BREAKING: Killers of Naftali, Eyal and Gilad Eliminated

By Shalom Bear, JEWISH PRESS


It has been released for publication that the two Hamas terrorists, Marwan Kawasme (29) and Amar Abu Aisha (32) have been killed in a complex intelligence operation by the Shabak, IDF and SWAT teams in an operation overnight. The two were the terrorists who had had kidnapped and murdered the three Israeli teenagers, Gilad Shaar (16), Naftali Frankel (16), and Eyal Yifrach (19).

The three were kidnapped in Gush Etzion on June 12, 2014, near a hitchhiking post.

The IDF had attempted to arrest the two terrorists, when the terrorists began to shoot back. The terrorists were killed in the exchange of fire.

In addition, Bashar Kawasme, Muhammad Kawasme and Taar Kawasme, the sons of Arafart Kawasme were arrested. Arafat Kawasme was arrested on July 14, charged with helping the killers after they murdered the boys.

September 23, 2014 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Max Said:

    an live in a secluded mansion at a unknown location guarded by Pinkertons,

    The canyon lands of Texas, guarded by the Nation Bird of Texas the Great Terradoctyle. From there you and I can run the world.

  2. NormanF Said:

    Speaking of avatars, I never had one. I value anonymity on the Internet. I have had Arabs issue me death threats for my uninhibited defense of Israel.

    Good idea. I, also value anonymity. And I do believe Arabs, Islamists, immigrant terrorist sympathizers are all too happy to identify you and wage their personal Jihad on you. Not just you, your friends, Israeli friends etc, so one has to be careful who is mentioned.
    guard every word

    (Begin Sarcasm}
    The day comes that I have a Billion dollars and own an online newspaper and a TV network and live in a secluded mansion at a unknown location guarded by Pinkertons, then I too will have my editors sign their names to my opinions.

    (/ End Sarcasm)

  3. Max Said:

    Bill Levinson Said:
    The IDF had attempted to arrest the two terrorists
    So they say Bill. Maybe like – “Bang bang – stop or we’ll shoot… oops…”
    The result is the result.
    How come everyone’s avatar looks like Ted Belman.
    Are we all Ted Belman?

    Speaking of avatars, I never had one. I value anonymity on the Internet. I have had Arabs issue me death threats for my uninhibited defense of Israel. And if they all think we are Ted Belman, f*ck them.

  4. SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:

    Excellent! No more detention and trails. Execution.

    This is how you deal with Islamic terrorists! A pity Israel did not deal with the Hamas terrorists in Gaza in this exact manner.

  5. Bill Levinson Said:

    The IDF had attempted to arrest the two terrorists

    So they say Bill. Maybe like – “Bang bang – stop or we’ll shoot… oops…”


    The result is the result.
    How come everyone’s avatar looks like Ted Belman.
    Are we all Ted Belman?