MASSIVE!!! Update on Trump’s Silent Actions Against George Soros & Cabal


April 1, 2018 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @ Edgar G.:
    Yes Edgar, quite possibly a voice to text application, which needed to be checked and edited before publishing. I have dual nationality, British and South African and it appears that the very corrupt Zuma with the support of his minions, tried to do what Mugabe did and hang on to power and due to free press and exposure of scandals (State Capture with the Gupta’s etc.) it simply could not work here. One of the biggest dangers here is the now better publicized genocide of white farmers
    and the madness of Malema who is still very much a minority but is a young Mugabe, blaming whites for every problem and inciting violence at every opportunity. He is so obviously on a similar corrupt agenda as the communists/globalists wanting to create chaos, enrich himself and grab power. He is the ultimate extreme racist revenge seeking thug. Racism here is a reversal of the past although not on the legal statutes as during the apartheid days, but still very harmful as young and middle age whites, although for the most part well educated and skillful are disheartened by the inability to get good jobs and progress. Many have given up and many professionals have emigrated, leaving skills gaps. Salaries are even lower in many cases than 15 years ago as inflation is high and the SA Rand is unstable., Malemas’s nonsense causes a loss of foreign investment and government corruption is a huge issue. Zuma was a disaster a total incompetent and has done as much damage here as Obama in the US. Since the very competent Trevor Manuel left the Treasury in 2009 the quality of economic decisions deteriorated as Zuma and buddies of his were enriched at the cost of everyone else. Will things get better now? Not sure law and order is a problem and crime is on the rise. RSA is anti-Israel so Genesis 12 v 3 seems to be taking its G-dly revenge. I enjoy your insights, please keep up the good work.

  2. @ Russell:

    The speaker had no name..anonymous… “uncorrupted judges” was changed to “uncooperative judges”. There was another bad blooper over which the speaker stumbled, which I can’t recall now. And it seemed to me that the speaker was interjecting other material which was not in the text, but maybe I just lost my place……. ?? Several words were a bit indistinct -to me anyway- because of the American way of softening or hardly pronouncing certain letters. No harm…If all true and not just a gathering of loosely apposite concurring events, I’m delighted.

    I particularly looked slant-ways at the so-convenient restraint of Mugabe and Zuma. They have been openly corrupt and dictatorial for many years, and particularly Mugabe, I could never understand why someone hadn’t shot him. The “revering” lasted about 10 years, but that was over 40 years ago. They were terrified of him because of his control over his band of thugs.

    Could it be that the voice was an electronic emission from a computer…??

  3. This guy needs to practice reading an more carefully, he makes several mistakes that unless you read it as he speaks you will become horribly confused. Apart from this the article is good news.