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Likud MK: Bring Sa’ar and Liberman into the coalition

T. Belman. Time to heal the rift in the right. Liberman served under Netanyahu as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2009 to 2012 and 2013 to 2015 and as Minister of Defense from 2016 to 2018. Gideon Saar also held ministerial posts in previous Netanyahu governments.

Liberman should replace Gallant as Def Minister.  Saar could also be given a serious portfolio.

MK Hanoch Milwidsky of the Likud criticizes Minister Benny Gantz and says that he is concerned with politics instead of security.

Israel National News    

Hanoch MilwidskyIsrael National News

MK Hanoch Milwidsky (Likud) criticized Minister Benny Gantz, following his speech on Saturday night in which he set an ultimatum for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warning his party would leave the coalition if Netanyahu does not formulate a strategic plan for the war by June 8.

Speaking to Radio Kol Chai on Sunday, Milwidsky said, “Apart from politics, I don’t understand what Gantz is doing. They didn’t vote with the government on anything. They attack the coalition at every opportunity.”

At the same time, he pointed out, “The fact that they are sitting there is powerful and we will not be the ones to sabotage it. I do think that it is necessary to either abolish the War Cabinet, or bring in [Gideon] Sa’ar and [Avigdor] Liberman so that it gets a different direction and not one of containment and a Palestinian state.”

Of Sa’ar and Liberman, Milwidsky said that their parties are “Zionist parties that speak our security language”.

On Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, he said that “Netanyahu needs to decide what he is doing with this. There are no words to explain how wrong and crooked his move is. Moving him aside in favor of bringing in another factor in the coalition would be excellent.”

May 20, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. As of yet the Prosecutor wants to issue a warrant for Bibi and Gallant. The ICC has not yet done this. The court can take quit a while to do this. Hopefully enough internationally pressure will come about were they will not issue such a warrant.

  2. They haven’t dared to kidnap Putin despite the warrant issued by the ICC. After all, he is president of a superpower with nuclear weapons. Deporting him would be very risky.But kidnapping Bibi would be fairly easy, because Israel, despite all the propaganda to that effect, is not and never has been a superpower.

  3. Things have never been worse for Israel the International Criminal Court has indicted Netanyahu, Gallant, and perhaps other Israeli officials and charged them with “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.” This will make it impossible for Bibi to leave Israel. His plane could easily be seized and taken to brussels or the hague or wherver this criminal cour hangs out. They might even try to kidnap him in Israel, as they didwith Milisovic during the 1991-99 Balkan wars.


    Ted Belman
    tbelman3- at-


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