After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!

By Jim Hoft, GP

Back in August 2020 we wrote this on treating the coronavirus–

The liberal mainstream media can’t hide this truth from the American public forever.

The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.

This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!

America had lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives at that time.

Today that number is at 440,000.

We now know that that number could have been lowered significantly if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!

A new study posted in the American Journal of Medicine in January found that early treatment of coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine lowered the mortality rate for the disease.

The study found that immediate use of HCQ, while the patient was still at home, showed significant benefits.

This is just the latest study that shows the effectiveness of HCQ in treating the coronavirus.

For the past several months the website c19study.com has been tracking the HCQ-coronavirus studies.

According to c19study.com there have been 237 studies, 171 of which were peer reviewed that show 67% of patients improved in early treatment trials.

Also today the Facebook Oversight Board announced it was overturning a previous case on the effectiveness of HCQ.

Facebook’s previously removed a post on the use of hydroxychloroquine in France which it claimed, “contributes to the risk of imminent… physical harm.”

Today Facebook announced this was a mistake.

How many hundreds of thousands of victims were killed due to Dr. Fauci, the CDC and the tech giants’ false claims on hydroxychloroquine?

The jihad against HCQ was to get back at Trump. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead today!

When will these people face justice?

January 31, 2021 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. @ keelie:
    Hi Keelie

    Basically, when you cut straight thru everything, there is just simply no way to deny the fact that these evil actions were perpetrated to achieve two goals. One was to undermine Donald Trump and help remove him from office. This one was obvious and easily recognized and understood. The second of these two goals was to enable the emergency use authorization guidelines that enabled the massive funding to Big Pharma to pay pharmaceutical companies to develop multiple vaccines in under a year’s time using techniques and guidelines that were usually unavailable and to receive the federal funding in the advance of the production of the drugs. Their investment was guaranteed and there was no concern of financial loss should the vaccines ultimately fail(outside of the loss of future sales of their potential vaccines worldwide) as is routinely the case when developing vaccines. The thing about the emergency use authorization is that it required that there be no recognized current treatment for the COVID. Should hydroxychoroquine(HCQ) be recognized as a potential treatment, none of the Big Pharma companies could have qualified for the advanced production guidelines ultimately authorized and they would have to initially fund them on their own. Furthermore, the President would have received credit for having not just recognized the potential treatment using HCQ, but he also obtained millions of doses in anticipation of using it for treatment. Instead, by eliminating HCQ as a treatment, the US gov’t funded the production of these “vital” vaccines and received massive funding which they then used over the summer(after Trump broke with Big Pharma over his Healthcare Reforms) to fund the Democrats in the election). All this while the US medical stockpile of HCQ lay rotting in some warehouse beyond the reach by the millions of souls who could have benefited from their use. Such evil has rarely, been so organized upon throughout the world.

  2. @ peloni1986:
    Excellent peloni1986.
    Fundamentally it all boils down to leaving it to the doctors “in the field” (who are usually much smarter than the ones who are part of large organizations) to determine the efficacy of such drugs. The fact that such drugs are also far cheaper than the newest ones, should point us in the direction of what agenda the “medical suits” are working to fulfill.

  3. There is an ocean of case studies with thousands of case participants which support the safety and efficacy of the use of Hydroxychloroquine(HCQ) in early disease states when used with zinc and Z-pac or doxycychline. Fauci’s(as well as too many others in the medical establishment) insisted the use of HCQ was actually dangerous due to cardiac complications. This was known to be false then and now. In many countries the drug dispensed over the counter as aspirin is here(not that you can’t kill yourself with over the counter products when taken recklessly). He insisted that we needed a gold standard double blind randomized control study. This was false. Medical therapy rarely confirmed using this “gold standard” methodology due to the time and cost factors involved as well as, on occasion, the moral dilemmas that would result in increased mortality or morbidity(disease state increase due to the study guidelines). We were in a state of medical crisis and our decision was to determine how many vaccines we could fit on the end of pin while millions world wide died. And once the decision was made to investigate HCQ with this gold standard study, a study using flawed data(participants were given LETHAL DOSES) was used in coordination with a fake study using made-up data were employed to end the investigation into HCQ due to it being just too dangerous. Then our top medical journals, the most renowned sources of medical jurisprudence thru the years, certified this nonsense to intimidate any further discussion and to give these butchers support in their conclusions. All of this was and is nonsense which caused the needless spead of disease and death thru the world. Thousands of individuals who have been treated using the Zelenko treatment(as Ted has displayed in many articles over the last year) have improved and survived using HCQ. The Front-line Doctors courageously demonstrated that HCQ has medicinal treatments for many ailments(diabetes, heart disease, etc.) including COVID and they were mocked, fired, arrested, censored, and attempted to have their medical licenses revoked. All because they were citing clear and impeachable medical evidence of the use and efficacy of a drug with a far better outcome than some of the developed vaccines that were partially developed by people who openly advocate the reduction of the world population using vaccines.

    All who have helped perpetrate this medical fraud should be tried and executed when found guilty. In truth, being drawn and quartered would not be remedy enough for what they have done. Maintaining them in their positions of judgement over our medical future is as ill-fated as having a Chinese-led bobble-headed corroptocrat leading the free world based on a stolen election.

  4. Ted… Sorry for the mess-up in my posting. I tried to emphasize ONE WORD then fix the posting… and got what I got. Frankly I would rather work with raw HTML.
    If possible, please try to fix things (but not my words).

  5. keelie Said:

    @ Michael S:
    How many dead would convince you of its effectiveness.
    The problem is that people like yourself have been affected with the “endless analysis syndrome” and this tends to be politicised. Which allows the incorrigible media to get away with forcing bans on the use of the drug.

    When news of the effectiveness came into view (via Trump of course), I watched as many doctors who were working in the field to keep their patients safe, illustrated via their own “experiments” just how potentially effective the drug was. Personally I trust those who work “in the field” infinitely more than I trust those medical people obviously affected with another syndrome: the Trump Hating Syndrome. Not difficult to differentiate them from the true doctors…
    So please, Michael, don’t go on about Fauci “never denying” anything. I would prefer to know what he did to promote the drug’s use. And to question why he never did this…
    We are all aware of the “other factors” you mention, but these other factors have been used to block use of the drug, and have never been proven to actually exist. Go find out from the real doctors, who actually have their patients safety exclusively in mind. And who found no evidence of these much touted “other factors”.

  6. @ Michael S:
    How many dead would convince you of its effectiveness.
    The problem is that people like yourself have been affected with the “endless analysis syndrome” and this tends to be politicised. Which allows the incorrigible media to get away with forcing bans on the use of the drug.

    When news of the effectiveness came into view (via Trump of course), I watched as many doctors who were working in the field to keep their patients safe, illustrated via their own “experiments” just how potentially effective the drug was. Personally I trust those who work “in the field” infinitely more than I trust those medical people obviously affected with another syndrome: the Trump Hating Syndrome. Not difficult to differentiate them from the true doctors…
    So please, Michael, don’t go on about Fauci “never denying” anything. I would prefer to know what he did to promote the drug’s use. And to question why he never did this…
    We are all aware of the “other factors” you mention, but these other factors have been used to block use of the drug, and have never been proven to actually exist. Go find out from the real doctors, who actually have their patients safety exclusively in mind. And who found no evidence of these much touted “other factors”.

  7. “The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus showsThe latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.

    This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie

    “This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie…”

    It means nothing of the sort. Fauci never denied that “countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.”; and even if he did, the study itself does not prove anything beyond its raw data. It compares COVID mortality rates (themselves questionable data) with, essentially, the occurrence of malaria in the sampled countries. It ignores other factors, such as diet, medical and sanitary conditions, government testing and reporting practices, presence of sickle cell anemia (which promotes immunity from malaria) and countless other factors.

    I don’t doubt that hydroxyclhoroquine has benefit in some COVID cases; but neither am I convinced of it. This politicalization of medicine, by all parties involved, is of NO HELP to me or anyone else.