
Netanyahu: Gaza flotilla probe to be headed by former justice
Yaakov Tirkel is to head the Israeli investigative committee that will look into the IDF’s takeover of Gaza-bound flotilla, which resulted in nine deaths.

Saudi Arabia: We will not give Israel air corridor for Iran strike
Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf refutes Times of London report saying Saudi Arabia practiced standing down its anti-aircraft systems to allow an Israeli bomb run.

Iranian ships ready to sail to Gaza
Two ships to leave this week; 100,000 volunteered to travel to Gaza.

The Iranian Red Crescent has equipped and loaded two ships with aid, and is waiting for permission from the Iranian Foreign Ministry to set sail for Gaza, AFP reported on Sunday. A third ship is planned for next week.

An Iranian Red Crescent official, Mojtaba Majd, was quoted as saying that over 100,000 Iranians have volunteered to sail on the ships. He said that the problems involved may prevent Iran from sending volunteers, however “the important issue is that the people of Gaza know that more than 100,000 Iranians are ready to come to their help.”

June 13, 2010 | 17 Comments »

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17 Comments / 17 Comments

  1. Stop putting yourself down ron you’re one of the best I know.. Any women would count herself blessed with a Husband or should I say, man, like you.

  2. That’s not very kind ron she is a very smart lady whose IQ is about 10-15 points above mine.

    Sorry about that Uncle, no doubt 50-60 points above mine. Not only smart, no doubt a very lovely lady. Just maybe her only fault is picking a husband. She is not alone, my wife didn’t do any better. I guess she kept me as a penance, figuring she could by pass purgatory.

  3. Shebrew, where have you been? Your delicious irreverent comments fit in nicely. I hope you stick around and take on all comers. What? Did I say something wrong?

  4. Uncle, a 5 husbander? Good grief. I know people who pick their noses better than wives. Talk about brotherhood, how is it #2 and or #3 didn’t warn #4? I guess #4 thought hell let #5 find out for himself. Maybe we could run a lottery on how long #5 will last.

    That’s not very kind ron she is a very smart lady whose IQ is about 10-15 points above mine.
    I wonder if she is a member of MEMSA?

  5. Uncle, a 5 husbander? Good grief. I know people who pick their noses better than wives. Talk about brotherhood, how is it #2 and or #3 didn’t warn #4? I guess #4 thought hell let #5 find out for himself. Maybe we could run a lottery on how long #5 will last.

  6. How did you people get along without me?

    Now that you mention it, sardonic wit has been missing here for almost 3 weeks. You could be just what the doctor ordered.

    Either you or her?

    5 husbands? Really? I never met a 5 husbander.

  7. Obama ignores Iran, so Israel bombs Iran. Simplicity is bliss. Dealing with Germans is also simple. Better than anyone they understand the politics of coercion, so you say, “Let our guy go or we fuck up Heidi Klum’s face real good.”

    How did you people get along without me?

  8. Israel’s new fight: now with Germany

    A Mossad agent was arrested in Poland on an extradition warrant issued by Germany. The agent had allegedly procured a German passport for the Mabhouh assassination team.

    Now, a few things beg explanation.

    Mossad was supposed to stop the practice of procuring real passports. The agency makes excellent forged passports, which obviates any practical need to obtain real ones, certainly not for operations in Asia.

    Germany was not supposed to prosecute Israelis over the passport operations. On previous occasions, the Germany security service has stopped civil prosecutors from expressing interest in Mossad operations. Though we would normally expect the agent to be released soon, Germany had acted rather unfriendly in this case.

    Mossad’s man was not supposed to travel in Europe under the same name the international warrant was issued for. The list of outstanding international arrest warrants is freely available to Israeli authorities, who would have needed to do nothing more than change the agent’s passport.

    Obama: ignore Iran

    According to the Los Angeles Times, Obama is pressuring congress to soften the unilateral American sanctions on Iran. The Congress is planning to ban gasoline sales to Iran.

    Obama is reportedly concerned that unilateral American sanctions would anger the Russians and Europeans, who have recently agreed on watered-down sanctions. The Russians and Europeans, of course, could not care less if the US slaps Iran with additional sanctions. Indeed, they would quietly welcome the move.

    Obama’s opposition to biting sanctions on Iran must stem from his rapprochement with the Revolutionary Guards, whom he imagines he can convince to abandon their nuclear program.

  9. Saudi Arabia: We will not give Israel air corridor for Iran strike

    Iranian ships ready to sail to Gaza

    Well you can thank the US impostor president, acorn community organizing pamphlet distributor, anti-Semite, he embraces Islam and the rouge nations know he is a wimp.

    A real dumbo with ears to go with it.

  10. Saudi Arabia: We will not give Israel air corridor for Iran strike

    It will be more fun taking it if they don’t give it.

  11. Saudi Arabia: We will not give Israel air corridor for Iran strike
    Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf refutes Times of London report saying Saudi Arabia practiced standing down its anti-aircraft systems to allow an Israeli bomb run.

    Naturally they are going to publicly deny it.

    As for Bibi, he is feckless. As I said yesterday, Israel should be going on the offensive and demand an investigation of turkey.

  12. The only “probe” the Israelis should do is to find out why they only killed nine of the bastards.

  13. Two [Iranian] ships to leave this week; 100,000 volunteered to travel to Gaza.

    Pack ’em in!!! It’s what’s called a “target rich environment”.