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This offer is good only through Friday 09/16/11 and is open
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What people say about these books?

“. . . first-rate scholarship.” Robert J. Brym, University of Toronto

. . . solid and competent. . .” Naomi Sokoloff, University of Washington

” . . .essential reading. . .” Mohammed Abu-Nimer, author of Dialogue, Conflict Resolution, and Change: Arab-Jewish Encounters in Israel

“. . . the first to chronicle. . .” — International Journal of Middle East Studies

“. . . some of the most interesting rabbinic text-work I have seen in studies of Levinas.” Peter Ochs, editor of Reviewing the Covenant: Eugene B. Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology

“. . . central to debates regarding the meaning of Israel, Jews in America (and elsewhere), and the future of Zionism.” — Richard Cohen, editor of Ninety-Two Poems and Hymns of Yehuda Halevi

“. . . contributes immeasurably both to an understanding of contemporary Jewish messianism and to the sociology and psychology of religion in general.” CHOICE

“Anyone who wants to understand Israel, the structure of the state and of its society, the behavior of its sub-groups, or the ways in which Israelis give meaning to their behavior will want to read .” James D. Armstrong, State University of New York, Plattsburgh

“No polling data with anything like the sophistication present in this book has ever been available on this subject.” Ian S. Lustick, author of Unsettled States, Disputed Lands: Britain and Ireland, France and Algeria, Israel and the West Bank-Gaza

“. . .one of the most original and important books on Israel in years.” Myron J. Aronoff, author of Power and Ritual in the Israel Labor Party: A Study in Political Anthropology

“Fascinating, readable, and highly original.” — Eva Bellin, Harvard University

“. . . a major contribution to the debate on the formation, maintenance, and transformation of social bonds in mobile, postmodern societies.” — Greg Richards, editor of Cultural Attractions and European Tourism

“. . . unique combination of public opinion and communications research and sociology of religion.” Chaim I. Waxman, Rutgers University

“Anyone desirous of learning about Israeli politics will be highly rewarded by this collection.”
— Hanna Herzog, Tel Aviv University

“An extraordinary, probing, and arresting analysis of root causes of the enduring Arab-Israeli stalemate. . .” — Samuel W. Lewis, former U. S. Ambassador to Israel and former President, U. S. Institute of Peace

“. . . deals with questions and concepts which are absolutely central to the State of Israel. . .”
Gregory S. Mahler, University of Mississippi

“. . . unusually rich empirical data and the very clear, coherent, and concise theoretical framework. . .” — Abraham Ben-Zvi, author of Lyndon B. Johnson and the Politics of Arms Sales to Israel: In the Shadow of the Hawk

“. . . the most authoritative and fascinating account of the war we are likely to ever have.”
— Melvin A. Goodman, CIA Senior Analyst, 1966–1990 and Professor of International Security, National War College, 1986–2004

click here to see entire list of infobase titles

Includes instant download and FREE delivery on DVD (reg. $14.95)
This offer is good only through Friday 09/16/11 and is open
for individuals only; Special Offer Code: ISRAEL63

September 13, 2011 | Comments »

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