Cruz calls on Trump administration to defund UN agencies that allow Palestinian membership


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has called on the Trump administration to act on two laws that demand automatic defunding of U.N.-affiliated agencies that have allowed the Palestinians to join as a state.

The two laws, passed by Congress in the early 1990s, were meant to deter the U.N. and specialized agencies from accepting the Palestinians as a full member and not to allow groups that aren’t recognized as a state to join.

In a statement to Fox News, Cruz said that “Congress has spoken clearly and repeatedly,” on the issue and that “the Palestinian campaign is a diplomatic offensive against Israel that undermines the prospect for peace, and there must be consequences for U.N. entities that enable and promote that behavior.”

Cruz pointed to the most recent example of a U.N. agency allowing them to join: “The law requires the Trump administration to restrict funding from agencies like the Universal Postal Union, and the administration should clearly convey to the Postal Union that it intends to enforce the law.”


According to its website, the Universal Postal Union has been a specialized U.N. agency since 1948. A month before the Palestinians said they would be joining in November, the Trump administration signaled it would seek to leave the union over the unfair financial advantages it gives to China and other nations at the expense of the United States.

A recent report by the non-partisan Jerusalem-based Kohelet Policy Forum on the subject giving recognition to the Palestinians has led to the politicization of the agencies that it joined.

Report author Eugene Kontorovich — a law professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University in Virginia — said the statutes were passed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Congress, “to deter the Palestinians from joining such organizations and to send a clear message to these organizations not to admit them.” He also said it was to save U.S. taxpayer dollars that had funded the organizations “that decided to be political arms of the Palestinian campaign of the deligitimization of Israel.”


The report estimated that U.S. taxpayers have shelled out close to $28 million to fund the four agencies it lists.

But while the Trump administration has reportedly threatened to defund the agencies, they have not yet done so.

“I think it’s inexplicable in an administration which wants to critically evaluate the U.N., and is hostile to Palestinian unilateralism, is not implementing binding congressional statutes to defund these agencies,” Kontorovich said.

According to his report the Palestinian Authority has joined four U.N.-affiliated organizations in the past two years with the aim of seeking “a complete end-run around peace negotiations.”

The four include the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC.)

The report said the law has only been enforced one time and when the Palestinian’s joined UNESCO in 2011, “forcing a reluctant Obama administration to end U.S. funding, which constituted 22 percent of its budget.” The US quit the organization earlier this year. The report also criticized the Obama administration for not defunding the UNFCCC.

While a United States U.N. Mission spokesperson did not say why U.S. funding had not yet been halted to the agencies, they told Fox News: “The United States has long opposed enhancements of Palestinian status at the United Nations. We voted against Palestinian election as Chair of the G77. We opposed the General Assembly’s resolution designating the Palestinian delegation as a non-member Observer State.”

“We have consistently and formally objected to Palestinian accession to treaties to which we are a party,” the spokesperson said. “That is because, as we have said repeatedly, the United States does not recognize that there is a Palestinian state.”


U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley has said that the Palestinian Authority’s tactic hurts the prospects for peace between the sides while at the same time doing nothing to help the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian Authority is a non-member observer state of the United Nations. So far this year it has reportedly looked to join at least 11 international organizations and statutes.

 Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

December 2, 2018 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Sen. Cruz is apparently asking the Administration to act on a law that was passed long ago. Apparently, Presidents Bush41, Clinton, Bush43, Obama and Trump have all failed to carry out this law. Now that the elections are passed. this might be the time to do the right thing.

  2. Police recommend charging Netanyahu with bribery, fraud in Case 4000
    The decision to publish the results of the investigation comes on the final day of Police Chief Roni Alsheich.

    Police recommend charging Netanyahu with bribery, fraud in Case 4000
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting, December 2, 2018. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
    The Israel Police recommended indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara on bribery, fraud and breach-of-public trust charges on Sunday in the corruption investigation known as Case 4000.

    Sunday’s recommendation is another setback for Netanyahu’s legal woes, as in February police recommended Netanyahu be indicted for bribery and breach of trust in Cases 1000 and 2000.

    Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit gave his permission for the publication of the recommendations and will make the final decision on whether to indict Netanyahu.

    “The police recommendations have no legal standing,” Netanyahu said in response to Sunday’s announcement. “But they are not surprising.”

    “I am sure that, even in this case, the relevant authorities, after examining the matter, will reach the same conclusion: that there will be nothing because there was nothing,” Netanyahu added.

    Police Chief Roni Alsheich issued the recommendations on his last day in office – a parting shot in one of the most tense prime minister-police chief relationships in years.

    There are two premises to the police recommendations in Case 4000 against Netanyahu.

    The first premise is that Netanyahu fired Communications Ministry director-general Avi Berger and hired his loyalist and ex-campaign manager Shlomo Filber in order to ensure a government policy improperly favored Shaul Elovitch’s interests in Bezeq.

    Filber has since turned state’s witness against the prime minister – a critical breakthrough in gathering evidence of the regulatory half of the bribery case.

    The second premise is that in exchange for the positive treatment to Bezeq, Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, directed Elovitch’s online news site Walla! to give him favorable coverage.

    This was arranged through Elovitch, his wife, former top Netanyahu aide Nir Hefetz, who turned state’s witness against the prime minister, and some of Elovitch’s top Walla! employees.

    Clearly one reason that Netanyahu has hesitated to take firm action against Israel’s enemies is that he has lived in fear of criminal indictment since 1996, when he first became Prime Minister. The leftist, highly politicized police, together with the equally politicized Attorney General’s office, have been trying to convict him of something for23 years, although he has done nothing that would be regarded as a crime in any other democratic country. Clearly, he feels that these constant criminal probes undermine his authority to act boldly, and make him fearful of further antagonizing the pro-Arab, anti-Zionist, leftist “deep state,” which has far more power in Israel than any Prime Minister.