Bibi to build in Jerusalem. Will he build in J&S?

By Ted Belman

And the good news is, Bibi said in a JPOST interview he wouldn’t renew the freeze.

Netanyahu said he had no intention of intervening with the Interior Ministry’s District Planning Committee that is scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the construction of more than 700 housing units in Jerusalem’s Gilo neighborhood, located over the Green Line, even though the Quartet – in its statement Friday – called on “the parties to refrain from provocative actions if negotiations are to be effective,” a veiled reference to construction beyond the pre-1967 lines.

    “I don’t think there is anything new,” Netanyahu said of the plan.

    “We plan in Jerusalem. We build in Jerusalem. Period. The same way Israeli governments have been doing for years – since the end of the 1967 war.

    “We build in Jewish neighborhoods, the Arabs build in Arab neighborhoods – that is the way the life of this city goes on and develops for its Jewish and non- Jewish residents alike.”

    Netanyahu said Americans “know this; they have followed this a long time. There is really nothing new.”

On the question of whether he should have offered more hope to solve the conflict, he said

    “The hope we have is standing on the principles that served us well, not only through the life of the state, but even through the whole course of Zionism. Throughout our history.”

    “You can’t build hope on the foundation of lies,” he continued, adding that the Palestinians’ inability to utter the words “the Jewish people” or “the Jewish state” is not something that can be glossed over.

    “There is a problem there, and you can’t build hope by shutting your eyes and saying it doesn’t matter,”

    “Of course it matters – this is what this conflict is all about. It is not about the settlements; it is about the Jewish state. And it must be said over and over again.”

September 27, 2011 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. Israel should not wait for the Palestinians to realize that they have wasted 60+ years and hopefully soon there will be no more the so called “Palestinians” people. A short lived creation of the West to eliminate the Jews. They had their chances but they wanted everything and give nothing. Even the Big Bang started from something and it will not go to nothing (except in the Koran?).
    The war of the Christians and Muslims against the Jews continues unabated.

    At least we have the Chineses and the Indians who understand.

  2. much more important to clearly distinguish between building in Jerusalem and, for example, building Ariel at this moment in time.
    1) Abbas’ UN speech was revulsionist history, but he went too far in assigning only muslim and christian history to Jerusalem (and Netanyahu was able to hammer that point on Meet the Press)
    2) the first public rift created by Obama was over Ramat Shlomo in March 2010, which was HIS big mistake in trying to turn all of Jerusalem east of the 1948 armistice line into “illegal settlements”. There is current need to change the biassed media that reports on ‘500,000 settlers in occupied territories’ to reduce that number to exclude Jerusalem neighborhoods east of the 1948 armistice line aka “1967 borders” (Obama’s second big public mistake).

    3) revisionist history is really getting entrenched. Compare these two entries on the Maccabees, and notice how the 2008 Columbia Univ entry (aspx#2) describes Judea and Samaria as Palestine (two hundred years early!), and how Judas Maccabee “occupied” Jerusalem, where the 2005 Oxford Univ version (aspx#1) uses Judaea, and cites Modin (which was in southwest Samaria):

  3. The rights of the Jewish people should come first.

    First and foremost.

    The Israeli government is out of step with the people of Israel.

    Continue to build communities and take control of the land G-d provided for the Jews. Stop pussying with the Palestinians who don’t have those rights regardless of what the Arab world and others want to believe.

  4. The Likud rank and file is pushing for Israeli sovereignty over Yesha. Its about time Israel stop pretending the Arabs want peace. The rights of the Jewish people should come first.

  5. This should never happen under any circumstance. Really pitiful.

    This is not Israelis taking care of their own, it’s nothing more than Israelis doing the dirty work for the Arab world.

    This just what the Arab world wants, divide the Israelis, let them turn on each other.

  6. Where the hell was he the past 3 years?

    At the UN he bragged about his freezing construction and here he wants credit for not freezing construction?

    Text BB’s UN Speech

    We left Gaza hoping for peace.

    We didn’t freeze the settlements in Gaza, we uprooted them. We did exactly what the theory says: Get out, go back to the 1967 borders, dismantle the settlements.

    And I don’t think people remember how far we went to achieve this. We uprooted thousands of people from their homes. We pulled children out of — out of their schools and their kindergartens. We bulldozed synagogues. We even — we even moved loved ones from their graves. And then, having done all that, we gave the keys of Gaza to President Abbas.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I continue to hope that President Abbas will be my partner in peace. I’ve worked hard to advance that peace. The day I came into office, I called for direct negotiations without preconditions. President Abbas didn’t respond. I outlined a vision of peace of two states for two peoples. He still didn’t respond. I removed hundreds of roadblocks and checkpoints, to ease freedom of movement in the Palestinian areas; this facilitated a fantastic growth in the Palestinian economy. But again — no response. I took the unprecedented step of freezing new buildings in the settlements for 10 months. No prime minister did that before, ever. Once again — you applaud, but there was no response. No response.

    In any-evnt, by the time the first building is up BB will be a bitter memory for the Israeli people. It could take once approved between 4-6 years before a building START and up to two years for completion, that is if they are in fact approved. With BB the liar, seeing is believing.

  7. Wow! Israel is building in Gilo, a 40 year old Jerusalem neighborhood with over 40,000 residents. Who could have ever imagined!!!

    We’re so smart and bold!
