group. But Netanyahu can’t compensate for that by empowering Abbas.

    This author is not thinking logically or clearly. If BB wanted to empower Abbas he would have deposed hamas militarily and then installed Abbas. the decision to leave hamas in place has some obvious implications:
    as the author has already noted:

    The PA leader hasn’t the guns or the guts to face down Hamas in its Gaza stronghold

    those that wish abbas/fatah in gaza can only do so with their own resources and by agreement with hamas. I am very curious to see how all these parties come to agreement:
    Hamas needs money and the PA wants some of it; the internationals will give it with conditions and it will go through the PA who has already swindled billions. the euros will have to answer to their constituencies for these new monies…..they need Israels approval and cooperation also. Abbas will have to satisfy hamas in the distribution of funds and pork barreling or they will be again thrown off roofs.
    I think they will all be enmeshed in a can of worms and Israels role will be the easiest…..I think BB banks on being on the sidelines with its few demands: quiet, no rearming, no materials to terror tunnels, . Furthermore, unless the unity gov demilitarizes hamas they will be in contravention of Oslo and security agreements with Israel. Going forward including hamas in peace talks will take quite a while to even get started.

    As for the Abbas withdrawal demand the author forgot to include abbas caveat that if the UN does not agree, which it wont, then he will go to the ICC for war crimes investigation. HMMMM? I would venture that Abbas knows what I know and expect: that Israel has very meticulously documented every strike as evidence of it being in accordance with the Geneva conventions. Israels last bombings and proclamations that it will target ANY civilian facility being used for military purposes was its message that it knows the GC and will follow its letter (see the “flying camels” who selected targets from the air)which is more damaging than its previous overly scrupulous behavior.

    I expect that Abbas is aware that any investigation on Gaza war crimes will spotlight Hamas massive violations, which are emerging like a waterfall, rather than Israel. Therefore I speculate that Abbas motive is either to spotlight Hamas war crimes in order to discredit Hamas with Pals and arabs to benefit fatahs electoral position OR it is a threat to hamas to step back and let him into Gaza.

  2. Arafat was a proxy to harm Jews and Heritage for Peres and Rabin. Abbas assumed Arafat’s role on behalf of Netanyahu, etc.