Jordan Wakf says “jump”, Israel says “how high”.

In accordance with Waqf demands, Israel removes railings and scaffolding from entrance to Temple Mount.


Israel on Wednesday removed more security installations from the entrance to the Temple Mount compound.

Newly installed railings and scaffolding where cameras were previously mounted were removed from the entrance to the compound, according to AFP.

The removal of the railings was one of the demands raised by the Jordanian Waqf to end the crisis.

The Waqf also demanded that all eight entrances leading to the Al-Aqsa Mosque be opened in full, and that five more cameras overlooking the compound be removed as well.

The security cameras themselves had already been removed earlier in the week, immediately after the Cabinet decided to remove the metal detectors that were placed at the entrance to the compound.

Palestinian Arabs began to gather at the entrance to the Temple Mount on Wednesday night to celebrate the removal of the security measures, with whistling and constant horns from cars, reported AFP.

Muslims have refused to enter the site and have prayed in the streets outside for more than a week after Israel installed the new security measures. The decision to impose these new security measures came after a terrorist attack on the compound in which two Druze police officers were murdered.

Meanwhile, a poll released by Channel 2 News this week found that most Israelis do not support the decision to remove the security measures.

When asked if removing the metal detectors was the right thing to do, 77% said the removal signaled Israel’s surrender, and 17% said the removal did not mean Israel surrendered.

July 27, 2017 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Being practical, realistic, it doesn’t matter what reaction the Arabim make. They have their own imaginary reasons and use imaginary causes. Israel’s IDF is there in force but seeming not in control. So what the hell use are they, prancing around trying to look like soldiers, prepared for all eventualities-especially against poorly armed enemies, who notwithstanding their inferior armament, are bitter, vicious and barbaric.

    So get off your backsides whoever is in charge of giving the orders, and tell the IDF “SHOOT TO KILL”. A few days of that, will change everything for the better, perhaps for the indefinite future. The Arabim will not be expecting this, and surprise is the cherry on top of the pie in warfare. This is a total WAR. Get it into your cowardly heads. Your enemy is amongst you, causing deadly rebellion and murder and the number of Jews is finite. Not a good advt for Aliyah. Still I suppose that a country which allows 40,000 abortions every year, really needs Aliyah to replace the never born population. Aliyah will never be enough. The Americans won’t come, the French will soon settle back complacently, believing their politicians.

  2. The cameras were not installed by the security device technicians union.

    The union threatened to strike if the cameras were not removed.