Mubarak’s rope-a-dope

By Ted belman

It appears Mubarak is winning. At first he and the army hung back letting the steam out of the riots.

Now miraculously pro-Mubarak mobs are opposing the anti-Mubarak people and turning to violence. There are some reports that these people are actually soldiers. Of course the army is intervening between the sides to keep the peace and it is urging everyone to go home.

My guess is that they will.

February 2, 2011 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. Even funnier is how Julia came on here spouting that nobody “predicted” these events here. She’s definitely off her meds…We can’t predict thing in the future and she can’t tell things that have happened in the past.

  2. julia coriat says:
    February 4, 2011 at 6:08 am

    The only words to describe the above- S E L F . D E L U S I O N .

    The only delusional one here is you, in every one of your posts, for that matter.

    The fact is that the government is not out. The protests have not budged any major government institution. No forces have mutinied en-masse. TV, radio, phone and Internet are all still in government control. Mubarak is not willing to capitulate and leave today, the last day of El Baradei’s “ultimatum”. And the last few days have seen strong pro-Mubarak counter-protests which were nowhere to be seen during the first few days of protest.

    Ted said he’s “guessing”. Personally, I can’t tell which way it will go at the end. Nice to know you think of yourself as a prophetess but the rest of us known that your “predictions” are nothing more than that.

  3. belman:

    By Ted belman

    It appears Mubarak is winning. At first he and the army hung back letting the steam out of the riots.

    Now miraculously pro-Mubarak mobs are opposing the anti-Mubarak people and turning to violence. There are some reports that these people are actually soldiers. Of course the army is intervening between the sides to keep the peace and it is urging everyone to go home.

    My guess is that they will.

    The only words to describe the above- S E L F . D E L U S I O N .