Gaza escalation leaves at least 8 Israelis injured, 12 Palestinians dead

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 10, 2012, 8:15 AM

Death of terrorist planner Zuheir al-Qaisi

Palestinian terrorist organizations shot more than 65 Grad and Qassam missiles into a dozen southern Israeli towns and villages in a non-stop barrage Friday night and Saturday morning (March-9-10) in reprisal for the death of Zuheir al-Qaisi, head of the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza. At least 8 Israeli civilians were injured by missiles and another ten Palestinians killed in ongoing Israeli air strikes against missile teams and terrorist targets. Fifteen missiles were intercepted by Iron Dome batteries.

The ”Committees” chief was wanted for his role in setting up the August 2011 Eilat Highway ambush which killed eight Israelis. He was known to be planning a repeat operation in the same part of the Israeli-Egyptian border as the first, which has kept this main artery in the southern half of Israel closed to civilian traffic for six months.

Muhamad Ahmad al-Hanani, who was among the jailed Palestinians Israel swapped for Gilead Shalit, was killed by the missile that struck the Al-Qaisi car in Gaza City Friday night.

Among the eight civilians injured in Israel were three Thai workers, one of whom was seriously hurt, two people in a vehicle pileup in Ashdod caused by a falling Grad and three people who tripped as they ran for shelter.

The missiles hit Beersheba, Ashkelon, Kiryat Malachi, Netivot, Ofakim, Gan Yavneh, Kfar Azza and the Eshkol and Shear Hanegev villages and kibbutzim. Lacking sufficient Iron Dome anti-missile batteries, the Israeli Air Force went into action to pinpoint the missile launchers, killing at least eight Palestinian, all members of the Iran-backed Islamic Jihad.

This group took responsibility for avenging the deaths of the “Committees” chief, announcing that the “truce was dead” and they would keep up their missile offensive against Israel. I
smail Radwan, spokesman of the Hamas faction which governs the Gaza Strip, said, “The Palestinian people has the right to self-defense.” This verbal support was apparently backed by supplying some of the missiles fired Friday night from Hamas stores.

The IDF command expects the Palestinian missile offensive to continue and has advised more than a million civilians within range of the Gaza Strip to stay close to shelters. On orders from the army, the public Purim festival events ready to take place in a dozen southern towns Saturday were cancelled, especially the masked parades of children and adults in fancy costume.

The Eilat Highway 12, which was to have reopened for traffic after six months, remains closed to traffic in case of further terrorist attacks from neighboring Egyptian Sinai.

March 10, 2012 | 18 Comments »

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18 Comments / 18 Comments

  1. Thanks for the summary – I’d like to get any Canadian media to print or say that – but they never will tell the whole truth.
    Muslim oil, money , immigration – Canadistan is participating in the death of Israel.

  2. Max, it is part of the fictional “canon” or Narrative of Perpetual Palestinian Victimhood. Facts won’t make a dent in this “poetic truth”.

    “Poetic truths like that are marvelous because no facts and no reason can ever penetrate. Supporters of Israel are up against a poetic truth. We keep hitting it with all the facts. We keep hitting it with obvious logic and reason. And we are so obvious and conspicuously right that we assume it is going to have an impact and it never does.

    Why not? These narratives, these poetic truths, are the source of their power. Focusing on the case of the Palestinians, who would they be if they were not victims of white supremacy? They would just be poor people in the Middle East. They would be backwards. They would be behind Israel in every way. So this narrative is the source of their power. It is the source of their money. Money comes from around the world. It is the source of their self-esteem. Without it, would they be able to compete with Israeli society? They would have to confront in themselves a certain inferiority with regard to Israel – as most other Arab nations would have to confront an inferiority in themselves and be responsible for it.

    The idea that the problem is Israel, that the problem is the Jews, protects Palestinians from having to confront that inferiority or do anything about it or overcome it. The idea among Palestinians that they are victims means more to them than anything else. It is everything. It is the centerpiece of their very identity and it is the way they define themselves as human beings in the world. It is not an idle thing. Our facts and our reason are not going to penetrate easily that definition or make any progress.”

    Shelby Steele,


    The Romans in full view of the crowds in the Coliseum were going to feed a Jew to the lions. They dug a hole five feet deep, put in the Jew standing up and buried him to his neck, so that only his head was above ground.
    They then let out the lion that was starved for two days. The lion with his mouth drooling went straight for the Jew and circled his prey before eating it. When it got close, the Jew bit it. It yelped and ran away.
    >From the stands of the Coliseum, someone screamed, “Jew, fight fair!”

    Today our Modern Romans are still roaring with “JEW, FIGHT FAIR!!”

    You know what they want from us? They want us to react to the Arab murderers the same way that we did to the Nazis, Do NOTHING!

  4. Regretful corollary to the 135 rockets that pounded Israel over the weekend.
    Unintentional for sure. The original execution of one of the members of the group that kidnapped Shalit was the excuse for the rocket bombardment.
    While the death of the Aza 12 year old was not the result of a calculated act, the bestial islamic entities intentionally aimed an anti tank rocket at and hit an Israeli School bus about six months ago murdering a student riding the bus.
    Besides dozens of Israeli children those demonic things have been murdering since the early days of the State, including at a Ma’alot school, a Nahariah family, dance club, hall and in every bus and restaurant bombing since.
    We are proud of our soldiers which have never entered villages and went house to house murdering many including nine children…Ah… that was today in Afghanistan.
    Anyone implying… or directly saying that our troops are Nazi like is a degenerate unworthy of any response.

  5. The Canadian CBC just reported that Israel killed a 12 year old child in Gaza in retaliation for rocket attacks on Israel that caused no injuries or deaths!

    Nothing about the missile interceptions of course and it just seems to be some harmless fireworks the pals sent up in the air. In fact they left out the complete story , they just gave a slanted ‘sound bite’.

    I don’t know if I gave the audio report justice ..the way it was reported the intonations etc .. certainly to anyone listening, the Israelis are murderous Nazis!

    Question! who is orchestrating and in charge of the propaganda attack on Israel using CBC radio?

  6. The “liberal left media”. They represent anything but the left. Saboteurs of their countries were each branch of that flotsam is located best represents that disgrace.
    We, the people should be very thankful. In spite a completely unreliable military here and by what one observes, also in the US, our designers keep on producing miracles of engineering such as IRON DOME that has reduced a barrage of 140 rockets in two days, to little more than a dangerous nuisance. That is not to be taken for granted since statistically even a good defense cannot be 100% effective.
    Imagine if the rejects passing as Mossad and military would actually do their jobs rather than sabotaging the elected officials as Dagan does, or prioritizing attacking Jews as the military does. (Central Region retiring commander Mizrahi, today). If those elements would have done as they are mandated by the PEOPLE to do, Aza would have never reached the armed level they have today.
    The “disengagement” monstrosity is exposed every day for what it was as well as clearly identifying those that voted for that for what they were. And likely to be again…

  7. Being good neighbors we should help them to achieve their wishes. If it were up to me I would exterminate the lot of them with a clear conscience.

    I agree 100%

  8. Yamit – they’re just lookin’ to die…

    Being good neighbors we should help them to achieve their wishes. If it were up to me I would exterminate the lot of them with a clear conscience. Every dead Arab is a Jew potentially saved.

  9. The Israeli government is waiting for a rocket to hit a kindergarten or school killing and injuring many children. That is the Israeli politicians belief that they need for them to take real offensive remedial military action. They feel they need many dead Jewish kids killed and maimed to act like a responsible sovereign. What will the Goyim say is still sovereign in our Jewish country.

  10. The Israeli government is waiting for a rocket to hit a kindergarten or school killing and injuring many children. That is the juzhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkknIsraeli politicians believe they need to take real offensive remedial military action. They feel they need many dead Jewish kids killed and maimed to act like a responsible sovereign. What will the Goyim say is still sovereign in our Jewish country.

  11. Gaza escalation leaves at least 8 Israelis injured, 12 Palestinians dead

    Gaza death toll rises to 15 as rockets rain on Israel

  12. Muhamad Ahmad al-Hanani, who was among the jailed Palestinians Israel swapped for Gilead Shalit, was killed by the missile that struck the Al-Qaisi car in Gaza City Friday night.

    Perhaps this lopsided deal was beneficial for Israel after all. Instead of Israeli taxpayers supporting this terrorist, now he’s dead.

  13. This whole farce has been going on for too long. Of course, no other western democracy, let alone communist/theocratic/authoritarian /totalitarian government would have permitted their country being continuously attacked by an encircled, militarily in orders of magnitude weaker force, since all of the above regimes would have put a stop to the source of rocket fire long, long ago. But of course, Israel always has to be different. It builds safe rooms in every apartment built since the 1990s, it designs Iron Domes to intercept rockets in mid air, it does everything except do what everybody else would have done – retaliate with sufficient strength to discourage any further attacks. But to do that Israelis would need to sit down and read up on jihad and hudnas and tahdiyas and then present the findings to those in the world who would in their usual hypocrisy dare to object. They would have to tell the Europeans and the US, the Ashtons and Clintons , the quartets and shquartets to shut up and take a look at what is going on in Syria. But will it ever happen? – probably not. The only way it will happen is when Israel takes care of the Iranian nuclear sites, only then will it dawn on Hamas that if Israel can do it 1500 km away, it may do it right next door in Gaza

  14. I agree with Max, every word.

    I support El-Deguello concept of warfare!

    “Degüello” is the first-person singular present tense of “degollar”, a verb that means “to cut the throat.” More figuratively, it means “give no quarter.” It “signifies the act of beheading or throat-cutting and in Spanish history became associated with the battle music, which, in different versions, meant complete destruction of the enemy without mercy.”

  15. And the TV here in Canada every day reports on the plight of the “poor Palestinians”. They didn’t report his though – guaranteed they didn’t it isn’t newsworthy is a Paly made a complaint somewhere , why that would be CBC-Newsworthy.
    The IDF needs to go into Gaza and exterminate every last Hamas and destroy every last weapon and anyone who gets in the way is fair game.
    It should have been done and finished years ago. Israel should never have left.

    Anyone ask that lying hypocrite Obama what he is doing about this? I thought he had “Israel’s Back”. So why is Israel’s front being bombed?