Al-Qaeda Tactics Expand in Gaza

– Ilene Prusher (Christian Science Monitor)

Over the past few months, a slew of Internet cafes and video stores have been attacked and forced to close. Earlier this week, Islamists opened fire on an elementary school, killing one bodyguard and wounding seven, while the most senior UN official in Gaza was visiting the institution.

The startling events point in a direction that, until recently, many Palestinians thought was far from their reality: the appearance of groups driven by a fundamentalist, anti-Western agenda aligned with that of al-Qaeda. In the past half year, more than 70 establishments seen as representing “infidel” culture have been attacked, including Internet cafes, video shops, an American school, and a Christian center that distributed Bibles.

[See also Melanie Phillips article Hamas, by Royal Appointment]

May 11, 2007 | 1 Comment »

1 Comment / 1 Comment

  1. The startling events point in a direction that, until recently, many Palestinians thought was far from their reality: the appearance of groups driven by a fundamentalist, anti-Western agenda aligned with that of al-Qaeda.

    Meaning that when Hamas calls (in Arabic) for all Americans to be killed, that’s not fundamentalist and anti-Western?

    Remember that al-Qa’ida and Hamas both are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, minor ideological quibbles aside.

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