Koch is sending mixed messages

By Ted Belman

Ed Koch calls for a big stick in foreign policy. He complains that Obama didn’t stand by S. Korea after they were attacked. He also complains about what Obama gave to Russia and China to get them on board with sanctions.

But where he errs is that he accepts the construction of the Mosqtrosity at ground zero on the basis of our tolerance and zoning laws which permit it.

A law should be passed specifically banning Islamic demonstrations within 100 miles of ground zero. OK I’ll settle for one mile.

May 26, 2010 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Suggesting the controversy over the building of the mosque overlooking ground zero, should be resolved in favor of the mosque being erected as a self congratulatory American affirmation of American pluralistic and tolerant values that will impress the Muslim world, raises serious questions as to where Koch’s head is at.

    No mystery here.

    Koch believes in appeasement.

    And if appeasement does not work, his ace in the hole is capitulation.

  2. Suggesting the controversy over the building of the mosque overlooking ground zero, should be resolved in favor of the mosque being erected as a self congratulatory American affirmation of American pluralistic and tolerant values that will impress the Muslim world, raises serious questions as to where Koch’s head is at.

    Instead, muslims see our tolerance as weakness. They are taking advantage of American freedoms in order to undermine us and destroy us from within and eventually implement sharia. Liberals haven’t been able to grasp this fact.

  3. Ignoring all evidence of Jihadism in the Muslim world and the West, Koch, like other Western leaders offers us bromides in declaring the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving.

    The best that can be said from the evidence at hand, is that a majority of Muslims are peaceful. Even that statement is not without some doubt, given that that Muslim majority for the most part remains silent.

    Suggesting the controversy over the building of the mosque overlooking ground zero, should be resolved in favor of the mosque being erected as a self congratulatory American affirmation of American pluralistic and tolerant values that will impress the Muslim world, raises serious questions as to where Koch’s head is at.

    Koch ignores the symbolism to the Muslim world of American Muslims building a large tall mosque looming and casting a shadow over ground zero a.k.a. sacred ground. He is a smart man, so why he fails to see this is perplexing.

    Koch needs to rethink his liberal views.

    In either case of allowing or denying the building of the mosque, America indeed will be sending a message to the Muslim world. The message that must be sent is that America will never allow the Muslim world or anyone to cast a shadow on America.

    Contrary to Koch’s thinking, there surely can be no doubt that America’s reputation in the Muslim world will be sullied far more by allowing the mosque to be built, then by refusing it.

  4. Ed Koch is a tormented soul, torn between his instincts as a Jew and his instincts as a liberal.

    Yet when push comes to shove, his Doctor Jekyl Judaism is usually mauled by his Mister Hyde liberalism.

    At his age it’s tough to have to admit that a lifetime of liberal beliefs has been Bullshit. He was never much of a Jew so I guess It must be Liberal unto the grave.

  5. ayn reagan is exactly right about Koch. Along with Dershowitz and Marty Peretz (who, like Koch, are now critical of Obama’s perspective and policies re: Israel), Koch was one of Obama’s biggest boosters among Jews during the presidential campaign. The famous quote, “There go my people, I must find out where they are going so I can lead them,” comes to mind.

  6. Ed Koch is a tormented soul, torn between his instincts as a Jew and his instincts as a liberal.

    Yet when push comes to shove, his Doctor Jekyl Judaism is usually mauled by his Mister Hyde liberalism.