Gates sees Iran rift, says strike would unite country
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Sanctions against Iran are biting hard and triggering divisions among its leadership, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Tuesday, as he argued against a military strike over Tehran’s nuclear program.
[..] Although he acknowledged on Tuesday that Iranian leaders “are still intent on acquiring nuclear weapons,” he said military action was not a long-term answer.
“A military solution, as far as I’m concerned … it will bring together a divided nation. It will make them absolutely committed to obtaining nuclear weapons. And they will just go deeper and more covert,” Gates said.
“The only long-term solution in avoiding an Iranian nuclear weapons capability is for the Iranians to decide it’s not in their interest. Everything else is a short-term solution.”
So Obama is the idiot behind the idiot… Gates would be better off resigning and retaining some vestige of his credibility as a thinking man…
Gates is just doing the bidding of his master Barry-O
You really have to do some serious hunting for idiots to find someone like Gates.