Jews and the Democratic Party


March 23, 2019 | 6 Comments »

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  1. The Muslim Brotherhood has been working towards taking over America for 50 years and it will only get worse because Americans and the world have NO IDEA what they are doing. Americans don’t “get it” because they don’t understand Islam, its against their progressive mentality to think religious people can be so hateful, and they don’t know anything about Israel. AND the rabbis call Islam “just another monotheistic religion. ITS NOT. It has nothing to do with GOD. And Mohammed is no prophet of God. And of course, people everywhere love to hate.

    Solution: Israel needs to TELL THE TRUTH with no holes barred against who the “Palestinians” are and what they want. And Israel and Jews need to BELIEVE what the Torah says – GOD GAVE ISRAEL TO THE JEWS AND it is ours also by International law. Google Dr. Jacques Gauthier.

  2. @ Ted Belman:
    Yes, the work of Obama and Geo Soros and company, and their push for world order. Screw World order and the UN (worthless body). Nations need to protect their sovereignty. Trust Brexit is a success and other nations will follow.
    I could never figure out why American Jews supported Obama who had no love for Jews or Israel. It is up to each and every one of us to stamp out anti-Semitism now before it gets out of hand. Call it out when it rears its ugly head.

  3. @ Richard Lefcourt:
    I also think Obama had a lot to do with polarizing the parties. It was bad before but not like it is now. I once criticized something Obama said and my daughter called me a racist, and the discussion ended right there. When they start calling names, there is not a level playing field on which to discuss ideas or policies.

  4. I saw the Democrat drift toward anti-Semitism erupt under Obama. I tried to get my Jewish friends and family to open their eyes. They labelled me a bigoted white supremist. What’s particularly frustrating to me is the fact that the Republican philosophy is far more compatible and supportive of Jews. Our people cherish individuality over conformity and are particularly intelligent, inventive, industrious, loyal to each other, and family-oriented; all the attributes and values that socialists look to undermine and destroy in the name of “fairness”, “equality”, “diversity”, and “globalism”. Our people are competitive, believing in hard work and study to provide more for ourselves and our children than just the basic necessities of life. In my opinion, it is envy of what our culture has produced both here in America and in Israel that is the fundamental cause of anti-Semitism. The Republican Party has always reflected our values and still does.

  5. As precise as Mort demonstrates himself to be during this too-brief interview, he also was restrained.

    For example, he didn’t condemn House Dem Leadership for its support for the [functionally] pro-Omar substitute-resolution; Clyburn demeaned the Shoah in the process while Pelosi excused Jew-hating rhetoric.

    Globally, he elided over discussing the underlying forces within the Dems that reflect residual Jew-hatred in America, .particularly in a Black Community that is leveraging intersectionality.