JORDANIANS CHANTING against the king

January 5, 2019 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Hard to believe the demonstrators could be chanting such openly anti-king slogans without getting their heads bashed in by the Jordanian police. You never see the police in these videos, or their advancing on the demonstrators, as they reportedly did on the 4th circle demonstrators on Jan. 3. No scenes of demonstrators running from the police, as you normally do when demonstrators chant openly revolutionary slogans, even in Europe.

    This is why I believe these demonstrations took place somewhere else–maybe Syria?

    Notice that the demonstrators always cite only “Allah” as their leader. They never refer to a human leader or to any political organization that they support, as political demonstrators usually do. This seems to dovetail with claims in an Arab newspaper that the opposition movement is purely “grassroots,” without a leader or organization directing it.

    Don’t know what to make of all this, other than there is a lot of mystery about what is going on in Jordan. The MSM in the West and even Israel isn’t interested in clarifying the situation.