IISS vs   INSS: David vs Goliath – Part III     

By Martin Sherman, IISS

Two weeks ao, I began a series of comparative analyses between our hard-pressed IISS and the well-heeled INSS, highlighting the huge imbalance in the resources that we each have at our disposal to advance our respective agendas—see here & here for last two week’s analysis.

But the difference is not only in the massive imbalance in resources but in the substance of the countervailing policy paradigms that each institute endorses.

To help redress this imbalance, click HERE to make a donation.

Recently, INSS launched a “plan” purporting be a “Strategic Framwork” for addressing the  ongoing conflict with the Palestinian-Arabs.

In broad outline, the “plan” is based on the idea of unilateral Israeli “initiatives” (read “concessions”) to keep the increasingly discredited two-state formula on increasing needed  “life support”, including:

(a) renouncing Israeli claims to sovereignty over any territory beyond the security barrier;

(b) freezing all construction/funding of, Jewish communities in that territory; but

(c) keeping the IDF deployed there– allegedly to avoid the errors of the 2005 disengagement from Gaza.

Sadly, this is a foretold formula for disaster.

For, it will unavoidably:

 – Replicate the conditions that prevailed in South Lebanon prior to 2000—on the very fringes of Greater Tel Aviv

– Entrap the IDF in open-ended occupation, whose duration is dependent exclusively on Palestinian-Arabs

– Culminate in unilateral withdrawal without any agreement

To understand why – click HERE for more details.

Please help IISS expose the existential dangers in INSS’s perilous proposal for political appeasement of Israel’s adversaries and territorial retreat from Israel’s ancient homeland.

Click HERE to make your donation


To be continued…

For a more detailed critique of the INSS’s plan –see for example here and here.

Click HERE to make your donation.

Recent IISS activity

(a) The  latest INTO THE FRAY column:

Unilateral concessions: The latent agenda for the April elections

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The Destruction of the Disengagement: Neve Dekalim before (L) & after (R)


Tags: IntoFray, #IntoFray #Israel #Arab #Peace #Security #Palestinian #TwoStates  #Elections


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February 13, 2019 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Dr. Sherman, could you devote more space in your next column discussing Benny Gantz’s relationship to INSS and its peace plan? After all, he may well become Israel’s next Prime Minister, if recent polls are accurate.

    I read somewhere in the Israeli media, I can’t remember where, that he “co-authored” the INSS plan. Also, that the plan was published only a few days before Gantz announced his candidacy. I think your readers would be interested in learning how long he was an office-holder in the INSS, just how active he was in formulating the content of their recently-disclosed peace plan, how active he was in “selling” the plan to foreign and Israeli officials and “influentials, etc. I realize that you touched on these issues in a previous column. But we need more specifics about the Gantz INSS relationship,, and perhaps more “thrust,” and emphasis to an analysis of its implications if Gantz becomes Prime Minister or defense minister.