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  1. Unfortunately people have short memories. Were it not for the “Swiftboaters” who revealed what a scumbag Kerry was, he Kerry might have wound up as our president. So Kerry who once worked for the North Vietnamese now works for the Iranians. No surprise.

  2. Most of the main Blogs are read by many with influence in various governments. The US is one of them.
    Mr. Kerry must be made aware that planing to harm the Jewish State and people carries personal jeopardy. In the first person that is. No, Mr. Kerry, you are not authorized to enter into agreements with third parties the results of which will be affecting us.
    That notion is rejected Mr. Kerry.
    Now, should you insist on so doing, our people will have to take appropriate self protective actions.
    By meeting with the Islamic Iranian beasts and agreeing on a program aimed at destroying our state and people, you Mr. Kerry turned into one of our enemies.
    The US government, whatever that may be, is forbidden to act to bypass our elected officials.
    That applies to Mr. Hussein Barrack Obama as well.

  3. Kerry is carrying out orders from his boss Obama. The difference is that Obama knows what he’s doing but Kerry doesn’t.

  4. This entire episode has revealed Kerry to be an absurd caricature, the Inspector Clouseau of international diplomacy. He has always been evil. Now he is farcical.

  5. I’m not at all surprised Kerry is blaming Israel for his own incompetence and his defending the deal with the devil.

    Jews are not going to go quietly into that good night as Kerry and the rest of the world would prefer.

    He can take his threats and shove them where the sun don’t shine.