Breaking: Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Admits Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Died from a Blood Clot – He Wasn’t Murdered

T. Belman. Right from the beginning I questioned the western narrative because their narratives are all gaslinghting. I argued that Navalny was under control, why would Putin have him murdered. And then when Putin released his body to his family, he wan’t concerned with what an autopsy would show.

The head of Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence says Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died from a blood clot, denying speculation that he was killed while in prison.

Kyrylo Budanov was quoted as telling reporters on Sunday that “I may disappoint you, but we know he died from a blood clot,” adding that it was “more or less confirmed.”

Navalny, the outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, reportedly died in an Arctic prison colony on February 16.

Russian officials said he died of natural causes, but there is speculation in the West that the Putin administration was responsible for his death.

In a statement on Saturday, the leaders of the Group of Seven nations called on the Russian government to clarify the circumstances around Navalny’s death.

Budanov also made it clear that Ukraine will step up attacks on a bridge connecting Russia with Crimea in Ukraine’s south, suggesting that the Crimean bridge will come down. Moscow unilaterally annexed Crimea in 2014.

February 27, 2024 | 50 Comments »

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  1. Has it been considered that even though a person dies from a blood clot, it could still be murder. People die naturally from blood clots, but it is not unknown for fatal blood clots to have been produced by chemical means.

    {Scientists have now even perfected hydrogels which mimic blood clots for use to stop internal bleeding}.

  2. It would seem Russia, Iran and the U.S. are on the same page as far as the day after is concerned though the U.S. has made Israel dependent for key weapons supplies and is now trying to suppress indigenous Israeli arms production once again through lawfare and the threat of sanctions.

    The policies they all favor would reproduce the conditions that led to the civil war that put Hamas in power in Gaza in 2007.

    Many casualties later, status quo ante: October 6.

    And the children or grandchildren of today’s heroic IDF fighters will have to fight this war again in a few years, after many Jews have lost their lives in many more horrific terror attacks and pogroms.

    I am reminded of the plot and the conclusion of the 23rd episode of the 1st season of the original Star Trek Series which came out on Feb 23, 1967, 4 months before the Six Day War.

  3. Palestinian terror factions heading to Moscow for unity talks
    Fatah and Hamas will also discuss the post-war rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip.
    Hamas political bureau member Mousa Abu Marzouk, June 19, 2022. Source: political bureau member Mousa Abu Marzouk, June 19, 2022.


    It would seem Russia and the U.S. are on the same page as far as the day after is concerned though the U.S. has made Israel dependent for key weapons supplies and is now trying to suppress indigenous Israeli arms production once again through lawfare.

    (February 28, 2024 / JNS)
    Palestinian terror factions Fatah and Hamas are heading to Moscow on Thursday for a two-day “national dialogue” on forming a unity government under the auspices of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the RIA Novosti state news agency reported on Wednesday.

    The Palestinian ambassador to the Russian Federation Abdel Hafiz Nofal and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov confirmed the Moscow summit.

    In addition to discussing political unification and the formation of a new government, the terror representatives will talk about the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after the end of the war.

    Fatah is is the Palestinian Authority’s ruling faction in Ramallah, led by Mahmoud Abbas, and Jerusalem has clearly stated that it does not want the P.A. to play any part in governing Gaza after Hamas is defeated, given its support for terrorism.

    According to Hamas sources cited by Ynet, the terrorist group’s delegation in Moscow will be led by Musa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas political bureau.

    Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group are demanding participation in the PLO, while the Fatah movement is setting conditions for the establishment of a new government in what the United States has described as a “revitalized” P.A. They include the commitment to the institutions outlined in the Oslo Accords and the unification of laws and governance in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

    Abbas on Tuesday accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh and his cabinet and requested that he stay on as a caretaker until the appointment of a permanent replacement.

    During a Cabinet meeting in Ramallah on Monday, Shtayyeh explained that “this decision comes in light of the political, security and economic developments related to the aggression against Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and the unprecedented escalation in the West Bank, including the city of Jerusalem,” according to the P.A.’s official Wafa news agency.

    “We will remain in confrontation with the occupation [Israel], and the Palestinian Authority will continue to struggle to establish the state on the lands of Palestine,” he continued. “I see that the next stage and its challenges require new governmental and political arrangements that take into account the emerging reality in the Gaza Strip, the national unity talks [with Hamas], and the urgent need for an inter-Palestinian consensus based on a national basis, broad participation, unity of ranks, and the extension of the Palestinian Authority’s sovereignty over the entire land of Palestine.”

    On Sunday, Sky News Arabia reported that top P.A. officials could offer their resignation “within days” to facilitate the swift establishment of a Palestinian “government of technocrats,” including Hamas members, whose primary purpose would be the reconstruction of Gaza.

    The new government is expected to be headed by Mohammad Mustafa, currently the chairman of the P.A.’s Palestine Investment Fund. It would serve during a “transition period” until elections are held.

    “The resignation of Shtayyeh’s government only makes sense if it comes within the context of national consensus on arrangements for the next phase,” senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Monday.

    On Feb. 12, P.A. chief Mahmoud Abbas traveled to Doha at the invitation of Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to discuss ways to incorporate Hamas into a P.A.-led body for Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

    Following Abbas’s trip, Hamas reportedly approved a three-step plan leading to “complete reconciliation [with the Palestinian Authority]” and the terrorist group joining the PLO, which controls the P.A., under a “unified Palestinian-Arab vision.”

    The United States wants the P.A. to assume control of Gaza after the war against Hamas ends, a move that Israel vehemently rejects because of Ramallah’s overt support for terrorism.

    On Jan. 27, Abbas’s spokesman told Al Arabiya television that the P.A. is prepared to hand over the reins to Hamas after the conflict. Ramallah is “prepared to hold general elections, and if Hamas wins, the president will hand over the Authority,” spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said.

    The U.S. State Department has refused to rule out Hamas retaining power in Gaza or even joining a P.A.-led governing body that would also have jurisdiction in Judea and Samaria.

    According to Palestinian polls, 89% of Palestinians support establishing a government that includes or is led by Hamas. Only around 8.5% said they favor an authority controlled exclusively by Abbas’s Fatah faction.

  4. You won’t get an argument from me regarding Biden. But that doesn’t discount multiple external threats.

    i see Biden as America’s biggest enemy whereas Putin poses no threat. So I am constantly critical of Biden’s policies.

  5. “I despise bullies, tyrants, terrorists and dictators and enemies of my country and enemies of Israel.” I do also. However, in every game there has to be two opponents / Every battery has to have a positive and negative. Without and up, there is no Down.

    Mr. Putin, nor Zel have done nothing good or bad to me or mine. I’m watching this movie in real time and seeing what the actors are doing and what those secondary actors do behind the scenes to keep the plot moving. I never get mad at the Joker when he gets one on Batman. In the world of reality, it does not affect me.

    As far as Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Hamas and Hezbollah. God raises them up and he take them down when they accomplish his plan. At the end of the day, Israel will be left standing.

  6. @Laura

    I could ask you the question as to what has Zelensky and Ukraine done to you that you hate them?

    Speaking for myself, my response to this question is a long list of items, all of which I have written about over the past 2 years now, but I will share a brief cliff notes version on some of them.

    Zel is a used car salesman, only the cars he is selling is war with a nuclear power. In pursuing this objective, he has completely destabilized Europe and the world as he, acting as the good American proxy which he is, needlessly poked the Russian Bear, sending the world into an economic and political tailspin. Even recognizing that Ukraine has never been more than a plutocratic regime, he has weaponized his office as ‘president’ to erase the political voice of a major minority in his country. He has denied that minority of their right to publish in their own tongue, disenfranchised them from voting for their own political parties and leaders, outlawed their religion, and banned them from teaching their language to the emerging generations. He is now refusing to stand for reelection and will not turn over the power of the presidency to the head of the Parliament to whom it should constitutionally be passed without an election. How this fails to fit your defnition of

    bullies, tyrants, terrorists and dictators

    quite eludes me, but that is you, not me.

    Before Zel, there was he US coordinated Maidan Coup which placed neo Nazis in power in Ukraine, disenfranchised the country, stripped the ethnic Russians of their rights of assembly and due process, and made war upon a minority in their own country. Again, how are these outside your definition of

    bullies, tyrants, terrorists and dictators

    Prior to the Maidan Coup, the US orchestrated the Orange Revolution in 2004 where an unconstitutionally approved third election overturned the previous election results. This ultimately led to Yushchenko becoming president along with some other unconstitutional results which I won’t raise here. Yushchenko ultimately, after making promises otherwise, promoted the Galician neo Nazi identity as the national identity of Ukraine, began the attack on the Russian minority language rights, and created the Institute of
    National Memory which has acted to dilute the reality about the Ukrainians involvement in the Holocaust. Need I reference

    bullies, tyrants, terrorists and dictators

    once more.

    Notably, this is an much abbreviated list of some of the highlights of my grief with Ukraine, but it makes the point quite well, I think, that my answer to your question is a bit complicated as to what I might hold against Zel and Ukraine. The simple reality is that with every change which the US led cabals of Ukraine have imposed upon the Ukrainian people, I have been more and more disturbed by the result, and whereas it should be recognized that the US is the bad guy imposing its will on Ukraine, it has left me with little affection, and a significant repulsion, for the entire Ukrainian puppet project.

  7. @Laura

    What else to call people who are constantly…

    You don’t need to call them anything. Notably, it would be far more productive and effective if you might actually address the issues being raised rather than the character of people about whom you lack all competence to comment. In fact, it should be seen to be rather immature and purposefully devisive, not to mention bad form, to try to shape a conversation by belittling someone simply because you disagree with their perspectives and don’t have anything better to say. So please stay on topic, as no topics being discussed her include a character evaluation of anyone with whom you might disagree.

  8. I despise bullies, tyrants, terrorists and dictators and enemies of my country and enemies of Israel. I don’t have to apologize for opposing putin and I won’t. I don’t know what to make of the right wing’s bizarre affinity for this guy. I could ask you the question as to what has Zelensky and Ukraine done to you that you hate them?

    A reminder again of who putin really is: Essential questions about the Russia-Hamas link: The evidence and its implications

    Also, could you give us some insight on your HATERED of Putin. What has he ever done to you?

  9. Actually, I was referring to Vivarto, but that term can be applied to most here other than maybe 3 of us. What else to call people who are constantly being apologists for putin no matter what he does, including revelations about his ties to Iran, hamas, hezbollah etc.

    Another putin fanboy heard from.

    I would appreciate you not slandering me as such.

  10. Hi, Tanna. I mistakenly responded on ChitChat to your comment here. The gist of it, is that various people and groups interpret “Gog” and “Magog” as it pleases them. Whatever countries and people they identify the two with, NATO is nonetheless the military bulwark of the Western world — allied with S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. India also fits into the margins of it.

    The world has been ruled by a succession of empires since ancient days. Lugal Zage Si ruled in Sumeria c. 2358 – 2334 BCE, followed by Sargon of Akkad. Then came the Pharaohs, Assyria, neo-Babylon, Persia, Macedonia, Rome and Rome’s descendants (principally NATO). The Russians, Chinese, etc. weren’t even on the map until Roman times:

    Gog, of course, was a ruler and Magog a geographical area that he ruled. He was the king of Lydia on Herodotus’ map — in western Turkey today. In my opinion, “Gog and Magog” are representative of ALL the great political entities of the world. People put their trust in them, rather than in God. That seems to be the great contradiction of history.

  11. @Laura

    Straw Man Fallacy
    A straw man fallacy occurs when someone distorts or exaggerates another person’s argument, and then attacks the distorted version of the argument instead of genuinely engaging.

  12. @Laura

    So, Sweden joined NATO as a favor to America?

    If you read what I wrote, you will notice I did not say what you wrote here. I would appreciate you not distorting what I stated, which was that it was a foolish decision. The reason they did so was to be able to reduce their security costs to 2% GDP which are well in excess of 2% currently. Their economy is suffering as is the economy of all of Europe thanks to the US having blown up Nordstream 2, and they needed to find a way to deal with the new economic reality in which they find themselves. So they opted out of their long held status as a neutral power.

    Another putin fanboy heard from.

    I would appreciate you not slandering me as such. Please speak to what I have said and not mischaracterize me as you have been doing for some time now. Notably, you did not appreciate it when you claimed I called you a Neocon, even though i did not do so, and have specifically refrained from doing so in responding to your many Neocon aligned statements.

  13. Michael, Nato is growing and getting ready for the big one that is soon coming, and it looks like the new members of the family shall share and share alike. All the years of Sweden staying neutral is going to catch up with them. A Rabbi recently suggested that Nato was Magog and our own Muslim president Obama was gog. Looks like he might be right, stay tune to see how it all develops.

  14. @Laura

    What’s your proof he was a spy?

    He was being paid by the US govt while he was working to undermine his own govt. Perhaps you would like to nuance this and describe him in some other way, but I think it is reasonable to believe he was in fact a Russian spy.

    I noticed you once again ignored my mention of those murdered by Ukriaine on their Peacemaker hit list.

  15. Laura, IF political prisoners who die while in prison according to you are the direct result of the Leadership that put them in prison. Whom would you say is responsible for the death of the Jan6 political prisoners when they start dying in prison?

    Also, could you give us some insight on your HATERED of Putin. What has he ever done to you?

  16. So, Sweden joined NATO as a favor to America? Another putin fanboy heard from. This is getting comical.

    So now they’ll have to buy a bunch of American weapons.
    Good for America, but what is in it for Sweden?
    Only a schizophrenic could imagine that Sweden is threatened by Russia.


  17. What’s your proof he was a spy? Did you hear or read this from a Kremlin controlled media outlet or did you think it up yourself? Anything to excuse the murderous tyrant putin.

    In fact, spooks such as Navalny are not unaware of the risks which they take in acting against their govt if they happen to be caught, and notably, Navalny was caught.

  18. @Laura

    The bottom line is that Russia is still responsible for his death

    Actually this isn’t the bottom line.

    I don’t think it is out of reason or rationality to suggest that, as people all around the world are dying of blood clots, that Navalny might have died due to his participation in the world wide experiment involving injections of toxic plasmid DNA, and toxic LNPs, and toxic Spike proteins. Notably, I don’t conclude that this is the case, but it is certainly possible. To be certain, his death could have been associated with his stay in the local Gulag, but I am far less certain of this than you seem to be.

    Also, I don’t believe that people acting in the pay of the Russian govt to manipulate US elections would fair any better than did Navalny. In fact, spooks such as Navalny are not unaware of the risks which they take in acting against their govt if they happen to be caught, and notably, Navalny was caught. In fact, I hold far less concerns for a spy who fell foul of plying his craft than those members of the Ukrainian press who have been executed by the Ukrainian SBU. In fact, the certain cause of death for the many members of the legendary Ukrainian hit list known as the Peacemaker all hold a far greater interest to me than Navalny’s death which may or may not be attributable to Putin.

  19. The bottom line is that Russia is still responsible for his death just by the fact that he was kept in a Gulag under horrible conditions and whatever other abusive treatment causing his ill health. Why you defend a tyrant is beyond me, but like Michael I’m also at the point where I can’t take this Putin fanclub here seriously.

    Of course, if we can’t prove that it didn’t happen, I guess your conclusion would be that it did? Well, I don’t think such a conclusion would be best described as idiotic, but the word obsessive does come to mind. Let us just call this exhibit #1 for the moment.

  20. @mirib

    They probably just kept him up to date on all kill shots and boosters

    I have read that he had five shots in total. So, yes, a very important rule out would include death by toxic shots

  21. @Laura

    This also does not discount the idea that he could have been directly assassinated.

    Of course, if we can’t prove that it didn’t happen, I guess your conclusion would be that it did? Well, I don’t think such a conclusion would be best described as idiotic, but the word obsessive does come to mind. Let us just call this exhibit #1 for the moment.

    Putin is pure evil.

    Exhibit #2

  22. @Michael

    Just a couple of days ago, you were boasting about Russia’s great diplomatic victory in the fake statelet of “Transnistria”, when Russian soldiers stationed there voted to join Russia.

    I have never commented on Transnitria, at all, and certainly not about any Russian soldiers voting to join Russia, which does seem to be a bizarre comment which I would certainly recall if I had actually made it. Hence, please provide a quote for the comment in which you think I made such a reference to Russian soldiers voting on anything.

    The only matter regarding voting which I have made in regards to Russia was that Zel refuses to allow himself be defeated in even a Ukrainian election, but nothing regarding Russia, and certainly nothing about Transnitria.

  23. Being murdered and dying of a blood clot are not necessarily mutually exclusive. One thing about the Russians…they don’t mess around. If Navalny was a CIA operative, I would expect them to take care of the problem.

  24. How idiotic a conclusion. How does this absolve Russia from responsibility for Navalny’s death since his serious medical condition was obviously a direct result of his incarceration and treatment in a Russian gulag. This also does not discount the idea that he could have been directly assassinated. Perhaps he was injected with something that caused his blood clot. Either way Russia is ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE for his death indirectly or otherwise. You are just reaching for ways to defend Putin. I just don’t get it.

    Breaking: Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Admits Russian Dissident Alexei Navalny Died from a Blood Clot – He Wasn’t Murdered

  25. Peloni,

    Well, when the Russophobic American cabal running the State Dept finally goes to war with Russia, Sweden will be on the front line of that war

    This is so laughable, I couldn’t resist commenting. Just a couple of days ago, you were boasting about Russia’s great diplomatic victory in the fake statelet of “Transnistria”, when Russian soldiers stationed there voted to join Russia. Hey, chalk that up as a great win for Russia! So, I posted the “minor” win for the West, namely, Sweden joining NATO. I honestly think Sweden is a more weighty matter than Transnistria; but to each his own.

    Russia presumably began its “special operation”, in order to keep Ukraine out of NATO. Instead, it has brought Finland and Sweden into NATO, with Turkey and Hungary acquiescing; and, thanks to the barbarous Russian invasion, Ukraine is closer than ever to doing the same. Whatever the merits or disadvantages are of joining NATO, I would say Putin’s plans have backfired.

  26. Vivarto, you asked John,

    Why is Putin a jerk in your opinion?

    Putin says Poland started WWIII, because they wouldn’t concede to Hitler’s “reasonable” demands (He said this in the Tucker Carlson interview). That should do for starters.

    Israpundit has become the new “Pravda”, parroting Russian propaganda at every turn. I don’t take it seriously anymore. Enjoy.

  27. @Vivarto

    but what is in it for Sweden?

    Well, when the Russophobic American cabal running the State Dept finally goes to war with Russia, Sweden will be on the front line of that war, while America remains thousands of miles in the rear, sending what scraps of armor and munitions they might be able to cobble together which weren’t already wasted in Ukraine. A fool’s bargain by any standard.

  28. People also ask
    How far is Sweden from Russian border?
    The distance between Russia and Sweden is 4434 km. The road distance is 2569.4 km.

  29. @Michael S
    So now they’ll have to buy a bunch of American weapons.
    Good for America, but what is in it for Sweden?
    Only a schizophrenic could imagine that Sweden is threatened by Russia.

  30. @inna2

    Ukrainian army does not have enough weapons.

    The US & the EU don’t have the arms to send to Ukraine. Their need is greater than the production of US munitions. Furthermore, the more shells that are sent to Ukraine leave fewer shells to send to Israel. Additionally, Ukraine lacks the men to put in the trenches, and those yet to be drawn into the slaughter do not want to be drafted, which is where the grief between Zel and Zal over the Draft Bill originated.

    Ukrainians are suffering tremendously.

    Sadly this is true. They picked a fight with the wrong nation, and when they were given an opportunity to go back to the pre-war borders (2022), the Ukrainians cleverly double crossed the Russians, amounting to a penny wise, pound foolish consequence. Indeed, it was this double cross which led the Russians to recognize that they were wrong to believe that the little Green Tshirted dictator could be trusted, and Russia annexed the four provinces as a result. Ukraine lacks the men, the lack the munitions, and they lack the combined tactics experience, and no way to rectify these missing pieces of success on the battlefield. Meanwhile Russia lacks none of this. This war was always a war which needed to be won by the West by economics, in which the Russian economy collapsed and the Russian people revolted. Yet the Russian economy did not collapse and the Russian people did not revolt. There is no accommodation in the West to overcome this deficit of munitions for Ukraine, and there are no Western armies suited to relieve the well spent Ukrainian force outside of the Poles and they Poles are furious with Ukraine at the moment. Avdiika should have had some 70K men or more defending that fortress, and yet the number allocated there was a fraction of that.

    The Ukrainians should have made better choices, both before the war started and afterwards. All that can now is that they are suffering terribly, and they are likely to go forward from defeat to defeat, or as Big Surge describes it, the big drip, drip, flood. I pity the Ukrainians for their choice of folly over reason, but their folly was of their own making.

  31. Ukraine could win the war in several months if the Lend Lease started. LL was supported by both parties in Congress and signed by Biden, but it did not start. Ukrainian administration is corrupt, but the fact is – Ukrainian army does not have enough weapons. Neither USA nor EU is not giving Ukraine enough weapons to win the war. All the “Finance Ukraine” bills include everything such as Climate Change program, building new American Embassy, LGBT program, etc, and very little money for weapons. In this situation Ukraine will not win. It is a war of attrition. Ukrainians are suffering tremendously.

  32. 2017 Politico (Far Left Entity) Article – Ukraine tried to destroy Trump:

    Ukraine tries to kill Tucker Carlson:

    Ukraine murders patriot right wing American Journalist:

    I don’t give a damn about the Democrat’s Money laundering Country of Ukraine any more. To hell with the place. The Biden’s got rich off of the crooks in Ukraine.
    Putin is a jerk and Zelensky the crooked dictator is worse.

  33. Congratulations, Sweden!

    Hungarian National Assembly votes to approve Sweden’s NATO application
    26 February 2024

    Today, the Hungarian National Assembly voted yes on Sweden’s NATO application. Once the Speaker and the President have signed the decision and the instrument of ratification has been presented to the United States, all NATO Allies will have approved Sweden’s application for membership. At the invitation of NATO’s Secretary-General, Sweden’s Government can then formally decide to accede to the North Atlantic Treaty, which is NATO’s founding document. Once that has taken place, Sweden’s instrument of accession will be deposited with the Government of the United States, which is the depositary of the Treaty. Sweden will then be a NATO member and participate fully as an Ally in the Organization.

  34. @ketzel2

    “Budanov also made it clear that Ukraine will step up attacks on a bridge”

    After making sure that civilians have been notified to evacuate, no doubt, with cell phone calls, leaflets, safe corridors, precision weapons…

    (spoiler alert: Bridge for sale.)

    Because the Ukrainian forces are just so humanitarian. Like Israel, who the Ukrainian goverment votes to condemn most of the time, along with Russia and China ( and just about every other country except America, Hungary and Micronesia)

  35. Speaking of that blood clot, Navalny spent lots of time in solitary, in a cell where he couldn’t move or lie down. Who wouldn’t get a blood clot? Who wouldn’t get typhoid in a concentration camp. The blood clot story, true or not, is almost irrelevant. Who sent him to the gulag? Next you’ll be telling me people who starve to death in North Korea had anorexia.

  36. That eyewitness account has been challenged, some people said the photos she posted were from a different season, etc. Everything on Twitter has to be examined very carefully, whether from Ukraine or Russia.

  37. The ‘decree of August 26, 1827’ made Jews liable for military service, and allowed their conscription between the ages of twelve and twenty-five. Every four years, the Jewish community had to supply four recruits per thousand of the population.
