Hashkem Yisrael (a Jewish alternative for Israel)

I know these people. They are tireless workers and are on the right track. Help in any way you can. Their plan for Yesha is set out in Oslo-Geneva Alternative

A new network of insightful professionals have devised a course of action that citizens can take to resuscitate the Jewish people and Israel. They propose alternatives to the sterile, deadlocked Oslo/roadmap approach and advocate approaches that take charge. Where the current fearful Israeli leaders peddle helplessness, Hashkem promote hopefulness and self-respect. If there is ANY capacity where you can participate or help in ANY way, please contact Hashkem Yisrael immediately.

Situated at the crossroads of three continents, Israel has always found itself caught in the middle of global conflicts. Currently, Israel is pulled into the maelstrom of a subtle, almost invisible global conflict. When President Bush talks repeatedly about a New World Order, he refers to plans of a cabal, an organization called CFR Trilateral Commission whose dictates are routinely obeyed by frightened Israeli leaders. Fearful Israeli leaders would have us believe that we have absolutely no self-determination, that we cannot vanquish the enemy, and as such have to ingratiate ourselves by begging for Peace at any price. These fearful leaders believe that the oil interests have such a monopoly on world opinion, that there is no alternative but to kowtow to their whims. These “leaders” justify their self-defeating actions as defusing a demographic time bomb.

A new network of insightful professionals have devised a course of action that citizens can take to resuscitate the Jewish people and Israel. They propose alternatives to the sterile, deadlocked Oslo/roadmap approach and advocate approaches that take charge. Where the current fearful Israeli leaders peddle helplessness, Hashkem promote hopefulness and self-respect. Specifically, Hashkem advocate redefining Palestinians as Jordanians, resolving land disputes by valid title, creating buffer zones, nurturing Jewish farms and homesteads, fostering stronger local government, defining non-citizen residency rights, providing virtual citizenship for permanent residents and full citizenship to those eligible to serve in the IDF, providing refugee compensation including Jewish refugees, protecting emigration rights, withstanding international pressures, reforming courts and the supreme court, electing members of Knesset by winner-take-all district elections, requiring personal responsibility of elected officials and fighting to win.


We need fearless leaders who will exercise the power we always had, but refused to use. We need intelligent fearless leaders who realize that the Jews have the brain power and Israel has the natural resources to end the stranglehold of petroleum producing nations. Israel must develop alternative energy to an extent that the Arabs’ power is deflated. For example, Israel has developed new technology to exploit their own extensive own oil shale deposits. This technology if used in the Colorado basin and in Venezuela can produce as much oil as all OPEC nations produce. In point of fact, petroleum could be made obsolete within twenty to thirty years and end the emission of greenhouse gases. The technology exists, right now, to make crude oil an agricultural product grown in salt water on desert land that no one else can use. The technology is Israeli. The technology exists, right now, to generate electricity in quantities that are, in practical terms, limitless by harnessing the static charge of the earth. Israel is the ideal place to implement it. We need rational leaders that deal with reality, not haunting illusions.

There is no demographic time bomb. Arab fertility rates dropped significantly because many young men cannot afford to buy a wife. Moreover, over a million Arabs appear to have emigrated over the last six years and the majority want to if they could. They need only the opportunity to sell their assets. We need resolute leaders with a strong sense of Jewish self-determination and national destiny.

Course of Action
All is not lost; we simply need to get back on track. Hashkem seeks to immediately raise emergency funds of $35,000 for legal aid and distribute it to HASHKEM EMERGENCY LAW PROJECT. We then plan to raise an additional $100,000 to establish a functional organization, $800,000 to launch their program, and will seek another 4.5 million for full scale implementation.

The emergency funds will be used to immediately establish an ongoing legal aid society and provide immediate legal services.

Subsequent additional funds will be designated for local labor unions, human rights and civil liberties organization, political action – interaction groups; creation of media not controlled by government; Aliyah and resettlement of Jews; assisted emigration services of so called Palestinians; economic development fostering trade and investment in Israel while breaking the Arab economic stranglehold; community self-defense; Torah outreach; constitutional reform; land redemption by homesteading or purchase; and design plans for dead sea restoration, alternative energy, health and education innovations. We need your financial support to put these programs into action.

In short, as a people we have lost our way. We were supposed to be a light unto the nations. We were supposed to be the model of a just society. Instead, we have degenerated into just another society with petty rifts, dominated by a clandestine ruling cadre, and led by cowardly leaders with no moral fiber. Post-Zionism has produced a vacuum resulting in an alienated culture without a positive self-image and without a rasion d’etre. The members of Hashkem strive to restore the vitality, self-respect and direction so sorely lacking in Israel for the past decades.

Like the legend of the Phoenix, Israel arose from the ashes of the holocaust, not to be just a nation but to be a “just nation” with purpose.

The word Hashkem depicts the activity of people who arise early before the sun and set out with heavy burdens on long journeys. It pictures the tenacity and the long suffering, steadfast endurance of the farmer. It suggests the devotion, dedication, and dogged determination of the Olympic athlete.

This one word conveys the very essence of the outcome we want and it does not translate into English. If you want to know what is special about a culture, look to the words that cannot be translated into another language. “Hashkem” is one of them. “Persevere” is the closest in English but that’s not even close. The noun form of the ame verb, “hashkamah,” is the name of the last watch of the night, the one that continues through dawn and sunrise. It is commonly the name of the early morning minyan. When Avraham was commanded to offer up his son, Yitzhak, the Text says (Gen. 22.3) “Vayashkem Avraham baboqer” — Avraham “hashkam” (same verb, ordinary past tense) in the morning (and saddled his donkey, etc). He arose, with zeal and enthusiasm and vigor and determination to do the thing that God had commanded. “Hashkem” is in the form of a command. In the Talmud there is a dictum, “If someone comes to kill you, “hashkem” and kill him (first).” Be zealous and act decisively with vigor and determination to preempt him.” It is the diametric opposite of depression. It is the secret weapon of the Jews.

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May 21, 2007 | 1 Comment »