By watching this two part video of her recent speech you will learn of her great appeal and also of the battle lines for the next two years. T. Belman
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By watching this two part video of her recent speech you will learn of her great appeal and also of the battle lines for the next two years. T. Belman
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Read what I wrote again. I said that you know them (anyone actually) by their fruits. And that the fruits of the Left are not pretty (pretty awful actually). I am PRO-ISRAEL, ANTI-OBAMA and place myself politically to the right of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
Also, I am PRO-MICHELLE BACHMANN if that concerns you.
Because she like most American Jews are Americans before Jews and have American concerns which for the most part have little to do with Israel. On could conceivably support both Israel and Obama if they do not connect the two. Which apparently they don’t. They supported Clinton and Bush not to mention Regan. The popularity of those presidents was not affected by their anti Israel policies among Jews from either side of the political aisle
Susan, how can you call yourself a supporter of Israel and in the same breath support Obama? Obama has visited 25 foreign countries since becoming pres., some of them twice. Can you guess which American ally he hasn’t visited? Israel! Not since he was campagning that is.
The Hebrew word for teacher is “moreh”. Being a teacher does not equate to being a rabbi (“rav”).
Yes a Teacher of wisdom of knowledge passed on to him by his teacher etc. What knowledge? The knowledge of the Torah which contains all the knowledge of the universe and it’s creation.
That is just a plain nasty remark – if “rabbi” means teacher, well he was a teacher.
I’m no rabbinic scholar but that was a bit uncalled for
Susan, the problem is I have too high a dose of my ADHD meds. I will immediately work on becoming less alert.
That is just a plain nasty remark – if “rabbi” means teacher, well he was a teacher. I’m no rabbinic scholar but that was a bit uncalled for – and clearly you don’t know much about American Christians (the real ones, not the occasionally show up at church kind) or you would know that they are more generous (not just to religious organizations), more giving than the rest of the population, and that they are the ones whose sons (and sometimes daughers) serve in the military, they have the lowest incidents of alchoholism, drug addiction, crime, etc., etc. I’d say those are pretty good fruits. AND they are nearly all pro-Israel. So, come out into the sunshine and learn something about American Christians before you start attacking them.
Take a deep breath. Relax. And resume medication. It is obvious that you are suffering from GOPDA – GOP derangement syndrome and your sheer hatred of the political opposition has you unhinged. For example, the most I have seen was $2,000,000 a day not $200,000,000,000. Two hundred billion is about ninety eight million more dollars a day than the largest sum I ever saw regardin Mr. Obama’s trip to Asia.
My prescription is that you study the facts, and also that you take a hard look at the fruits. As a famous rabbi said about 2,000 years ago “By their fruits you will know them”. Well we have seen the fruits of the “liberal” social policies and it isn’t pretty.
This woman is insane!! And anyone who backs her, must be likewise. God save us from right-wing nuts!
Michele Bachmann is an embarrassment to the thinking citizens of Minnesota. She is part of the Republican party who jabber for the sake of making noise and who start the most outlandish rumors, as she recently did when Obama went to India with a coterie that she said was costing the U.S. $200,000,000,000.00 a day. She gets off on making ridiculous statements, then laughing up her sleeve when people get mad at her. She will do and say anything to get at those (mostly Democrats) who are making serious attempts to govern the country. The mean spirited people in our district think she’s a riot. Yessir! Her and Rush Limbaugh sure are putting people in their place! Both of them excel in dumbing down America.
She has attached herself to the Tea Party, though it is public knowledge that it is financed by rich Republicans who have their own agendas.
Here’s a site that has listed ten of her most outlandish statements.
I don’t know why that did not become a link–you may have to type it in yourself.
I grew up in this area and was gone for decades until I came back 15 years ago to find this pocket of humanity 50 years behind the times. Bigotry, racism, snobbiness. Where are the folks I was used to? Dead, I guess.
Catarin, I am uninformed, please inform me with the facts that you base your opinion on?
I live in southern Wisconsin, which obviously is not in Rep. Bachmann’s Minnesota district. But I’ve been in contact with her staff about stopping pork-barrel earmark spending by the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, and specifically one part of the 2011 appropriations that would fork out $20,000 per acre to the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior to buy agricultural lands around here for, adjoining other farmlands that have just been sold for $4100 per acre. sort of like $800 toilet seats, etc, for the US armed forces that occasionally comes to light.
I support Michelle Bachmann for the same set of reasons that I support Governor Sarah Palin for the United States presidency. Does that make me a hard-core right winger? Maybe yes, maybe no. But be that as it may, I select elected representatives first and foremost in regard to what I perceive about their strength of character. And I am an American nationalist as well as a Jewish nationalist.
I’m also a certified United States taxpayer, and I don’t take kindly to getting ripped off, by our government or anyone else.
All these are considerations that put the American Tea Party on the map, and we intend it will remain there.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
Can you put some meat on the bone of your statement?
What do you base your dislike and criticism on?
Are you a Hockey fan? 🙂
You are nuts, Ted. I live in this woman’s district and she is so full of BS there is nothing left to fill. I don’t think she has a logical thought in her head but plenty of crap. I don’t know how she keeps getting elected, but I can tell you this place has plenty of backward people and mean-spirited beliefs.