Klaus Schwab announces NEW plan to rule the world

D. Nussbaum. Santa Klaus Schwab and what his Globalist/Green/Woke wind-ups have planned and are implementing behind almost everyone’s back, deliberately not publishing all of what they plan for society on Mainstream Media. Elon Musk’s recent Twitter revalations are an example of the collusion between Globalist politicians and Globalist media giants in censoring important information that counters the elites’ narrative to short-circuit democracy. For the skeptics, go onto the World Economic Forum, look at their Leadership, Young Leaders, and groups they support to destroy independent countries from within. This is not information acquired from a “rightwing” source. It is from their own organizational Website. You can believe tyrants when the inform their “True Believers” what they plan to do. You can look around to see what they have done already.

Redacted with Clayton Morris

January 1, 2023 | Comments »

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