Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore, a mosque with longstanding ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
On Wednesday, the US media interrupted its saturation coverage of the presidential primaries to report on President Barack Obama’s visit to a mosque in Maryland. The visit was Obama’s first public one to a mosque in the US since entering the White House seven years ago. The mosque Obama chose to visit demonstrated once again that his views of radical Islam are deeply problematic.
Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore, a mosque with longstanding ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. During Operation Protective Edge, the leaders of the mosque accused Israel of genocide and demanded that the administration end US support for the Jewish state.
According to The Daily Caller, the mosque’s former imam Mohammad Adam el-Sheikh was active in the Islamic American Relief Agency, a charity deemed a terror group in 2004 after the US Treasury Department determined it had transferred funds to Osama bin Laden, Hamas, al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.
El-Sheikh left the Baltimore mosque to take over the Dar el-Hijra mosque in northern Virginia. He replaced Anwar al-Awlaki as imam after Awlaki moved to Yemen in 2003. In Yemen Awlaki rose to become a senior al-Qaida commander.
Awlaki radicalized many American jihadists both through direct contact and online. He radicalized US Army major Nidal Malik Hasan, and inspired him to carry out the 2009 massacre of 13 US soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood in Texas. Awlaki was killed by a US drone strike in 2011.
In 2010, a member of the Islamic Society of Baltimore was arrested for planning to attack an army recruiting office. According to the Mediaite news portail, the mosque reportedly refused to cooperate with the FBI in its investigation.
Obama’s visit to the radical mosque now is a clear signal of how he intends to spend his last year in office. It tells us that during this period, Obama will adopt ever more extreme positions regarding radical Islam.
Obama’s apologetics for radical Islamists is the flipside of his hostility for Israel. This too is escalating and will continue to rise through the end of his tenure in office.
The US Customs authority’s announcement last week that it will begin enforcing a 20-yearold decision to require goods imported from Judea and Samaria to be labeled “Made in the West Bank,” rather than “Made in Israel,” signals Obama’s intentions. So, too, it is abundantly clear that France’s plan to use the UN Security Council to dictate Israel’s borders was coordinated in advance with the Obama administration.
Part of the reason Obama is acting with such urgency and intensity is that he knows that regardless of who is elected to replace him, the next president will not be as viscerally hostile to Israel or as emotionally attached to Islam as he is.
On the Democratic side, neither candidate is a particularly energetic supporter of Israel or counter- jihad warrior. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s recently released email discussions of Israel with her closest advisers indicate that all of Clinton’s closest counselors are hostile to Israel.
For his part, Vermont’s socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders harbors the far Left’s now standard anti-Israel attitudes. Not only did Sanders – like Clinton – support Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. He boycotted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the Joint Houses of Congress where Netanyahu laid out Israel’s reasons for opposing the deal. Sanders gave television interviews condemning Netanyahu for making the speech, accusing him of electioneering on the back of the US Congress. Sanders criticized Israel during Operation Protective Edge and supports decreasing US military aid to Israel.
For all their anti-Israel sensibilities, though, neither Clinton nor Sanders gives the impression that they are driven by them as Obama is.
Unlike Obama, neither appear to be animated by their hostility toward Israel. Neither seem to be passionate in their support for Muslim Brotherhood- affiliated groups or in their desire to realign the US away from Israel, from its traditional Arab allies and toward Iran. This lack of passion makes it safe to assume that if elected president, while they will adopt anti-Israel policies, they will not seek out ways to weaken Israel or strengthen its sworn enemies.
On the Republican side, the situation is entirely different. All of the Republican presidential candidates are pro-Israel. To be sure, some are more pro-Israel than others. Sen. Ted Cruz, for instance, is more supportive than his competitors. But all of the Republicans candidates are significantly more supportive of Israel than the Democratic candidates. So it is simply an objective fact that Israel will be better off if a Republican is elected in November no matter who he is and no matter who the Democratic candidate is.
It hasn’t always been this way. And it doesn’t have to remain this way.
Back in 1992 when Bill Clinton was running against George H.W. Bush, if Israel was your issue, you voted for Clinton because he was rightly viewed as more pro-Israel than Bush.
Twenty-four years ago, supporting Israel carried no cost for Clinton. According to Gallup, in 1992, 52 percent of Democrats were pro-Israel.
On the other hand, Bush was probably harmed somewhat for the widespread perception that he was anti-Israel. In 1992, 62% of Republicans were pro-Israel.
Over the past 15 years, the situation has altered considerably.
Today, Republicans are near unanimous in their support for Israel. According to a Gallup poll from February 2015, 83% of Republicans support Israel.
Only 48% of Democrats do. From 2014 to 2015, Democratic support for Israel plunged 10 points.
The cleavage on Israel is particularly acute among partisan elites.
Last summer, pollster Frank Luntz conducted a survey of US elite partisan opinion on Israel. His data were devastating. According to Luntz’s data, 76% of Democratic elite believe that Israel has too much influence over US foreign policy. Only 20% of Republicans do.
Nearly half (47%) of highly educated, wealthy and politically active Democrats think that Israel is a racist country. Thirteen percent of their Republican counterparts agree.
And whereas only 48% of Democrats believe that Israel wants peace, 88% of Republicans believe that Israel wants peace with its neighbors.
These trends affect voting habits. According to Luntz, while only 18% of Democrats say they would be more likely to vote for a politician who supports Israel, 31% said they are less likely to vote for a pro-Israel candidate. In contrast, 76% of Republicans say they want their representatives to support Israel.
Forty-five percent of Democrats said they would be more likely to vote for a politician who is critical of Israel and 75% of Republicans said they would be less likely to vote for an anti-Israel candidate.
These data tell us two important things. Today Democratic candidates will gain nothing and may lose significant support if they support Israel.
In contrast, a Republican who opposes Israel will have a hard time getting elected, much less winning a primary.
Partisan sensibilities aren’t the only reason that Israel is will be better off if a Republican wins in November. There is also the issue of policy continuity.
Even though neither Clinton nor Sanders share Obama’s anti-Israel passion, their default position will be to maintain his policies. Traditionally, when an outgoing president is replaced by a successor from his own party, many of his foreign policy advisers stay on to serve his successor.
Moreover, if American voters elect a Democrat to succeed Obama, their decision will rightly be viewed as a vote of confidence in his policies.
Obama has radicalized the Democratic Party in his seven years in office. When Obama was inaugurated, the Blue Dog caucus of conservative Democratic members of the House of Representatives had 54 members. Today only 14 remain.
Obama’s Democratic Party is not Bill Clinton’s party.
A party that isn’t forced to pay a price for its policies isn’t likely to change them. If the Democrats are not defeated in the run for the White House in November, their party will not reassess its shift to radicalism and reconsider its increasingly hostile stance on Israel.
That then brings us to the state of the presidential race following the Iowa caucuses and ahead of next Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire. The Iowa caucuses showed a significant gap in enthusiasm among partisan voters. Participation rates in the Republican caucuses were unprecedented.
Cruz shattered the record for vote getting in the state that saw participation rates up 30% from 2012. On the Democratic side, participation rates were below the 2008 level.
On the Republican side, the three top candidates – Cruz, businessman Donald Trump and Sen. Marco Rubio – are all backed by committed, fervent supporters. On the Democratic side, Clinton’s supporters are reportedly diffident about her. And while Sanders enjoys enthusiastic support from voters under 45, he can’t seem to convince people who actually know what socialism is to support him.
If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, on the face of it, it is difficult to see his path to victory in the general election. Whereas Obama was elected by hiding his radical positions, Sanders is running openly as a socialist and attacks Obama from the Left. Whether America is a center-right or center-left country, the undisputed truth is that it is a centrist country.
As for Clinton, the likelihood grows by the day that by the general election, her inability to inspire her base will be the least of her problems.
The FBI’s ongoing probe of her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state is devastating her chances of getting elected.
The State Department’s revelation last week that 22 of Clinton’s emails were too classified to be released, even with parts blacked out, makes it impossible to dismiss the prospect that she will be indicted for serious felony offenses. Yet, as Jonah Goldberg argued Wednesday in National Review, with her narrow victory in Iowa, Clinton blocked the opening for a less damaged candidate – like Vice President Joe Biden or former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg – to step into the race.
In other words, the Republican nominee will have an energized base and will face either a legally challenged or openly socialist Democratic opponent.
According to terrorism expert Steven Emerson, before Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore, he asked the FBI for its opinion of the mosque. FBI investigators informed Obama of the mosque’s ties to terrorism. They urged him not to confer it with the legitimacy that comes with a presidential visit.
Obama ignored the FBI’s advice.
The next 11 months will be miserable for Israel.
But we should take heart. By all accounts, next year will be better. And judging by the way the presidential race is shaping up, next year may be a much, much better year.
Bear Klein Said:
I do not see how that is possible because policies must originate with the people who pressure their reps… but in Israels case the people are unaware that they are the rightful owners of YS in legal terms. It appears that for some unexplained reason these rights appear to be undisclosed to the public and their PM avoids referring to them. first the people must have the knowledge and then they can pressure their leaders to execute their wishes. The policy reflects the lack of will which is based on the lack of knowledge. If you dont beleive you are the righful owner then every con artist who says that will not be rebutted, which is what obtains right now. If you dont beleive you are the rightful owner then your policies will be as you see them now.
Bear Klein Said:
then why complain about americans voting for obama…Oren was for disengagement and for Obama too. Like I said, the problem starts in Israel. Did Oren not know that Obama spent 20 years with his wife and children in an anti semitic church? If not he should have and with that knowledge and a single issue of Israel and Jews he should NEVER have supported Obama.
One I admire Michael Oren he is a real Zionist! He served in the IDF, lives in Zion (Israel) and so do his offspring. He is a doer and not just a talker. Which does not mean I always agree with him.
My favorite immigrants to Israel which includes many Americans of various political views are the LONE Soldiers. They come to Israel without their families and go serve the country whether they agree with the politics of the Prime Minister or not. They do this in-spite of everything not being a Rose Garden.
There are about 6000 lone soldiers currently serving in the IDF. About 45% of these soldiers are new immigrants, coming from Jewish communities all over the world.
@ bernard ross:Ross you assume so much I never switched from Bennett. Bennett has the best ideas in the Knesset but his party is destined to be small and part of a coalition and not the head.
Barkat is my favorite Israeli politician for the future and an excellent mayor in Jerusalem.
The State of Israel does need a clear Israeli policy on the future and its direction and not be in a holding pattern. I thinking managing the conflict will not succeed in the long run. That said solutions to the conflict even the ones I am in favor of trying are not guaranteed as this conflict is 100 years old.
@ Bear Klein:
look at that book you quoted from Oren: he is educated, should know his history, is at the top of the pyramid of knowledge and yet he supported Obama, he supported disengagement and leftist positions….. why rant about american jews when the guy you quote is exactly the problem. A nice guy but another one who facilitates the canard that jewish settlement in ys is illegal and illegitimate. This is the big lie that makes the world believe that greedy jews stole the pals land…..until this canard is obliterated it will get worse. YOu cannot expect sympathy or cooperation from the world until you deal with this big lie. This is why the world has a double standard on their terror…. your gov tells the world that jews in ys are illegal so the pals are naturally considered to be freedom fighters who merely stray from the rules of freedom fighting when they murder Israeli children. Deal with the core of the matter, the big lie in Israel before complaining about the world. Look to Israel to see that every despicable lie about jews and Israel festers in Israel. It is in Israel where muslim abuse of Jews is institutionalized in a narrative called “status quo”. ONly insane suicidal Jews would allow for the sake of appearances the dangerous behavior of those arab MK’s. In my view they should be executed as treasonous war criminals similar to Tokyo Rose. The GOI institutionalizes muslim abuse of Jews… why should the world be different.
Why did you vote for BB instead of Benett?
@ Bear Klein:
almost everything you wrote is irrelevant and off topic to my comment and relate more to assimilation of Jews than support of Israel.Bear Klein Said:
they voted twice for Obama because Obama, Jstreet, many US Jewish orgs, Israeli leftist orgs, said he supported Israel..BB affirmed that position even though he disagreed on Iran. US Jews did nothing that Israeli Jews didn’t or wouldn’t do. there is no lack of US support for Israel that is not first originated in Israel. Why do you expect from americans and american jews what you cannot get from Israelis?
Bear Klein Said:
this has nothing to do with support of Israel by american Jews. the ultra orthodox true torah satmars and nk cavort with Jew killers and rant against Israel and zionism wearing the peyot and 18th century Polish fashions marking the Jew. When americans see that they see the issue as an argument between Jews and irrelevant to them.
Bear Klein Said:
many Israelis know nothing about Israel, their nation, many do not know this:
Is it not absurd that Israelis do not know this? That means that they do not only know the bottom line statement but their Israeli education has not shown them the history which results in that conclusion. This is further reinforced when their own “right wing gov” appears confused on whether Jewish settlement is legal …. they rightly assume just like Americans and euros that it is illegal or illegitimate. Surely if it was legal their gov would have shouted it many times over in public AND taken actions reinforcing that. What should they think when euros build illegally during 7 years of BB rule and he never said or did anything. Should they believe he was ignorant and that mossad or shin bet never told him? From outside Israel and my perspective, Israeli public opinion and courts say it is illegal and illegitimate. What is there to support in that scenario?
Bear Klein Said:
american Jews were always zionists until these later years when we see the confusion and lack of unity in Israel. BB should be a coounter and a clarifier of that confusion but instead he reinforces by ommission and commision the cloud of confusion. My observation is that Americans are much more pro zionist than Israelis. Before this century I never knew that so many Israelis and Jews were anti zionist, anti Israel and anti Jew. In the past it all appeared simple. If you eradicate the left wing lies and get BB to daily utter the words like a mantra you will see things change. Until then it is only natural that the confusion and disunity in Israel is reflected like a mirror by everyone else. I know more than most american Jews, I am not religious, I am 110% pro Israel and pro Jews, I beleive the arabs should be sent out of Israel except for exceptions to the rule. However, my last 10+ years of reading Israeli news and forums has made me realize that there is a leftist rot in Israel that has not been brought to account for criminal behavior, treason and a serious danger to Israeli and world Jewry. Every day they repeat a lie and a mantra that ends up inciting the murder of Jews. I find it incredible that the only ones willing to say those words are just a small margin to the right of Israeli public opinion to the right of much of Likud. It cannot be possible to swim against such a tide.
did you write to BB ever and ask him why he does not daily utter those words? If not, you should forget about the foreigners and get that which you can effect in order. It all begins with uttering daily the mantra I gave you:
the truth will set you, BB and Israel FREE!
If BB begins Israel and the world will ultimately follow, if not my prognosis is things will get worse. Write to BB, tell him that after a few days of saying this mantra to everyone it will get easier and not get stuck in his throat.
@ bernard ross:Yeah Bibi is why they twice voted for Obama.
It is also Bibi why they intermarry at rates to basically decimate American Jewry except for the Orthodox.
It is Bibi why Americans Jews in large numbers do not know anything about Israel.
Bibi is why most American Jews are not Zionists.
Bibi is why some ………..!
Bear Klein Said:
BB told them that the argument is over and everything is now ok. Americans look to BB but he cant say the words.
Bear Klein Said:
obama says he is pro israel, so does jstreet and many american jewish orgs, so do leftist Israeli orgs which appear to agree with everything obama says and does…why do herzog and livni seek tough love from obama? Obviously Herzogs “zionists” support obama. Dont complain about american jews as the confusion and lack of unity is caused by israel and even the so called Israeli right wing PM BB cannot say these words:
Until a right wing Israeli PM can utter those words it is absurd for Israelis to complain about anti zionism, anti Israelism, global anti semitism of foreigners…. as the problem begins and is fueled by Israel. Which israel do you want americans and american jews to support… the PM, the left, the right? BB is the elected leader of israel and foreign Jews look to him to clear up confusion and see what is right, but he cant say the words so Israel appears to be a land thief.
Amazing with all the bad acting towards Israel, the Jewish population in USA supports Obama the most excluding the Black-American population.
It’s too bad that the media doesn’t know how to capitalize on this. Report it this way ‘ Obama boldly visited a mosque that has had ties to…..blah blah blah and stated to them to ‘speak out against extremists’. Those weren’t his exact words but words to that affect. Just keep showing that part of the clip. That is what the media should be doing if they have any understanding of radical Islam which they most certainly should by now!