Cameron expresses qualified support for Israel’s right to defend itself

Ted Belman

PM Netanyahu is visiting Britain now. He said “I want to say here in 10 Downing Street, and reaffirm again that I am ready to resume direct negotiations with the Palestinians with no conditions whatsoever to enter negotiations, and I’m willing to do so immediately,”. Don’t worry, that’s a freeby. No one is going to take him up on it.

In a statement, the Cameron’s government said on Tuesday: “We recognize that the conflict in Gaza last year took a terrible toll.

“However the prime minister was clear on the UK’s recognition of Israel’s right to take proportionate action to defend itself, within the boundaries of international humanitarian law.”

I hate this formulation. First of all if you are going to mention the “terrible toll” make sure you say it at the doorstep of Hamas rather than simply noting it happenned.

Secondly, whoever says such a thing about the need for proportionate action by any other fighting force. Why attempt to put Israel in a legal straight jacket? Why not say “Israel had the right to defend itself”. Past tense. He makes it sound like a conditional right. Of course, no one has the right to commit a war crime. Why bother to mention it other than to put Israel in the dock.

He should have said “Israel has the right to defend itself” even though that should go without saying. Why must he limit it by saying “proportionate action” that is “within the boundaries of humanitarian law”. Screw him.

September 10, 2015 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. The Anglo-Nazis encouraged violence in 1920s by the Fakestinian occupiers of the Jewish homeland in order to have an excuse to violate international law by not implementing the Palestine Mandate. They proceeded to block Jews from entering their homeland enabling the holocaust. They are so despicable they even sabotaged boats carrying the few Jews that survived the holocaust directly murdering Jewish survivors. They also directly fought against Israel in the war of independence commanding the Jordanian legion (from the phony country established on land the Anglo-Nazis robbed from the Jewish homeland). This Kapo Cameron should shut the sewer under his nose. The Anglo-Nazi war criminals should pay reparations to Israel and the Jewish people for their war crimes.

  2. Stating that “Israel has the right to defend itself” is meaningless and even derogatory. This right is extended to all 193 members of the UN (Art. 51 of the Charter). So why state the obvious, and selectively doing so for Israel only?

    When did we hear that Britain, France or Italy have the right to defend themselves?

  3. I agree 100% with Ted’s analysis above.

    However I don’t think the UK PM does it out of antisemitism. Rather I think he says this garbage out of cowardliness.
    He knows the popular sentiments and does not want to offend them.

    He, like most politicians is a coward without a backbone. He does whatever is the least offensive to his base.

  4. Cameron is just another arrogant Brit (better than many) who believes he has right to qualify Israel’s right to self defense and exist within borders he approves of.

    I think Bibi but put into a good context (See Ross’s link on the previous comment).

    I think telling these people if you want to be our friend be so completely and do not put qualifiers on it. We do have alternatives to your friendship.

  5. …the UK’s recognition of Israel’s right to take proportionate action to defend itself…

    Proportionate action? Such as when the RAF firebombed the women and children of Dresden? Literally set them ablaze? Thanks for the tutorial on military etiquette, you worthless British prick.

    Israel’s craving for the acceptance of anti-Semites is its most severe existential threat. Lose the yearning for the affection of people who want you dead and everything else falls into place.

  6. Every one knows the Palestinian Arabs have no interest in peace.

    What Netanyahu said is cost-free because new talks will never happen.