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  1. yamit82 Said:

    I can say ‘Stupid Jews’ as well as he can

    Its so much better with a Bronx accent, up-state NY is too classy. Darlin. Perhaps I could do well also. Screw yawl, stupid Jews!!!!!!

  2. honeybee Said:

    Are you feeling OK. Perhaps not “stupid Jews” but realistic Jews, that would cause such a firestorm. Please don’t bite my head off!

    I’m fine just sleeping a lot. Energy level down but it will bounce back in a day or two, I hope. 🙂

    Realistic? From where I sit realism is doing the exact opposite as those who advocate and practice their brand of realism here. Goes for Jews and gentiles alike.

    Why would I bite your head off? 🙁

  3. @ Bear Klein:

    I looked at the video it proves nothing!

    I looked at the video too.
    My reaction though is a little different.
    I could not care less whether there was blood or not.
    Wether you can or can not see who shot the musloid youte…
    My ‘knee jerk’ reaction is : ok. so a musloid was shot and he may be dead.
    SO WHAT????
    I truly do not think that we should be on the defensive and try to explain away this ‘incident’ (which fwiw, I am sure it is another fabrication à la al-dura hoax).
    ANY question, whether asked blatantly or merely insinuating attribution of guilt to Israel…. Should be replied in kind.
    “Where the f***k were all of you , noble souls when rockets were raining on Israel’s civilian population???”
    “Why was that never mentioned by you, disgusting antisemite hypocrite ?”
    “There is a musloid dead? …. Good! Ken yirboo… You might want to look it up”

  4. @ yamit82:

    Jews have no pride and no shame. This guy should never be allowed to step foot in our Land and all his fucking churches should be razed to the ground and all so-called Church property stolen either from Jews or from those who stole the Lands from the Jews should be repossessed by the the Government of Israel.

    Wholeheartedly agree!

    Stupid Jews!!!!

    What happened to shy guy?

  5. yamit82 Said:

    Spanish Jews cry foul over anti-Semitic basketball tweets

    Another Deborah dicha, ” If sheep had teeth, wolves would eat grass”. Anti-Semites do it because they can, indignant outrage [ ADL] isn’t effective.

  6. yamit82 Said:

    Jews have no pride and no shame

    Are you feeling OK. Perhaps not “stupid Jews” but realistic Jews, that would cause such a firestorm. Please don’t bite my head off!

  7. Israel has not learned all her lessons.

    The Pope’s First Stop is in the “State of Palestine”

    Pope Will ‘Recognize Palestine, Call to End Occupation’

    PA, Arab Christian officials say pope is starting his visit in Bethlehem in order to send a political message.

    Still kissing the Vatican’s ass for what they believe will add tourist dollars to the economy and Treasury.!!!

    Jews have no pride and no shame. This guy should never be allowed to step foot in our Land and all his fucking churches should be razed to the ground and all so-called Church property stolen either from Jews or from those who stole the Lands from the Jews should be repossessed by the the Government of Israel.

    Stupid Jews!!!!

  8. I looked at the video it proves nothing! No blood is seen by the two people who fell down (shot maybe). If someone was shot you can not see who shot them. The video was edited as it writing superimposed on it plus conducts an interview with someone provides a narrative for affect. Proof nothing is established. This is a video for an agenda not anything objective.