Caroline Glick criticizes Left-Wing NGOs’ plan to create a Palestinian State, cites Hakol HaYehudi’s Report

The Mitvim think tank and left-wing Israeli generals use the war to create a Palestinian State. Mitvim’s plan relies on leveraging international advertising from the US.


Well-known columnist Caroline Glick used her weekly podcast to discuss Hakol HaYehudi’s recent report on attempts by the left-wing Mitvim think tank to establish a Palestinian State after the war. 

She noted, “Already on October 8th a group of left-wing IDF generals got together under the roof of the left-wing NGOs Mitvim and the Berl Katznelson Foundation, both supported by the New Israel Fund, to discuss the day after the war. Amazingly, their plan is to use the war to establish a Palestinian State.”

Noting the general opposition to such a plan, Glick states, “This task force was very concerned about polling that the Israeli public opposes a Palestinian State, including opposition from 81% of all Israelis and even 70% of Israeli leftists. But this was their thing, and they couldn’t abandon it. They suggest that to shove it down the throat of Israeli people they can use international pressure and the United States to coerce the Israeli government into accepting it.”

January 1, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Dayan gave up the Temple Mount!
    Rabin shook the hand of a CROOK!
    Barak run away from Lebanon!
    Sharon gave up Gaza!
    Get rid of the GENERALS!
    They know NOTHING about politics!!!

  2. We truly must be HaShem’s People, because there is simply no other explanation as to how we have continued to survive our own stupidity.

  3. Israeli generals… The majority expertly formatted to act inimical against Jewish Eretz Israel.
    We need a civilian government. No military officers in it..
    The military top ranks must undergo a complete reset.
    Security as well.

  4. Zionism is the belief in a Jewish state in our ancient home.

    Palestinianism is the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. It is not living side by side in peace with Israel.

    So it is stupid to create an entity whose aim is the destruction of the Jewish State and the murder of its people.

  5. Israel’s massive error: accepting a new religion’s people as ‘Palestinians’ – a name they hated for 2,000 years. The Muslims begged of Britain not to use this name for the land, which refers to Judea. Britain refused this request – Israel accepted it. Big Duh!