Hamas Pays Muslim Rioters $1,150 a Month to Throw Rocks at Jews

By Daniel Greenfield, FPM

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The interesting thing about getting a look inside a terrorist group is seeing how all the awful things you see on television get reduced to a dollars and cents figure.

Toameh revealed that Hamas works with the Islamic Movement (an Israeli organization that promotes Islam among Israel’s Arab citizens) to keep Jews from entering the Temple Mount compound, by retaining a group of young men to harass and throw stones at Jewish visitors. These men, who ostensibly are studying Islamic theology at the site, are paid a monthly salary of NIS 4,000 to NIS 5000 ($1,150-$1,440) for their activities, the Shin Bet said.

$1,440 isn’t bad for part time work considering that average income for Israeli Arabs is $2,185, though Christian Arabs tend to skew the average higher. And Islamic theology students don’t have a lot of career options.

But throwing rocks at Jews is Islamic theology. It doesn’t get more Islamic than that. If they’re Jewish female visitors, it’s like the Koran in physical form.

That “grass roots” “Palestinian” resistance has always been as fake and astroturfed as a campaign commercial.

The story describes the Islamic Movement a bit simply. It’s actually the Muslim Brotherhood inside 1948 Israel. Or one of two of them.

Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood in 1967 Israel and the news that it’s collaborating with another Muslim Brotherhood front isn’t surprising. The pretense that one Muslim Brotherhood arm is separate from another always falls apart on a close look.

Maybe this will prompt Israel to outlaw the Islamic Movement which is clearly acting as an arm of Hamas in 1948 Israel. There is at least one member of it in the Israeli Knesset which is outrageous because it means you have a Muslim Brotherhood figure in Israel’s parliament at a time when even Egypt is giving them the boot.

Toameh also said that Hamas maintains a secret connection with firebrand cleric Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement’s northern branch. Salah, an Israeli citizen, has been arrested several times for his activities, and was jailed between 2003 and 2005 for providing funding to Hamas.

Again, is this a surprise to anyone. The Islamic Movement is just Hamas by another name. They’re both Brotherhood fronts.

Toameh sits on the main economic council of Hamas, and, according to the Shin Bet, detailed various arrangements the group makes to transfer funds to both its Gaza base and to supporters inside Israel or the West Bank. Several of these involve Islamic charities operating abroad. According to Toameh, it was at his suggestion that Hamas began surreptitiously transferring funds via real estate deals — for example, a Saudi Arabian-backed mosque, built several years ago in the West Bank city of Tulkarem, resulted in some 750,000 riyals (about $200,000) being transferred to Hamas operatives.

Tulkarem is in the West Bank so simply blocking off Gaza doesn’t solve anything. But now that we know this, how much money from Qatar’s Rawabi settlement ended up in Hamas’ hands?

June 1, 2014 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Before or after taxes.

    No wonder the Arabs have better computers than me or Ted.

    I do not own iPhones.