Hedegaard under threat of death

Hedegaard: “A man who is living under death threats does not fear Islam’s servile helper.”

Lars Hedegaard, executive editor and co-founder of Dispatch International 

Damish and International Free Press Societies.

By Jerry Gordon, ICONOCLAST

Lars Hedegaard, executive editor of Dispatch International in Copenhagen, published an editorial today expressing outrage about the lack of police responses to death threats he and others have received for exercising their precious rights of free speech criticizing a religion.  The editorial was prompted by death threats from Danish and foreign Muslims against Hedegaard and five colleagues. These threats arose from the press conference  arranged by The Danish Free Press Society (DFPS) with ex-radical Danish Imam, Ahmed Akkari, last week in Copenhagen.  Akkari revealed that virtually all Danish Mosques are led by extremists. Akkari went through a personal transformation through self-introspection prompted by reading a veritable bibliography of Western Enlightenment during long arctic winter nights in Greenland.

Akkari, the ex-Imam, knows a thing or two about radical extremists running Mosques.  He was one. Akkari and another Danish Imam fanned the flames of the Danish Mohammed Cartoons across the entire Muslim Ummah in 2006. Their efforts resulted in riots and protests, scores of deaths, destruction of properties and businesses, and closing of Danish and other Western embassies around the globe. So, having seen the light, he was a great catch for Hedegaard and his doughty band at the DFPS to present Akkari in his news guise as a former Muslim who elected to leave Islam by choice.

We have interviewed other stalwarts in the counter –jihad movement who have been threatened with death and were victims of murder attempts.  Among those in my collection, The West Speaks , are the Hon. Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party (PVV) in The Netherlands, Swedish Artist, Lars Vilks and Danish political Cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard. Westergaard was attacked in his home in Denmark by a raging Somali wielding an axe. The assailant relentlessly hacked away at a steel door between him and Westergaard until apprehended by the Danish Intelligence and Security Police (PET).  All because Westergaard had exercised his free speech penning the most publicized of the Danish Mohammed Cartoons, the one depicting the Prophet wearing a bomb shaped turban with a lit fuse. Akkari has since met with Westergaard and apparently apologized for his previous radical activities that cause death threats resulting n 24/7 Danish PET protection for Westergaard.

What Hedegaard and other counter-jihadists in the EU, like Elisabeth Sabaditsch –Wolff in Vienna, are doing is exercising their free speech.  They are respectfully informed their fellow countrymen and its political establishment, that human rights, liberty and basic freedoms are being suborned by threats from the Muslim émigré community and abroad. These Muslim communities in Dar al Hijrah-the place of immigration- are the contemporary equivalent of the barbarians inside the gates that lead to the downfall of the Roman Empire.  A fellow Dane who knows that first hand is Nicolai Sennels.  He is a psychologist who wrote a book published by Hedegaard, Among Criminal Muslims. The book was based on his professional work at a Copenhagen municipal lockup. Sennels wrote in a May 2010, New English Review article, “Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences” about the dangers that he, Hedegaard and all Westerners face from intolerant Muslims who reject them:

Since the Muslim world is already here – in thousands of Muslim ghettoes in Europe, Australia and North America – the possibility that violent conflict will happen in Western cities all over the world is very great.
We need to understand the Muslim culture much better if we want to be able to stop such a catastrophe. We need to understand that it is not possible to integrate masses of Muslims into our Western societies. We need to understand that our non-confrontational Western ways of handling conflicts make us look weak and vulnerable to Muslim leaders. We need to understand that Muslim culture is much stronger and more determined than our guilt-ridden, self-excusing Western culture. We need to understand that Muslims will only feel at home in a Muslim culture and this is why their religion demands for Islamization of the West will never end.


Statute of Legendary Holder Danske at Kronberg

castle in Copenhagen

I often remind Hedegaard that he is channeling a mythic Danish figure, Holger Dansk.  The legendary Holger Dansk was the Danish warrior for Emperor Charlemagne who never lost a battle and whose statue rests in the catacombs of the Kronberg palace in Copenhagen.  Holger Danske’s statue depicts him partially asleep a sword in his lap waiting for the signal to spring into battle to protect fellow Danes. Holger Danske was the symbol of the Danish resistance during the Nazi occupation in World War Two. Hedegaard knows how his fellow Danes are sowing the seeds of self destruction by diminishing their freedoms and liberties while heedlessly protecting the forces of their destruction, radical Islamists in their midst.  Politically correct leftist multiculturalists in power in Denmark and elsewhere in the EU are abetting their agenda; infiltration and Islamization of the West.  We in America must be ever vigilant to prevent that from occurring here.  As Hedegaard said about his own legal battles in Denmark:

This is a fight for liberty against tyranny. It will be long and hard but losing is no option.


Editorial:Dracula in charge

Author: Lars Hedegaard 27 August, 2013

If you have been the victim of an assassination attempt as I have followed by Danish-speaking Muslims who want to kill you all over, you can react in several ways.

You can cry, tremble, break down or apologize for what you have done to an old pedophile highway robber and serial killer.

My reaction is rage. 

I’m afraid that I started shouting, when a kindly man from the Danish intelligence and security service, PET, called me yesterday. He wanted to assure me that the police are in full control of the Islamic groups that want me dead. ”We are keeping an eye on them,” he said.

So the PET, which to my knowledge has a staff of 800, is keeping an eye on every mosque and Islamic organization and network in Denmark, which ex-imam Ahmed Akkari has just said are all run by extremists.

No they don’t! The contact between them means that the sly rulers of the mosques, paid by well-heeled bandits in the Middle East, take the police in and use them and the politicians they advise to further their mendacious message that Islam is fundamentally peaceful and lovable. 

The PET has just announced a new ”anti-radicalization” strategy whose aim is to ask the mosques to exert their influence in order that young Muslims refrain from extremism and holy war.

Their next move will probably be to put Dracula in charge of a blood bank.

But of course the police must obey the government. The very government that has looked on while Danes have been subjected to Muslim violence, murder, rape and other crimes which their religion permits – or even orders them to commit.

The perpetrators’ conscience is clean. Or rather: They have no conscience. All they need to do is read in the Koran and if they cannot read, listen to their imam, who will tell them what to do with apostates and infidels. 

My rage is not directed at the followers of the prophet. They only do what Muhammed has told them to do if they want to go to heaven and avail themselves of 72 lusty virgins, drink buckets of wine and – if that is their sexual preference – mount willing boys.

As Winston Churchill remarked in a book from 1899, there has never been a more retrograde and stupid religion.

I refuse to believe that various Danish governments are more ill informed than Winston Churchill and countless other authors who have described Islam in thousands of books.

But our government doesn’t care. It has long ago entered the service of foreign rulers. Originally it was the state’s primary duty to protect its citizens from harm caused by foreigners but no more.


For the past 30-40 years it has been the other way around. Governments – whether they called themselves of the right or the left – have acted as claqueurs of a bloodthirsty and imperialist ideology and have zealously persecuted every Dane who has dared to raise his voice.

The policy or our current government is to pave the way for maximal Muslim immigration.

More and more commentators have noticed the likeness between Islam and Nazism. But though the Western democracies, England and France, have been criticized for not stopping Hitler when they could have done so, they have never been accused of directly aiding him in his quest for power.

Not so with our current government.

It insists on mass immigration of Muslims and it persecutes anyone who dares criticize Islam.

I know because a spent one and a half years defending myself in court for having criticized the Islamic view of women.

I am fully aware that Denmark’s Islamophilic public prosecutor will read this article carefully to see if they can haul me into court again.

Let them come. A man who is living under death threats does not fear Islam’s servile helper

August 28, 2013 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The idea that guilt is pushing the left to open the doors of the EU to the Muslims, is a misunderstanding of the real issue. It is about control of power. The social democracies believe that the Muslims will always side with the left (and control power) until the Muslims feel strong enough to dump the left. In the meantime the left considers the right as its real enemy. The same strategy is at work in the US and the right is stupid enough to let it go. This is exactly what happened in Egypt except that Al-Sisi realized quickly what was going on despite the idiots in the West who told him to leave Morsi alone. The West, in its profound stupidity, loves the MBs. The Muslims use deep Western anti-Semitism to penetrate the Western world with the hope to destroy it. And it is working!!!

  2. I guess the violence-phobic Danish government wouldn’t consider providing this gentleman with at least one handgun (and the requisite training) with which he can protect himself. Even here in “liberal” Canada, there are some individuals walking around discretely armed, who have made the request to be so armed because they could prove to the court that their lives are in immediate danger.