Defending Israel takes more than hugs


    [..]Time and time again, the pattern is the same. The world is being sent a clear and unmistakable signal: This administration will not stand with Israel against the circling vultures. The Obama administration’s policies are undermining our ally, emboldening Israel’s enemies and making a Middle East war more, not less, likely. By endangering Israeli security, Mr. Obama is also making America less safe. Our alliance with Israel is not a liability; it is an asset. Together with other free nations, we are defending our shared values.

    A group of respected world leaders and academic figures, including former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo, met in Paris recently. They boldly asserted, “There is no West without Israel.” They are right. Israel is the “tip of the spear” of Western democratic values in a dangerous neighborhood of thugs, jihadists and dictators. The weakening of the Israeli nation does not help America. It puts us more at risk. Undermining a 62-year alliance with Israel doesn’t win friends for the U.S. – it makes every nation question the value of aligning with America. After all, if America will break with its most cherished ally, what other nation could rely on our promises?[..]

July 9, 2010 | 2 Comments »

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  1. UN probe of Israel: radical or very radical

    Both the UNHRC and the UN Secretary General have announced their intention to conduct probes of the Marmara raid, and each hinted that the other’s probe is illegitimate.

    The UNHRC wants a Goldstone-type investigation, while the Security Council has settled for a more moderate form of Jew-bashing. Oddly, the PA opposes the UNHRC investigation because it will confer international legitimacy upon Hamas.

    Neither the UNHRC nor the UNSC are contemplating a probe into Turkey’s murder of Kurds.