Leaders against the creation of Palestine

I recently posted Ya’alon calls for paradigm shift and Woolsey calls a spade a spade.

Both Ya’alon and Woolsey came out against the creation of Palestine. As you know Israpundit have been very vocal in this cause.

Now ZOA has joined the the chorus. ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said,

    “More and more people are coming to realize that a Palestinian state would not be a solution to anything — it would simply be another Middle Eastern terrorist state. Major changes are necessary within Palestinian society, starting with dismantling of terrorist groups and the ending of the incitement to hatred and murder of Jews that feeds it, before any genuine possibility of peace can arise. Palestinian statehood would solve nothing. Iran, Libya, North Korea and Syria are all sovereign states — are they lovely and peaceful? The U.S. and Israel need to adopt policies that will result in Israel defeating the Palestinian Arab terrorist groups, not rewarding them, least of all with their own sovereign state. This is a precondition for any future chance of peace.”
January 25, 2007 | 2 Comments »

2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Let’s not get excited. Woolsey is and has been against the Arabs in Judea, Gaza, and Samaria. Yaalon has been speaking up fairly loudly since he was fired for opposing the Gaza retreat, notably during his time in the U.S. As for Mort Klein — he’s always been about as amenable to a West Palestinian Arab state as to a cyanide sorbet. These are the usual suspects; while it’s always good to have them preaching reason, this is not a watershed moment.

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