Is democracy an impediment to Zionism

By Ted Belman

[This is not a polished article but an email I sent to two people; one of whom is behind the annexation of J&S and the other at the head of a Democracy institute in Israel]

I believe democracy is an impediment to Israel being the country most Jews want it to be. By that I mean that virtually all countries are forged in conquest. In such cases the natives have to be subdued and or expelled.

Israel is greatly constrained in what it does because we don’t have the stomach (especially with the World watching and chastising us) to do what is necessary.

Not only do we have the problem of J&S and the Arabs living there but we also have the problem of the Palestinian identity that we have allowed the Arab Israelis to foster.

By allowing the Arab Israelis to have their own schools and language, we have enabled them to identify more as Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims than is good for us. As we congregate around Tel Aviv, they are taking over the Galilee illegally to the extent of thousands of dunams.

The Arabs in Area C with the help of the EU are stealing thousands of dunams of state land in Area C.

The Beduoin in the Negev number about 200,000. They are fastest growing population in the world. They expect to double every 13 years. Since we allow polygamy they import wives from Egypt and elsewhere which speeds their growth exponentially. Twenty years ago they were loyal citizens and barely religious. But what has happened is that the Islamists from outside have supported them in many ways resulting in great influence, The Beduoin now go to mosque,, identify as Palestinians, don’t volunteer for the IDF as they used to, and engage in all kinds of illegal activity.

They now occupy a huge area just southeast of Beersheva. Though they number the Jews of Beersheva, they occupy permanently land which is perhaps 12 times larger than Tel Aviv. The GOI is negotiating for them to vacate it as it wants to separate them from Judea and condense them on to a more normal land mass. There is concern that they want to end up contiguous with Gaza and Jordan also. They do not want to move and are extorting a huge price from Israel for cooperating. Israel offered them 2 dunams per family and they demand 4 dunams. Also they want enough land for the next generation. They get enormous financial support from the GOI and contribute nothing.

All their houses are illegal but the government is afraid to enforce the law. I am studying up on these problems.

[Your thoughts would be appreciated.]

October 10, 2012 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. @ Hugo Schmidt-Fischer:

    As to what the future is for Arab residents in Israel?

    there are many many things Israel can do, based on very well accepted international norms, which would go a long way to achieve your objectives, without resorting to odious measures

    it MUST be pointed out that the so called international ‘norms’ somehow, miraculously, inexplicably (sarc/off) change, when it comes to jews and israel.
    we both know the nauseating hypocrisy of the world at large and their endless tolerance of musloid savagery. and as for the msm…through their distorted ‘reporting’, they are encouraging it, whitewashing each and every heinous crime committed by these bastards…
    to my thinking, since there is going to be hand wringing and a major outcry of indignation from every corner of the world, LET’S GIVE THEM A REASON!
    enough with jews being on the defensive and apologizing apologizing apologizing!

    sadly though, as i have said in my previous post

    we are now talking about ISRAEL. a supposedly jewish country, where the jews are oppressed and victimized by the ‘jewish authorities’ that are SUPPOSED to protect and seek jewish interests first and foremost, and by the rifraf musloids that, sadly, are still present in the land.
    do you REALLY think that past actions are not a good indicative of any future actions?

    we did not have to hold our breath for too long to hear about the latest jews vs jews:
    it is hard enough to fight external and internal musloid enemies.
    but when in addition, jews themselves join the 5th column to fight jews….
    sad. very very sad.

  2. @ the phoenix:

    There is no disagreement between us. I also do not advocate Israel taking in 4 million Arabs or Africans.

    All I’m saying to those who scream about a demographic time bomb ticking in Judea, is: do not panic.

    You see lot’s of people freak out that if Israel does not dispose of Judea, then it will become an apartheid state, or it will cease to be a democracy, or it will suppress another nation. To this the answer is unequivocaly no. Countries such as Luxembourg are very fine examples of well governed societies, and nobody would dream of calling them racist. So there is absolutely no justification on this account to constitute a ‘two state (final) solution’. Israel can continue very well without granting full political rights to Arabs, just as 6 million Swiss can co-exist with 2 million foreign residents many of these in third and fourth generation and nobody calls Switzerland an apartheid state. And further down in time, as Judea and Samaria will fill up quickly with Jewish residents,, the ticking demographic bomb will prove a hoax just as the Peel commissions claim that Israel cannot absorb millions of Jews has been discredited long ago.

    As to what the future is for Arab residents in Israel? I believe many will find their self-realization is better improved in muslim countries sharing in their views and culture. And indeed many do and want to emigrate and they should be awarded all encouragement to do so. If you follow the trends closely, you will find this is happening all the time. In parallel, Arab immigration into Israel should be prohibited. This can be done easily, based on lack of reciprocal rights for Jews to settle in Arab countries. So again, it is beside the point to accuse Israel of being ‘undemocratic’. Consider again, that even marrying a Swiss citizen does not provide automatic rights to settle in that country.

    In summary, there are many many things Israel can do, based on very well accepted international norms, which would go a long way to achieve your objectives, without resorting to odious measures.

    Regrettably, Israel is far from applying these strategies and instead is preoccupied with misguided concerns about democractic rights of Bedouin marauders and the Israeli government is promoting a two state nightmare.

  3. Hugo Schmidt-Fischer Said:

    Within this context, 6 million Jews could allow 4 million Arabs as non-voting residents and still constitute a fine democracy as Luxembourg a country with 43% foreign residents is. The so-called demographic bomb in Judea and Samaria simply does not exist. At the same time, residents that threaten the common law and order and commit acts of violence will have to be evicted resolutely. So that Israel may continue to exist securely. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

    dear hugo,
    of course your comment makes sense and it is logical, were it to be applied to, as you said,to switzerland or singapore, lichtenstein, etc…
    but hugo,
    we are now talking about ISRAEL. a supposedly jewish country, where the jews are oppressed and victimized by the ‘jewish authorities’ that are SUPPOSED to protect and seek jewish interests first and foremost, and by the rifraf musloids that, sadly, are still present in the land.
    do you REALLY think that past actions are not a good indicative of any future actions?
    i respectfully submit that the demographic bomb (one form of stealth jihad)is ticking loud and clear.
    the late rabbi kahane was 100% correct when he said that “they must go!”
    this bs nonesense of taking the high road and being better than they are…leads to the edge of the cliff.

  4. @ SHmuel HaLevi:
    Thank you.

    The point I’ve made above is that the most enlightened nations and very successful societies usually maintain large contingents of non-voting residents.

    These exemplary countries are not racists. Not Luxembourg, the US or Switzerland. And neither is Israel bigoted in any way.

    The very model character of highly developed countries acts as a magnet attraction to shipwrecks from failed cultures.

    The solution cannot be to relax or waive restrictions on intruders. Instead, newcomers should carefully absorb the host nation’s culture. Otherwise, the welcoming society will disintegrate.

    In this assimilation process and until absorption of what is called ‘Western Culture’ but what I prefer to call civilization, has taken root, migratory Bedouins are asked to respect Israel’s culture. Certainly, they should be barred from citizenship.

    Zionism is profoundly compatible with democracy. It is not however possible to confer citizenship on people who seek to destroy human rights. Switzerland (23% foreigners), Singapore (37% foreigners), Liechtenstein (33% foreigners) and Luxembourg have shown us that societies can be very generous, take in disproportionately large amounts of refugees and yet be highly restrictive in offering full citizenship rights. They still provide the highest level of legal rights to both their citizens and to their non-voting residents. It has proven a very attractive proposition to their foreign guests who continue to flock there in great numbers. Yet still, if the foreign residents misbehave they will be shown the door.

    Within this context, 6 million Jews could allow 4 million Arabs as non-voting residents and still constitute a fine democracy as Luxembourg a country with 43% foreign residents is. The so-called demographic bomb in Judea and Samaria simply does not exist. At the same time, residents that threaten the common law and order and commit acts of violence will have to be evicted resolutely. So that Israel may continue to exist securely. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

  5. @ Donald freyman:
    Israel has the material means to assure that the definition of democracy is implemented here. The definition include the conditional word “ELIGIBLE”. And we, the vast majority define who is eligible. If I recall correctly non US born residents that complies with Immigration and Naturalization demands may be afforded the right to Pledge and after undergoing a severe test of knowledge, become citizens with the right to vote and be elected but only to restricted functions of State.
    We must rigidly act to remove non eligible enemies from being able to use our democratic means to harm our state and the Jewish people.
    The islamic hordes must be brought to internalize the their savage nature is not a bona fide ticket to use democracy to destroy Israel. And… Anyone supporting the bestial entities, fits the same profile.

  6. A hard-headed devotion to democratic principle is no impediment to a Jewish Israel. A soft and cuddly flower-child approach is suicidal. IOW, democracy a la Harry Truman will work; a la Tiny Tim, not so much.

  7. @ Laura:

    Big, big problem. In North America there were never close to 400 million Indians surrounding the European settlers as there is in Israel. Those 400 mil Arabs, and growing will always be a menace to Israel-but try to expel them. You might as well whistle dixie. At the present time(at least since the Arab spring) the surrounding terrorists have begun to infiltrate into Israel proper and we have little assurance we will be able to counter the menace. If truth be told, the once impenetrable borders have become porous.

  8. On the one hand, no country should be forced to accept invaders (this is a question of sovereignty, of border enforcement). People entering unlawfully should be returned to their place of origin (there should be no “perks” for illegal entry). (I don’t think border enforcement contradicts what it means to be “democratic” — in other words, democracy should allow the right for Israel to retain its ethnic-Jewish identity).

  9. democracy is an impediment

    it is just watering down things to the lowest common denominator.
    what i see, is a travesty masquearading as ‘being civilized’…(we don’t do things like that…)
    why is there so much hot air expelled?
    this land is JEWISH!
    laura,is right.(“The beduoin need to be expelled”)
    this principle must be expanded upon and applied to the invented people as well

  10. Zionism and Democracy are very well adapted to each other. It would be a sad double standard to imply otherwise.

    Why should one submit to anti-Semitic characterizations discussing non-voting residents in Israel?

    The economically most successful societies on earth, and democratically well run countries also have significant contingents of non-voting permanent residents.

    Model Country Non citizen residents
    Switzerland 23%
    Liechtenstein 33%
    Singapore 37%
    Luxembourg 43%

    These permanent foreign residents in the model societies depicted above all cannot vote. They definitely lose their residency rights when they leave but yet they are happy and clamour to stay in these countries.

    Never have I heard anyone characterize Luxembourg as an apartheid state, or ‘undemocratic’.

    The same goes for Judea and Samaria. If Arab residents there seek to vote so badly, they could relocate to Egypt.