Five hour ceasefire at 10:00 am today

By Ted Belman

The latest news report:

Israel on Wednesday accepted a UN proposal for a five-hour unilateral humanitarian pause in the fighting to allow for relief aid into Gaza.

IDF sources said the lull in the fighting would go into effect on Thursday at 10 a.m

There is no need for a “humanitarian pause.” It is really to facilitate mediation efforts to get a cease fire.

Israel called up another 8,000 reservists to bolster the 40,000 already called up. Netanyahu repeated that Israel would  “use as much force as necessary to restore the quiet.”

Obama says that they are doing as much as possible to restore the 2012 ceasefire. What this means is that Hamas will have to be bribed with some kind of accomplishment to get their approval.

Israel must reject any concession to Hamas but will be hard pressed to do so seeing as she has been asking for help in restoring calm. As for Netanyahu’s desire for the international community to work toward the demilitarization of Gaza. its a pipe dream.

Why isn’t anyone in the international community demanding the the terrorist Hamas be destroyed? Why isn’t Netanyahu?

It seems to me that if Israel was really going to attack Iran when talks fail, that she would want to finish off the threat from Hamas first. The fact that she doesn’t suggests no intention to attack Iran.

July 17, 2014 | 125 Comments »

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25 Comments / 125 Comments

  1. dweller Said:

    The truth is, my ass is indeed on the line daily, whether I choose to discuss it online or not. And if you don’t want to believe that, who gives a rusty screw?

    as your hero RR would say “there you go again”
    you appear to keep insisting that “your ass is on the line daily” in spite of it obviously being ludicrous.
    still waiting 😛

  2. @ bernard ross:

    still waiting for any support for your ludicrous claim “that your ass is on the line daily”?
    🙂 🙂 🙂

    The entire forum is left hanging…
    Put us out of our misery and do tell us how your ass happens to be on the line.

  3. dweller Said:

    How is it ‘ridiculous,’ or ‘ludicrous’ or ‘spurious’? If you don’t know the facts, how are you even in a position to label it one way or any OTHER way, loudmouth?

    If it were not so you would have immediatley jumped on it with your evidence”. The fact that you did not, and continue avoiding it, indicates that your “ass is NOT on any line”
    You might recognize the 2nd reason:
    dweller Said:

    “I drew a conclusion based on what I’ve seen of how Y writes.” Either you see it or you don’t. But I stand by what I said.

    It was obvious from what you write that there is no line for your ASS to be on. It appears that my judgement was in fact correct and you made a “ridiculous” and “ludicrous claim”

    Is it possible that you were making a ludicrous claim and couldn’t come up with anything when challenged? Like your comment on yamits knowledge of greek mythology which not only you could not come up with anything but it now appears that you were clueless as to what he was referring as you never answered to it. A tactic where you insulted him and covered your own ignorance at the same time.

    Are you embarrassed to support your claim, usually you cant stop writing, cat got your tongue? I wonder what your silence indicates?

    still waiting for any support for your ludicrous claim “that your ass is on the line daily”?
    😛 😛 😛

  4. @ bernard ross:

    “… and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand.”

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.”

    “How is your Ass on the line daily?”

    “How is it any of your f***ing business?”

    “It became everyone’s business when you made that ludicrous claim…”

    Really??? — And Yamit’s [above-bolded] unsupported claim (which prompted it) DIDN’T thereby become “everyone’s business”?

    HOW COME YOU DIDN’T ASK HIM FOR SUBSTANTIATION OF HIS REMARK? (Your sincerity is bogus, Bernard, and you expose yourself every time you fall all over yourself to press this pettiness of yours. You’re a 24-karat phony. The evidence fairly oozes from your pores.)

    The truth is, my ass is indeed on the line daily, whether I choose to discuss it online or not. And if you don’t want to believe that, who gives a rusty screw?

    “ridiculous claims… ludicrous and spurious claim…”

    How is it ‘ridiculous,’ or ‘ludicrous’ or ‘spurious’? If you don’t know the facts, how are you even in a position to label it one way or any OTHER way, loudmouth?

  5. dweller Said:

    Don’t worry about it. Nice to have you aboard.

    I knew it Sweetie, you have a sweet side. Did you watch “Fargo” the TV series on FX? I think you would enjoy it. Its produced by the Coen Bros..

  6. @ Avigail:

    “Actually, there’s yet another (unspoken), three-word reason why congress is unlikely to impeach His Wonderfulness, the Baal Shem Hope’n’Change.

    ‘President Joe Biden’…”

    “I know DearJoe has dementia – or something close to it, but I have to wonder what could be worse than the malevolent Marxist at this point…”

    It IS hard to imagine, but then, nobody in congress is asking US. It’s their OWN dignity & credibility they’d be thinking of when contemplating impeachment.

    “It’s quite hard to follow a conversation on these threads”

    The problem is complicated by the fact that clicking on the name-reference at the beginning of a post will bring you only to a post on the same page. If the reference is to a comment on an earlier page, you have to click on “Older Comments” at the bottom/top of the page — and then back up & hunt. Terribly time-consuming.

    “I have to admit I haven’t read the kerfuffle that precedes…”

    Don’t worry about it. Nice to have you aboard.

  7. Avigail Said:

    haven’t read the kerfuffle that precedes…)

    The kerfuffle goes back some 6 yrs as far as I can determine. I like your name, Avigail was one of the smartest women in the Bible.

  8. dweller Said:

    @ Avigail:
    “President Joe Biden.”

    Well, lol, “Big Effing Deal”.

    I know DearJoe has dementia – or something close to it, but I have to wonder what could be worse than the malevolent Marxist at this point…

    O/T: You are right: my answer was to NormanF, not you.

    It’s quite hard to follow a conversation on these threads (I have to admit I haven’t read the kerfuffle that precedes…)

  9. dweller Said:

    Sure, Bernard. And I’ll bet you said exactly the same thing to every teacher who ever gave you a failing grade on a term paper. . . .

    Most here already know that when you are bankrupt you resort to this tactic, in the same way you resorted to the tactic with Yamit. You are a pathetic windbag, who finds it impossible to concede error; which is what makes you so predictably entertaining in your buffoonish and transparent denials.

  10. dweller Said:

    The issue was not Gk myth OR Yamit’s ignorance of it,

    On the contrary, the issue was exactly that you made a ludicrous and insulting claim about yamits lack of knowledge and in fact demonstrated your own lack of knowledge of the subject. You repeatedly make such ludicrous claims as if they are fact, like the reagan SDI claim where you still provide nothing in support. SDI was a laser system . You regularly post such a mountain of garbage with so many unsubstantiated claims that it is indeed the subject. And then true to the form of a hypocrite you regularly demand “hard evidence” from others in your sneering papal manner. I merely demonstrate that you are indeed a fake, a hot air balloon, a wanking pontificating old windbag who just comes here to show everyone how smart he is.

  11. dweller Said:

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

  12. dweller Said:

    Bernard Ross said:
    “How is your Ass on the line daily?”
    Dweller said:
    How is it any of your f***ing business?

    Another long tome that said nothing, another obfuscation and pile of garbage to cover the ludicrous false claim.
    It became everyone’s business when you made that ludicrous claim here to all the posters here. Perhaps you just come here to wank, to exhibit yourself by making ridiculous claims and hoping no one notices. At least 3 people whom you were corresponding with asked you to elaborate on your ludicrous and spurious claim that your “ass in on the line daily”. LOL, everyone laughed and rightly so , to see once more, another of your hot air balloons take flight. I guess you realized how absurd your claim was and now scurry off with your tail between your legs huffing and puffing.

    Like most of your ludicrous claims it was just another hot air balloon.

    still waiting faker, how is your “ass on the line daily”????

  13. @ Avigail:

    “A normal country impeaches a lawless President that tramples the Constitution everyday.”

    “Not if his party dominates the Senate (which, effectively, constitutes the ‘jury’). Impeachment takes only the FORM of a judicial proceeding. It’s always been a political event, NOT a judicial one. What’s more, even if the GOP takes the Senate in November (and even if it extends its control over the House at that time), there’s STILL little likelihood of impeachment being initiated. Repub leadership is just as corrupt as the Demos, too attached to the DC beltway & its perks.”

    “You are absolutely correct in your assessments and I don’t believe for a minute that the GOP would finally grow a pair and do it even if they retake the Senate and keep the House – and that for the reasons you have stated.”

    Actually, there’s yet another (unspoken), three-word reason why congress is unlikely to impeach His Wonderfulness, the Baal Shem Hope’n’Change.

    “President Joe Biden.”

  14. @ bernard ross:

    “… and where your fat ass isn’t on the line you will not take a firm activist stand.”

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.”

    “Please verify these 3 claims in the one sentence with ‘hard evidence’…”

    “we are all still waiting to hear…”

    Suppose you kiss my ass on YouTube, Bernard; then you’ll have all the evidence you ‘all’ need.”

    “still waiting to hear how your ‘ass is on the line daily’….”


    “you appear to have avoided that boast.”

    “How’s that a ‘boast’?

    It’s not a boast; just a fact. And I wouldn’t even have alluded to that fact in first place if it hadn’t been in direct reply to Y’s characteristically inane remark.””

    “We have only your boastful statement for that ‘fact’…”

    You still haven’t answered MY question, “How’s that a ‘boast’?

    “We are ALL still waiting”

    ‘ALL’? — the only ALL that are ‘waiting’ here is you, Slime Bucket.

    “How is your Ass on the line daily?”

    How is it any of your f***ing business?

  15. @ bernard ross:

    “[Reagan] also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome

    “…’hard evidence’ to support this ludicrous statement please.”

    “If you see the statement as ‘ludicrous,’ what’s the point in offering you evidence of ANY sort?”

    “therefore, no evidence whatsoever.”

    For you, no.

    Were you truly interested in exploring the matter, you’d have done so on your own much earlier in this thread, when I first made the assertion. Anybody who googled “Reagan + Iron Dome” could easily pull up MORE than enough to draw the inevitable conclusion. I gave you a couple of jumping-off points, and unlike me, you have plenty of time for searching online.

    If you had used the opportunity, you’d have found ample “evidence” to see the truth of the matter: to wit, that SDI (contemptuously labeled “Star Wars” by opponents) was indeed the inspiration for Dome. But instead of checking it out, you diddle around with these imbecilic exchanges.

    @ bernard ross:

    “I searched and sifted… but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim that yamit knows nothing about Greek Mythology…”

    “I drew a conclusion based on what I’ve seen of how Y writes. Gk mythology isn’t integral to his writing except in a very detached way. If you can’t see it, that’s your problem.”

    More importantly (and I note that you conspicuously avoid the point over & over again): the allusion to Gk myth was strictly parenthetical. The issue was not Gk myth OR Yamit’s ignorance of it, but rather, the need to shovel out the GOP stable

    — and your insistence on receiving ‘evidence’ for the minor matter is off-point and a distraction (apparently a deliberate one).

    “This pretty much sums up the quality of most statements which you make here. You made a statement of fact…”

    No, it’s a subjective judgment. I told you, “I drew a conclusion based on what I’ve seen of how Y writes.” Either you see it or you don’t. But I stand by what I said.

    “… and provided NOT ONE example to back up your claim.”

    Sure, Bernard. And I’ll bet you said exactly the same thing to every teacher who ever gave you a failing grade on a term paper. . . .

    Get a life, crank.

  16. @ honeybee:

    “how your ‘ass is on the line daily’….”

    “By sitting on both sides of the fence !”

    “What ‘fence’ would that be?”

    “Religion, politic, sex etc.”

    “Examples, please, of my straddling both sides of any of those fences?”

    “Give me a break, Sweetie”

    You get breaks out the wazoo, Twinkie.

    It was a fair question, and is entitled to an answer.

    I don’t believe I sit on “both sides” of any fence. (And are there only two?)

    — If you honestly think I do straddle “both sides” of any of those fences you cited (enough to make the claim), then you owe it to me to show me how you got the idea. Otherwise, you’re just blowing smoke for the sake of effect.

  17. dweller Said:

    “My ASS is far from ‘fat’ — and, while I don’t talk about it very much, as it happens, it’s on the line virtually every day.

    Bernard Ross said:
    “still waiting to hear how your ‘ass is on the line daily’….”…..“you appear to have avoided that boast.”
    Dweller said:
    How’s that a ‘boast’? It’s not a boast; just a fact.

    And yet none of us can get the support behind that “fact”

    We have only your boastful statement for that “fact”

    We are ALL still waiting:

    How is your Ass on the line daily?

  18. dweller Said:

    Bernard Ross Said:
    “I searched and sifted… but failed to find one shred, or morsel, of evidence submitted by Dweller to substantiate his claim that yamit knows nothing about Greek Mythology…”

    Dweller said:
    I drew a conclusion based on what I’ve seen of how Y writes. Gk mythology isn’t integral to his writing except in a very detached way. If you can’t see it, that’s your problem.

    This pretty much sums up the quality of most statements which you make here. You made a statement of fact and provided NOT ONE example to back up your claim. Same with SDI and Reagan

    You are a classic bull shiite artist!

  19. dweller Said:

    Bernard Ross said:

    “Most of us remember this about SDI: ‘The initial focus of the strategic defense initiative was a nuclear explosion-powered X-ray laser designed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory by a scientist named Peter L. Hagelstein[12] who worked with a team called ‘O Group’, doing much of the work in the late 1970s and early 1980s.’

    I see no lasers in iron dome.
    Dweller said:
    Quite so; there aren’t any. — As yet.

    …Had the Soviet Union survived……the SDI project would more likely have been pursued stateside, in which case Iron Dome in all likelihood would incorporate high-density lasers.

    in other words as i said originally:
    dweller Said:

    “[Reagan] also just happens to have been the true godfather of the Iron Dome —
    Bernard Ross said:
    “…’hard evidence’ to support this ludicrous statement please.”

    therefore, no evidence whatsoever, nothing, nada, rien, bubkiss!!!!

    a lot of hogwash returning to the same conclusion proving that you make statements consisting of hot air. I suggest enrolling in a scottish bagpipe club.

  20. @ the phoenix:

    “Does s-f have a metro / subway line that might be ‘serviced’ virtually every day?”

    “Buses & trolley cars; no subway. But as I’ve told you before, I don’t live in SF, and never have.”

    “Let’s say, that I think you know what I meant by ‘s-f’…”

    Let’s say, I don’t.

    I take every man at face value

    — right up until the time he shows me that I shouldn’t.

  21. @ honeybee:

    “Nobody is going to impeach the first black President and impeachment is a meaningless exorcise.”

    “Yes, I know, but the whole point was getting an answer about his passivity since he was criticizing ours…”

    “Yes Mam, throwing darts at dweller is one of our favorite sports around these parts. I shall allow to try to get a definitive stat meant out of his hide.”

    “Newsflash, Twinkie. It wasn’t YoursTruly that Avigail was referring to in her comment above.

    Her comment was ADDRESSED to me (in reply to mine to her), but if you follow the thread back to the remark that drew her in, it’s quite clear that her comment was not ABOUT me. It was ABOUT the ‘armchair quarterback’ who’d made the comment[s] she identified above. And THAT was somebody else. (See the first few posts on previous page.)

    So your ‘throwing darts’ quip was (at best) just another of your irrelevant distractions. If it IS truly a ‘definitive statement’ that you want, youll have to address your request to the actual individual in question.”

    “you have done her in !”

    “Her”? — the “armchair” type to whom Avigail was alluding was a HIM.