Obama’s secret dealings with Iran conflict with US-Israeli understandings

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report April 16, 2012,

Barack Obama and his double diplomatic track
The fundamental rift on Iran between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu burst into the open Monday, April 16 when high-ranking Israeli officials close to Netanyahu directly accused the president of reneging on the US-Israeli understandings reached ahead of the Istanbul talks between the six powers and Iran on April 14.

Behind the show biz of Istanbul, they charged, the US and Iran had reached secret agreements in clandestine bilateral contacts channeled through Paris and Vienna.

The row surfaced Sunday when Netanyahu said the US and world powers by agreeing to hold more talks in Baghdad next month had given Tehran a “freebie” of five more weeks to continue enriching uranium without restrictions. By singling out the US, the prime minister aimed his comment directly at the president.

Obama’s response was fast. At a news conference ending the Western Hemisphere summit in Cartagenia, Colombia, he commented sharply: “The notion that somehow we’ve given something away or a `freebie’ would indicate Iran has gotten something. In fact, they’ve got some of the toughest sanctions that they’re going to be facing coming up in just a few months if they don’t take advantage of these talks.”

That is the very point on which Israel accuses the US president of playing false: time. As disclosed by DEBKAfile on April 9, American and Israeli officials preceded the Istanbul talks with an understanding for the US to put before Iran agreed demands/concessions: Iran would be allowed to keep 1,000 centrifuges for the low-level enrichment of uranium up to 3.5 percent purity, the first time Israel had accepted the principle of Iran enriching uranium at any grade at all.

It was also agreed between Washington and Jerusalem that Iran would not be permitted to keep 20 percent enriched uranium, which is a short step before weapons-grade, in any quantity.

These understandings, known as the “1,000 principle,” were meant to represent the final upshot of the formal negotiations with Iran, a consensus to which US diplomats would aspire in as short a time possible.

In the event, the US delegation did not present any of the agreed demands – or any other – to the Iranians attending the first round of talks in Turkey.

The belated sense of being misled prompted the prime minister’s exceptionally sharp reaction.

Israeli official sources now suspect that in their secret contacts, the US has granted Iran far-reaching concessions on its nuclear program – more than Israel would find acceptable. The formal talks in Istanbul and in Baghdad on May 23 are seen as nothing but a device to screen the real business the US and Iran have already contracted on the quiet.

April 17, 2012 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. stanley Said:

    From all the reports that I have heard and read, Iran has already accomplished its mission. They have in their possession 2 (two nuclear) bombs purchased from Pakistani agents . Sources- Debka Aug 3rd 2011- Stratfor Executive intelligence report- June 12, 2011.

    Do you have a link for that?

  2. @ sidney sands:
    From all the reports that I have heard and read, Iran has already accomplished its mission. They have in their possession 2 (two nuclear) bombs purchased from Pakistani agents . Sources- Debka Aug 3rd 2011- Stratfor Executive intelligence report- June 12, 2011.

  3. Just think how different this scenario would be if Mitt Romney were President right now. He and Bibi have a working, trusting relationship, based on years of working together.
    Please try to inform and persuade all the Jews you know to hold their nose if necessary, but vote for Mitt Romney in November so Israel can once again be respected and admired by the President of the United States.

  4. Dear Forum Users,
    Please forgive me if I have interrupted this thread. I have just registered on your site in order to try to find out what happened to Prof. Yeruham Leavitt. It was reported that about two years ago he was dismissed from Ben-Gurion University for making what were considered by some to be unacceptable remarks about homosexual people. I personally think this was an outrageous attack on academic freedom and democratic liberty of expression.
    I noticed his name on this forum. I would be interested to discover what happened to Professor Leavitt and whether he took his case to court.
    I live in England but you can contact me on my e-mail which is uppermordent at gmail.com

  5. It IS OBVIOUS that Obama is not on Israel’s side;BUT LOOK AT THE FACT; In one corner over a Billion Moslems, plus vast markets,.. oil, about 23 countries who can sway THE UN’s opinions.large segmenent of American jews (54%)irespective of his anti Israel stand will vote for Obama..
    IN the other corner about 6 million Israelis. No natural resources,living by the hand out of the USA.
    By the way: Morality jUStice and fairness is subjective…a terrorist on side A is a hero on side B.

  6. Israel must walk the walk. There is no point in procrastinating because all it does is to reduce our time-frame for action. Talking the talk from the time of Mohamed Mustafa El Bareidi, head of the International Atomic Commission Agency to now with Mohamed Hussein Obama proves one thing
    -they have ulterior motives and are a bunch of liars and must not be trusted!

  7. It would certainly appear that the Iranians who are past masters of double dealing have again made the US look foolish, they are stringing along the world and just gaining more and more time, untill they have reached their objective, AN ATOMIC BOMB, lets not fool ourselves its their intention, and it would seem that the US have accepted this fact, Iran is a long way from the US maybe they feel secure, they have not been threatened as Israel has on so many ocassions, if 9/11 has not shown that anyone is not safe from attack, then the US have not learned the lesson of 9/11.

  8. It is unrealistic to expect anything positive vis a vis Israel from hussein obama. This Manchurian candidate is an islamist thruough and through. He just parrots nice words to get the idiotic American Jewish vote. He, Soros and the other destructive global socialists have been concocting dangerous plans for the US, the West and the world. G-d willing these monsters will be prevented from winning again this November. NOBAMA in 2012.!!!

  9. @ Paul:

    I’m not accusing you of being arrogant, but you are unclear. What more “details” could you possibly want, about Iran’s intentions? Iran has given us all the details it is willing to give. They have refused to cooperate with the IAEA, to give them the information that might call off the posse. That makes their very refusal the final “detail” we need, in order to suspect the worst. They are clearly on a war footing, or else they would not be cloaking their activities with secrecy. That’s why I said what I did. Isn’t this obvious to you? If it wasn’t before, I hope it is now.

  10. Bert Said:

    The jihad part of Obama’s mentality may well cause him to place support for Iran ahead of all other considerations in a kind of ‘suicide bomber’ mentality that we see from Muslim extremists.

    I wish I could say this seems unhinged. It doesn’t. We live in interesting times.

  11. @ BlandOatmeal:

    Pardon my arrogance. From now on I’ll just sit on my hands and listen to what my betters are saying and try not to ask any embarrassing questions. But even if I don’t, please either just answer the question or stuff it. Choose wisely.

  12. How do we know the US and Iran are doing this and what is it suspected they are up to? Not that I doubt that it is going on, I just expect more details.


    Keep on expecting more details. That’s exactly what suicide-bomber Obama (aptly described by Bert) wants you to do. Meanwhile, while you and the whole world continue “expecting”, Iran continues enriching uranium to weapons grade. One fine day, then, a few weeks or months from now, it will announce to the world that it is a nuclear power, with its nuclear production facilities securely sequestered underground. It is a given, then, that anything Israel does in future, in its own defense, is done under the peril of an Iranian nuclear retalliation. Call it coercion, blackmail, whatever you want.

    Detailed enough?

  13. I don’t quite understand. The article clearly explains how the US has been duplicitous by not presenting the demands made by Israel to restrict the possession of 20% enriched uranium. But also the article says that the US and Iran have been also double dealing in secret. But no explanation of this conclusion is offered.

    How do we know the US and Iran are doing this and what is it suspected they are up to? Not that I doubt that it is going on, I just expect more details.

  14. The Jewish leadership in the U.S. and Israel continue to be surprised and disappointed at Obama when they had ample evidence years back about who Obama is and his support for Israel’s enemies. We should have exposed Obama and his duplicity long ago and put him on the defensive. But our Jewish leadership is secular and cowardly and lacks the courage that comes from Jewish faith in G-d. Israel has lost precious time and is in a very bad position as Iran goes for the bomb while Obama ties Israel’s hands.
    The jihad part of Obama’s mentality may well cause him to place support for Iran ahead of all other considerations in a kind of ‘suicide bomber’ mentality that we see from Muslim extremists.

  15. Obama,

    Please do the people of the United States of America and the Free World a big favor.


    The sooner the better, thank you.