Br PM Cameron was supposd to be pro-Israel

David Cameron: Israeli blockade has turned Gaza Strip into a ‘prison camp’

David Cameron accuses France and Germany of double standards over Turkey

    British PM makes speech in Ankara attacking EU partners for expecting Turkey to guard Europe’s borders as a Nato member while closing the door to EU membership

Weep for Britain: 1940 this is not
By Melanie Phillips

When David Cameron became Britain’s Prime Minister, I warned that he would turn out to be even worse than Labour on the related issues of Israel and the global threat from Islamism to Britain and the west. This was because Cameron had no knowledge of or interest in foreign affairs, and so was always likely merely to reflect the most politically expedient views he encountered – which, given the current poisonous attitude within the British establishment and intelligentsia, were likely to push him into appeasing Britain’s mortal enemies in the Islamic world and dumping on Israel, Britain’s strategic ally in that great struggle.

But even I did not foresee just how cynical Cameron would turn out to be — and how dangerous therefore to the British national interest. Today’s truly shocking and quite astoundingly stupid speech in Turkey has now laid bare the fathomless shallowness and frightening ignorance and idiocy of Britain’s new Prime Minister. continue

July 28, 2010 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. Now Our good Uncle Sam wants to intervene on the side of the Malaysians, Philippines and the Thais opposing the big bad Chinese.

    Now just as if we havn’t enough tsuris. WE are running out of space in Arlington cemetary. Where will all of this end?

    I didn’t know that right wing libertarians were also bleeding hearts for the numerous unwashed masses? Not to worry about space in Arlington there is still plenty of other areas that can be named when necessary Arlington #2 and#3.

    Don’t concern yourself over the Chinese they own America and in a few years they will be calling all the shots. In any event America likes to fight primitive peoples who can only return fire with AK-47’s and primitive RPG’s and homemade bombs. America is even afraid of N Korea. Lost in Nam and Korea, will lose in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. For all the money America pours into it’s military it doesn’t get much bang for the buck. A hundred million dollars for one airplane is obscene and quite stupid. I hope Israel rejects it.

  2. Now I believe we are all getting sick and tired having the Muslims to hate, so here is some good news. The bloody Chinese Commies have the absolute gall to claim the south China sea as their sphere of influence. Those geographically challenged chinks don’t seem to realize that body of water is a lot closer to San Francisco than to Beiijing.The absolute nerve.

    Now Our good Uncle Sam wants to intervene on the side of the Malaysians, Philippines and the Thais opposing the big bad Chinese.

    Now just as if we havn’t enough tsuris. WE are running out of space in Arlington cemetary. Where will all of this end?–dispute

  3. Laura:

    Take consolation in the knowledge that the pro-islam, anti-Israel policies of the British government will only result in the rapid downfall of their own nation, while Israel has a bright future. We know what is supposed to happen to those who curse Israel.

    Cameron is a prick, Obama is a prick, bibi is a prick, Bush is a prick, Gordon Brown is a prick.Ohlmert is a prick.They are all pricks- Some bigger than others.

    And you are all schmucks for electing them.

    I, on the other hand, stopped voting years ago.

    Is it not time you did too???????

    A word from the wise!!.

    Rather than vote, try baying at the new moon.

  4. Take consolation in the knowledge that the pro-islam, anti-Israel policies of the British government will only result in the rapid downfall of their own nation, while Israel has a bright future. We know what is supposed to happen to those who curse Israel.

  5. I’m not surprised, Jew Hatred crosses all strata of British society and party lines.

    I will dance for joy when I see the Muslims force Sharia Law down their collective throats.
    The Brits will be quite polite about it and thank the Muslims profusely.

  6. I don’t know about the title, Ted. My title would be, “No Surprise: Cameron Has Turned Out To Be Just Another Hateful European”.