Screenshot via YouTube.
It’s medieval times, thanks to the Harper Government’s new citizenship bill—and not the fun one where guys in costumes beat each other up, either. This one involves exile.
Bill C-24 promises to shred the passports of Canadians who the Minister of Immigration deems terrorists—and deport them to countries they may have never seen before.
“It’s so wrong it isn’t funny,” says immigration lawyer Barbara Jackman. “Exile and banishment—those went out in the Middle Ages.”
The bill, known by its euphemistic title of the “Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act,” gives the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration the right to strip any Canadians’ citizenship for a host of reasons, so long as they have a connection to a foreign country.
Canada’s legal community says the bill is flatly unconstitutional. NGOs have widely called for the bill to be pulled, or substantially amended—to remove just about every controversial part of the legislation. However, a House of Commons committee passed the bill last night without amendment. It will likely become law before Parliament breaks for the summer.
This bill is so broad, critics say, it could allow the government to strip the citizenship of someone as ostensibly innocuous as an environmental activist, or an individual as internationally feared as an Al-Qaeda operative. Any undesirable that falls under the broad categories laid out in the bill—whether they were born in Moose Jaw or Karachi. If the Minister of Immigration decides that the citizen is un-Canadian, they’re outta here.
It’s so loosely worded that honorary citizens like Nelson Mandela might get caught in the net. That’s because the bill would make those charged with international crimes, like Mandela himself, in a state of precarious citizenship. Immigration Minister Chris Alexander, however, says this bill wasn’t intended to go after the Nelson Mandela’s of the world:
“A conviction in a country that is totalitarian or doesn’t have the rule of law is not a democracy, a conviction that was political in nature, would not be grounds for refusing citizenship in Canada. We would have the ability to make that determination,” he said in the House of Commons.
While the government maintains that they would never deport someone based on trumped up charges by an autocratic or corrupt regime, they admit that there are no safeguards in place to stop future governments from doing so.
Here’s the catch: to get the Napoleon-goes-to-Saint-Helena treatment, you need only be convicted of one of a list of crimes: Treason, high treason, espionage, or terrorism. The minister can also revoke your citizenship if they believe you served in an army, or an armed group, that “engaged in an armed conflict with Canada,” whatever that means.
For most of the offences, like espionage and treason, you need to be sentenced to life in prison in order to qualify for getting the boot. For terrorism, however, you only need to be convicted of something resembling a terrorism charge and be sentenced to five years—anywhere in the world. You know, like Gandhi.
The government says the foreign definition of ‘terrorism’ has to match up with the charges found in the Canadian criminal code—that’s something the federal court has already established. But the streamlined system won’t leave much room for a judge’s watchful eyes. While being shown the door, a prospective ex-Canadian can apply for a judicial review, but if a judge doesn’t intervene right away, they’ll be whisked onto a plane in no time at all.
Those who qualify for this special status of tenuous citizenship need to either have citizenship in another country, or have access to foreign citizenship. While the bill promises that it will leave nobody stateless, it’s unclear how Canada can force someone to obtain citizenship in a foreign country before deporting them.
The process is relatively quaint: to strip a Canadian’s citizenship under the new rules, the Minister must send a letter, informing them that their citizenship is under review, and offer them a chance to submit a reply. If they don’t, the Minister can terminate their citizenship. If they do reply, the Minister can consider it, then terminate their citizenship.
A hearing is not required and the soon-to-be-ex-Canadian will never go before a judge.
“The fact that they’re going to a letter-writing process to take away something as fundamental as citizenship when you can get a hearing in court on a traffic ticket shows that they are very dismissive of citizenship rights,”says Jackman.
Canada is not pulling this out of thin air. The law mirrors a 2002 bill adopted by the English Parliament. For the last 12 years, secretive courts can quickly deport any citizen of the United Kingdom for an array of issues—sometimes on suspicion alone. It has happened 27 times since the bill passed.
That includes Mohamed Sakr, the London-born twenty-something who had his citizenship revoked while out of the country for reasons that remain unclear—what is known is that the English counter-terrorism unit was monitoring him for several trips to the Middle East. Trips that his parents maintain were innocent in nature.
He was killed by an American drone strike while in Somalia, in February 2012. Another man met the same end after being exiled by 24 Downing Street.
There’s also enormous concern that banishing radicalized youth to war-torn failed states might not be the best way to promote stability. But, it’s not just suspected terrorists who may be at risk.
Ehab Lotayef may well be a prime candidate.
The Cairo-born, Montreal-based engineer has been a Canadian citizen for over two decades. He also founded the “Canada Boat to Gaza” organization, which has been trying to sail through the Israeli blockade of Gaza, inspired by the initial Gaza Freedom Flotilla in 2010.
Lotayef was arrested by the Israelis when soldiers boarded the ship during the group’s second try, in 2011.
The group maintains that their goal is to bring aid and supplies to Palestinian civilians. The American and Israeli Governments have charged that the flotilla’s funders and participants have ties to Hamas.
Hamas is, of course, a terrorist organization under Canadian law. They are also the government of the Gaza Strip.
“They would probably claim that by aiding a group that they claim to be terrorists…we could be considered terrorists as well,” Lotayef told VICE.
Lotayef says the group doesn’t actually work with Hamas, for the record. He says the group works civilian-to-civilian, and only deals with governments when absolutely necessary.
He caught the attention of CSIS, however, when the group first launched. He basically told the spies to amscray, but has no doubt been the subject of some surveillance since.
Certainly, if Lotayef or one of his cohorts faced charges in Israel or elsewhere—for just about anything from piracy to supporting a terrorist organization—Ottawa could revoke his citizenship.
Lotayef says the group is currently trying to orchestrate a reverse-flotilla; they’re funnelling money into activists within Gaza, helping them build their own boats. The idea is to provide ship-building jobs within the occupied territory, and sail through the blockade as an act of defiance.
I asked Lotayef if he’s worried about the new citizenship bill could put his Canadian passport in jeopardy.
No, he says.
“I think that would be a farce.”
Max Said:
I would be disappointed, Sweetness, he’s not a “twisted sister” like you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
honeybee Said:
Then you should do Nazi cybersleex with Devolin, he seems to love dirty talk.
Max Said:
Look whose talking Sugar, from a girl who knows.
M Devolin Said:
I will miss you and all those fun times we had together.
I must confess I am not fond of the B&D and S&M as you are, but it’s good to have a home grown Patrio-Nazi around to remind me what freedom really is.
M Devolin Said:
Devolin! With all that explictly s_ex_ual language it looks like you are trying to have cyber_s_ex with me. You really should find some other way to find se_xu_al release.
I understand s_ex and violence goes together in the psyche of Nazi th_ugs such as yourself but you seem to be still very frustrated. Maybe you can hire some s_ex worker to help you with that.
I’m done corresponding with Max, The Fringe.
I’m twice as smart as you’ll ever be, Max. Are you going to cut me down in public? You don’t have the brains to cut me down. I’m twice as smart as you’ll ever be, you fucking fringe. Read your last post: if this isn’t an example of a fucking wing-nut, I don’t know what is. You’re fucked in the head, Max. Anyone reading your posts perceives this of you. Keyboard warrior with no balls and no brains. About as bright as soapstone. Your ego and your vanity are far more vulgar than the darkest of my profanities. Big tough keyboard warrior. You waste everyone’s time here.
M Devolin Said:
I’m not calling you a Nazi , I ‘m describing you as one. It fits – you talk like just a thug – you have no political philosophy except personal bullying. You can’t tolerate the opinions of others I imagine it must be very difficult for you to survive in civilized society.
I’m not scared of you, the bigger the thug the harder the fall.
And you are as you describe –
How many ordinary citizens did you beat up today? Probably none.
Your family got bruises all over their bodies? How many restraining orders are there against you?
You play the part of a mindless Nazi Thug very well. Probably you just bully family members and weak people in your circle , a guy like you knows he will get cut down in public because there is always someone bigger and better…
A Patrio-Nazi – it suits you very well – using the feelings of patriotism to incite violence and intimidate.
You’re a gutless wonder and an asshole, Max. Calling me a “Nazi” is a prime example of your weak and feeble mind (hence your endless political inanities). This is the extent of your mental fortitude: you throw the word Nazi around like it will destroy by inculpation the good character of anyone who exposes you for the fucking fringe you are. Cheap shot from a cluttered mind full of cheap, bombastic phrases and nothing else, least of all human decency. Fuck you, Max. Max, the big, tough, keyboard warrior.
I’m out all the time, Max, especially in Toronto. This is my real name. You want to meet up with me, let me know. Then you can call me Nazi to my face. You’re just a gutless troll.
Max Said:
You’re off you meds. again ??????????? Sweetness
mickeyobe Said:
Horse-pucky Darlin.
CuriousAmerican Said:
You’re asking to much, Darlin xxxxoooooooooo
M Devolin Said:
That’s no problem, I’m not scared of Nazis. You’re a big tough Nazi bully in front of a computer. Swearing doesn’t make you tough and neither do threats..
Thank you, yes, I do have typing skills – but I think you were describing yourself.
So is this all you got? An irrational display of of threats and a violent nature?
You are arguing against yourself by acting like a Nazi. Boring.
Actung! Don’t call me a Nazi, Vee vil exterminate you!!!
I’d like to see you call me a “patrio-nazi” to my face, Max. Mickey and I may be a lot of things, but at least we have roots somewhere on the planet Earth. You, you’re so disjointed from humanity (read: reality) as to not even merit a correspondence to your bizarre and ludicrous ideals. We Canadian mix it up all the time. Think hockey.
Shouldn’t call me Nazi of any stripe, you fucking fringe. You’re a big tough guy in front of a computer. That’s all you are. Why bother posting here? Nobody with any connection to the real world is even interested in your bizarre philosophies and political inanities. You’re just an empty scrotum with arms and legs and typing skills.
Ah good, the patrio-nazis are fighting each other.
“You really should try to master English before imposing your weird interpretation of Canadian, eh.”
Silly me, Mickey, I realize only now that perhaps you were insulting me. Just for the record: My mother’s side have been in Canada since 1804, my father’s side since coming over in coffin ships during the Potatoe Famine, so whatever I say, I say as a Canadian born and bred in this fine country. You do not speak for me; I speak for myself about what I please on all things Canadian. And what’s with this admonition that I should “learn English”? I think I speak a fairly good English, excepting the profanity, of course. You don’t like my brand of Canadian? Kiss my ass.
“Max, you may call Canada whatever your demented mind wishes but the fact remains that is one of the most successful, freest, happiest, truly democratic countries in the world.
You must be either American, English, European or from some other failed or failing state of misery and Islamic terror that is jealous of our success.”
Well said, Mickey. And they say we’re not patriotic. Well, we’re VERY patriotic, just not so loud about it as others.
“You really should try to master English before imposing your weird interpretation of Canadian, eh.”
Sorry, Mickey. Felt like I was on a “break-away” for a moment. I always imagine myself to be Bobby Orr, eh.
@ Max:
Here we have the words of the highly intelligent??? defender of – – What? He does not know.
“What you describe as “Canada” is a propaganda illusion, it doesn’t exist.
In fact “Canada” as a country with “Canadians” doesn’t exist”
Notice the amazing similarity to the Muslim descriptions of Israel on all their maps. It doesn’t exist.
Could there be a connection?
And now, in his role as psychiatrist giving me a free analysis which is worth what I paid for it.
“You have what I consider to be an induced identity disorder.”
Thank you for your gratuitous words of wisdom, Maxy baby.
Mickey Oberman
@ M Devolin:
You really should try to master English before imposing your weird interpretation of Canadian, eh.
mickeyobe Said:
You have what I consider to be an induced identity disorder. You are a successful product of the oligarchy’s propaganda and brainwashing system.
Every tyranny cultivates a class of doberman attack dogs like yourself which are bred to police the system, attack those more exploited than yourself and the protestors and help the rulers maintain power.
What you describe as “Canada” is a propaganda illusion, it doesn’t exist.
In fact “Canada” as a country with “Canadians” doesn’t exist – your rulers are international and everything in it including the human beings belongs to to the Oligarchy.
And in this regard you can substitute the word “Canada” for America” or many other words like “UK” – it is the same kind of thing…
No, you can’t blame Islamofascism , I’m just like
you and probably even more so in my legitimacy to criticize – I just have my eyes wide open.
Max, you may call Canada whatever your demented mind wishes but the fact remains that is one of the most successful, freest, happiest, truly democratic countries in the world.
You must be either American, English, European or from some other failed or failing state of misery and Islamic terror that is jealous of our success.
Mickey Oberman
CuriousAmerican Said:
Absolutely correct – Canada is Draconian.
To everyone that is cheering this law –FOOLS!
…desperate fools… looking for a savior.. this power grab works every time.
It doesn’t target Islamofascism – it targets enemies of the oligarchy and that is …you .
mickeyobe Said:
You are seriously misinformed. I would try getting the news and information from something other that the oligarch owned media.
Have hate-crimes laws in Europe stopped anti-semitism, or merely protected Muslims?
@ CuriousAmerican:
The hatred that is spewed out all over the US, in its colleges and schools and TV and newspapers and in parks and streets is the result of its not having any laws governing such vile filth and calls to murder and genocide.
All freedoms must be tempered by some necessary restraints and constraints.
Otherwise anarchy will prevail as it does in Dearborn and other US locations.
Mickey Oberman
CuriousAmerican Said:
Personally, I think the USA has more freedom. We do not have hate-crime laws against free speech.
Canada: Nine Months in Jail for Blasphemy Against Islam
It is not that bad in America, YET!
That being said: The laws will hurt Jews.
In Canadian jargon this legislation means, “Get the fuck out of my country, eh.”
@ mickeyobe:
Anything that makes you happy, tickles me plumb to death.Sweetness
@ honeybee:
Thank you for sparing me, Bee.
You are a honey. XXXXXX
mickeyobe Said:
You forgot Okies, sheep herders, old blue haired ladies, Yankees, movie stars, peroxide blonds, poodle dog owners, fat women with big backsides, dyspeptic old men and people who cheat at games. I could go on, Darlin, but I don’t wish to add to you paranoia.
Max Said:
<blockquoteI think they could have made better choices.
And what did you do?
There are Sheriffs in several counties in East Texas still hunting me, Sugar
You are 100% right. Muslims are the prime instigators of most of the evil in the democratic countries and the rest of the world including Muslim countries.
But do not forget the minor conveyors of hatred, insurrection, anti Semitism and anti freedom of speech – the nazis, fascists, blacks first, whites first, trade unions and all the other spreaders of the disease of hate.
Micky Oberman
This is stupid. Why not make it simple. Outlaw Muhammedanism in Canada. Anyone caught while Muhammedan is deported and loses citizenship if they have one.
I think the Curious American is a little jealous of Canada’s freedoms, the ones that are being ignored, misused and abused by the Obama administration.
One big freedom is the right to choose who may or may not become citizens of our country. We neither want nor need millions of illegal immigrants suddenly at the snap of our leader’s fingers becoming citizens a la USA.
And you need not worry about our maple syrup. Look to your Big Macs and their relatives and sides.
Mickey Oberman
Hate crime laws in Europe were meant to protect Jews.
They now protect Muslims.
Christine Tasin Fined in France for Insulting Islam
All you need is for the settlers to be declared terrorists – which is close to happening – and Ted may never see Toronto again.
BTW: Being on the 2000 Mavi Mamera boat to Gaza was reprehensible, but it should be automatic grounds to qualify one as a terrorist.
Not unless you want to set a precedent where supporting settlers in Judea and Samaria is considered terrorism.
State Dept. Targets ‘Extremist Jewish’ Settlers in Terrorism Report
You may think these laws will help the Jews.
No! Once set up, they will be used against Jews.
Ted may never have fresh maple syrup again – because supporting annexation may be defined as terrorism.
And the Israeli government may be party to it.
Israel debates branding settler price tag attacks ‘terrorism’
Lawfare bites both ways.
This is why I think Jews are foolish to sue Poland for lost property. The Arabs will use that precedent to sue Israel for 1948 and 1967.
Now Canada will not go the way of Islamic dominated EU countries and African, South American and any other states that are coming under the boots of Islam. That, unfortunately must now include the USA and UK.
We will not allow ourselves to be subjected to racist, Muslim or fascist or nazi inspired, demonstrations and riots and criminal activities.
We will retain and strengthen our free and democratic society for all our citizens who so wish. The others, the destroyers, will be removed. They will no longer benefit by abusing and misusing our civil liberties.
I would hope that all countries that are still able, will follow suit and restore their hard won freedoms.
Mickey Oberman
honeybee Said:
The girl who along with her hip-hop boyfriend stuffed her mother in a suitcase in Bali was 19. She was young and romantically foolish as well.
No I was never young, I envy those who were. I don’t resent them for having been young but I think they could have made better choices.
And what did you do?
You are asking me if
Max Said:
Because the young can be s romantically foolish, were you never young !!!!!!!
Read Oriana Fallaci to get a modern view of Italy.
Why didn’t those young women stay at home and help out with the victims of Islamofascism in Italy?
@ Max:
Move to Texas, we cleared the Comanches out so you will be safe.
The law has good intentions but it is too broad – they can deem anyone who protests against present or future governments as “terrorists ” like the thousands of G8 protestors.
Future governments are more likely to use it agaisnt Jews than Islamofascists because currently Islamofascists have more local power in business, demographics , politics etc in Canada despite the Harper stance, The Islamofascist populations were imported and/or allowed full access into Canada and they now are a real threat to democracy as you can see in any demonstration in every major Canadian City by Islamofascists against Israel or cartoons or whatever is their current agenda so any new such law should specifically target the Islamofascists.
the phoenix Said:
This should warm up your cold Canadian heart , I hope you can understand the Southern accent.
A Canadian type laws may scare terrorists within a country.
Its is good if Europe have similar laws for supporters of Hamas and other terrorists!!!
honeybee Said:
I thought it was strawberry fields?
@ the phoenix:
Maple Leaf Forever !!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
‘Bout time, ‘stie!
Ok. The name is “Mohamed”.
It should be self understood that he has no business being in canada !
Mecca, Karachi, ryad… Take your pick!
‘Nuff said.