Making goulash of Viktor Orban

It was the non-Orthodox Mazsihisz that criticized Orban. Not the Orthodox Hungarian Jews, who welcome Orban’s pro–Israel policies.

My mother, a native Hungarian, has had two Hungarian aides for the past few years. Through them I have been fed a steady dose of Hungarian politics. One is ethnic Hungarian and the other one is Roma, known colloquially as Gypsy. Between the two of them, I am up-to-date on a wide array of political, social and cultural Hungarian perspectives.

But suddenly it seems that one doesn’t have to have access to the man on the street from Hungary to get the inside scoop on Hungary’s leader. Prime Minister Viktor Orban of the Fidesz Party has all at once become almost as ubiquitous on the right as President Trump, his American counterpart.

Orban’s appearance a few weeks ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), confirmed him as the new darling of the American right. And his brash in-your-face style of conservatism, especially when facing down the EU, showcases a Trump knock-off with a sing-song Hungarian accent.

Like Trump, Orban is relentlessly vilified by the left-wing media both in Europe and America. He is called an authoritarian by his opponents, even though he won reelection in the spring by a landslide of 75%. A proud champion of conservative and family values, he’s called a homophobe for spurning progressive multi-cultural values. The CPAC crowd went wild when he said, “The mother is a woman, the father is a man, and leave our kids alone. Full stop. End of discussion!”

He’s also called a xenophobe for erecting a border fence in 2015 to stave off the illegal migrants from Arab and African countries flooding other European countries. In the process, he also staved off Islamic terrorism and the crime and anti-Semitism that plague European cities with large Muslim populations.

Orban recently came under attack for cautioning Hungarians against becoming “peoples of mixed race”, a comment he clarified shortly afterwards as referring to culture. But not before he was roundly censured as a racist. The ADL accused Orban of invoking Nazi imagery and referenced the “concerns of the Jewish Communities in Hungary”, as voiced by Mazsihisz, the umbrella group of Jewish communities, which is predominantly Neolog (similar to the non-Orthodox Conservative denomination).

This is not the first time Orban was called an antisemite. In 2017, he dared to criticize George Soros, the Hungarian Jewish billionaire, known for his funding progressive political and social causes through his Open Society Foundations. Those suffering under current crime waves in American Democratic controlled cities can thank him for funding the elections of progressive district attorneys.

In a clever piece of PR work, Orban posted billboards around Hungary depicting a smiling Soros, with the caption, “Don’t let Soros have the last laugh.” Apparently, this was no laughing matter for progressives who denounced Orban as an antisemite. Leftist organizations and the ADL (again) slammed the posters for invoking anti-Semitic tropes, harping on Soros’s Jewish descent rather than the damage Soros causes to Jews by providing millions of dollars to organizations that support BDS and seek to isolate and delegitimize the Jewish State of Israel.

At the time, Israel’s foreign ministry stated that Soros is a legitimate target for criticism, since his funded organizations “defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself”. Soros’s foundation regards Israel as a rogue state, and Soros has even publicly compared Israel to Nazi Germany. Just last week, it was reported that J Street received $1 million from a Soros controlled PAC. This will undoubtedly help J Street’s current campaign opposing Israel’s efforts to shut down organizations acting as front groups for the terror group PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).

It seems that Orban has been called everything but what he truly is. Under his leadership, Hungary is recognized as Israel’s staunchest supporter in Europe, sharing similar values and substantial cooperation in economics and military development. Hungary has vetoed many resolutions targeting the Jewish state in both the UN and EU, opposes BDS, rejects a ban on shechitah, and maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards anti-Semitism, resulting in a thriving Jewish community.

Under Orban, Hungary earned the distinction of being the safest country in Europe for Jews according to an independent 2017 study. And a report written this past June for the European Jewish Association ranks Hungary as the second European country with the highest index “of respect and tolerance towards Jews”.

But none of this seems to matter to the growing segment of Orban detractors. Those who attack Orban’s “racist rhetoric” were nowhere to be found during the last election when left-wing parties joined forces with the notoriously anti-Semitic and racist Jobbik Party. This is especially ironic since critics uniformly fail to mention the inconvenient fact of Orban’s own origins of victimhood according to the standards of leftist identity politics.

Viktor Orban is Roma. As such, he is no stranger to discrimination or racism. During the Holocaust, the Nazis murdered around 500,000 of Europe’s Roma. And while the traditional-minded Gypsies have incrementally gained social status, as Orban’s success demonstrates, intolerance ingrained over many centuries is difficult to shake.

It would be disingenuous at best for critics to label Orban a racist or an antisemite. In all fairness, if Orban’s opponents are allowed to call  Orban an antisemite for opposing Soros’s policies, then those same opponents should be called racists for opposing Orban’s policies.

But mention of Orban’s Roma background is practically nonexistent. It was certainly not mentioned by Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt, now US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism. She should have known better. She said his “mixed race” comment used rhetoric that “clearly evokes Nazi racial ideology”. The same ideology responsible for the murder of Roma.

Follow your attackers and you will identify your target. Or conversely, follow your supporters. It is interesting to note that it was the non-Orthodox Mazsihisz that publicly criticized Orban. Not the Orthodox Hungarian Jews, who oppose intermarriage. An+d who welcome Orban’s pro-Jewish and pro-Israel policies.

It is clear that the American left hates Orban almost as an extension of Trump. And the American Jewish left is no different. For them, ignoring the reality of Orban’s origins and achievements is a reflexive, yet counterproductive act. And it is one that Jews particularly can ill afford.

Sara Lehmann is an award-winning New York based columnist and interviewer. For more of her writings please visit

A version of this article first appeared in Hamodia.

September 1, 2022 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. @Peloni

    “Orbán was born on 31 May 1963 in Székesfehérvár into a rural middle-class family, as the eldest son of the entrepreneur and agronomist Gy?z? Orbán (born 1940)[23] and the special educator and speech therapist, Erzsébet Sípos (born 1944).[24] He has two younger brothers, both entrepreneurs, Gy?z?, Jr. (born 1965) and Áron (born 1977). His paternal grandfather, Mihály Orbán, practiced farming and animal husbandry. Orbán spent his childhood in two nearby villages, Alcsútdoboz and Felcsút in Fejér County;[25] he attended school there and in Vértesacsa.[26][27] In 1977, his family moved permanently to Székesfehérvár.[28]…”

  2. Orban doesn’t look Roma. I’ve been all over Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and IMO, Roma have a distinct look, like the Indian/Pakistanis they’re descended from. Many Europeans claim part Roma ancestry, and it’s likely. For instance the opera singer Anna Netrebko says she’s part Roma, and I believe her, but she’s basically a Russian who’s a bit exotic. But Orban, regardless of how purely Euro he may or may not be, is mostly Hungarian and looks it.

  3. @Sebastien

    She seems to be quite certain that Orban is Roma, but I have looked quite closely and I have not found anything anywhere to support the idea that Orban is Roma, as you note, quite the opposite appears to be the case. The author does note that it is noted almost nowhere, and I am curious what her supporting evidence might be.

    There is another Hungarian Orban who is Roma, however. His name is Ludovic Orban, and his mother is Roma. Ludovic became the PM of neighboring Romania until he was turned out in 2020. I was wondering if the author of the article above conflated the two Orbans as I really am shocked that Victor Orban might be Roma. I am not sure how to contact the author, but I am quite interested in her assertion on this point.