Praise from the Right, condemnation from the Left

Netanyahu: This behavior is not characteristic of IDF soldiers and commanders • MK Ben Ari praises lieutenant colonel “for doing what Netanyahu and Aharonovitch lack the nerve to do” • MK Orlev: It was only the determined action of the deputy commander that prevented the continuing rampage by a gang of anarchists.

Gideon Allon, Yori Yalon and Dan Lavie, ISRAEL HAYOM

Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner’s filmed assault on an unarmed left-wing activist from Denmark, which gained large-scale exposure on Sunday, has won praise from the Right and harsh condemnation from the Left.

The incident occurred near the Palestinian village of Ouja in the Jordan Valley, as pro-Palestinian activists staged a protest bicycle ride in the area. A confrontation between protesters and IDF soldiers was filmed, catching Eisner smashing the activist in the face with his M-16 rifle.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the officer’s actions on Sunday. “This behavior is not characteristic of IDF soldiers and commanders and it has no place in the IDF or in the state of Israel,” a statement from Netanyahu’s office said.

MK Zevulun Orlev (New National Religious Party), however, praised Eisner’s actions, saying that “It was only the determined action of the deputy commander that prevented the continuing rampage by a gang of anarchists. It is a shame that the Left is quick to attack a senior IDF officer, instead of attacking a band of outlaws, mostly comprised of professional anarchists. It is sad to see the belligerent responses against this senior army officer, who was only carrying out a national mission to protect us from provocateurs, whose sole purpose is the putrefaction of the IDF and the state of Israel.”

MK Michael Ben Ari (National Union) offered praise: “Way to go lieutenant colonel, for doing what [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and [Public Security Minister Yitzhak] Aharonovitch lack the nerve to do. One has to employ an iron fist in dealing with these radical leftists who provoke IDF soldiers. There was a real threat to the safety of the soldiers, and the deputy commander of the Jordan Valley didn’t have any other choice.”

Danny Dayan, the head of the Yesha settler council [the umbrella body of the Jewish communities of Judea, Samaria], echoed Orlev’s and Ben Ari’s sentiments, defending Eisner’s actions. “I call on the belligerent politicians on the Left, who have already passed judgment on the deputy commander, to calm down and stop sticking their noses into the business of the defense establishment. I don’t understand their eagerness to crucify a senior IDF commander who came face to face with a group of Israel haters.”

On the opposing side of the political spectrum, Meretz chairwoman Zahava Gal-On called on Defense Minister Ehud Barak to remove Lt. Col. Eisner from his post, saying “This was a brutal attack that runs contrary to IDF orders and to the army’s ethical code. The military advocate-general must order an internal investigation.”

Peace Now General Director Yariv Oppenheimer insisted that Eisner be removed from the IDF. “The state of Israel cannot ignore violent and inappropriate behavior from senior officers. All of our public diplomacy efforts are wiped out in a second with one glimpse of the occupation’s worst ugliness.”

The International Solidarity Movement, which staged the protest bicycle ride and subsequently posted the video in question to the internet, is a radical left-wing movement established in 2001.

According to the organization’s website, the ISM is a “Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli apartheid in Palestine by using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles.” The group’s actions aim to raise awareness in the world to the suffering of the Palestinians.

The website also says that, “Israelis and Palestinians are portrayed as two equal sides which can’t live together, fighting over a piece of land. In reality, Israel’s apartheid regime challenges Palestine’s right to exist, and is met with a Palestinian struggle for freedom, self-determination and human rights.”

In the past, several ISM members have been linked to terror organizations. The IDF emphasizes that ISM activists have been used in the past as “human shields” by Palestinian terrorists. During the IDF’s 2002 Operation Defensive Shield, ISM members barricaded themselves with late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in the Mukataa presidential compound in Ramallah.

In addition, according to a 2006 Front Page magazine research piece, “In March 2003, fugitive Islamic Jihad terrorist Shadi Sukiya was arrested in a house the ISM rented in Jenin. Two suicide bombers from the U.K. met with the ISM in Gaza before blowing up Mike’s Place, a bar in Tel Aviv, killing three people and wounding more than 50 in the process.”

In 2008, ISM movement leaders joined the Free Gaza Movement coalition, which was involved in the flotilla attempt to breach the naval blockade Israel imposed on the Gaza Strip.

The ISM movement has also been active in protests against the security barrier between Israel and the West Bank, especially in the village of Bil’in. ISM activists were sent “to help protect the Palestinian population,” in their words, from further suffering due to irritations from settlers and IDF soldiers. They have also joined forces with radical leftist organizations, such as Ta’ayush: the Arab Jewish Partnership” and “Anarchists Against The Wall.”

April 16, 2012 | 26 Comments »

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26 Comments / 26 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    Democracy is not a religion, not even a Jewish ethos and we should not have to commit suicide in it’s name.

    I think few people are aware that it isn’t even an AMERICAN religion. “Democracy” in America stems from the fact that the early settlers were all of the same religions (either Separatist, in Plymouth, or Puritan in Mass. Bay); and that both religions, by virtue of their geographic isolation from the English clergy, were congregational. CHURCH meetings were then the same thing as TOWN meetings, and everyone had a vote. For some time, there wasn’t even an ordained minister in the Colonies — Elder Brewster, who wrote the Mayflower Compact, was never ordained. “Democracy” comes from a Greek word, and its use makes it sound like our Founding Fathers were following a Classical Greek model. They were doing nothing of the sort. To those who actually FOUNDED America, “Democracy” meant “Christianity”, and “Christianity”, devoid of its hierarchy and European baggage, meant “The Bible”.

    I think it’s no accident that those who are touting “Democracy” as though it were our national religion, are the same ones who are busy removing the Bible from public life. The Muslims don’t need democracy; they don’t have any idea what it is, and they wouldn’t know what to do with it if it smacked them in the face. They need the Bible. Giving them anything else, other than a swift kick in the butt, is a waste of time. The same goes for the Jews of Israel, for the Americans and everyone else.

  2. @ Paul Winter:

    Ariel Mayor: IDF Commanders Lack Courage
    Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman slammed IDF chief Benny Gantz charging he lacked the courage to deal with foreign anarchists
    By Gabe Kahn

    IDF Chief of Staff Removes Eisner from Command for Two Years
    IDF Chief of Staff Gantz removes Lt. Col. Eisner from command position after an edited video showed him using force to restrain a protester.

    Remember Benny Gantz the OC who let an IDF Druze soldier die of his wounds and called the PA to extricate him. (They never showed up, SURPRISE!!!) OSLO and PC Uber Alles.

    We have been in trouble for a long time with our politically corrupted senior officers corp especially at the very top. Until the Army is completely purged of these leftist yes men we are not safe. Each of their political decisions weakens us and gets our kids killed for nothing.

    It’s BB who appointed him that should be deposed or disposed of. Waiting for a vote might be too late. Democracy is not a religion, not even a Jewish ethos and we should not have to commit suicide in it’s name.

  3. @ yamit82:


    He was obviously protesting that the “young peace activist” wasn’t handled according to the laws of war. In other words, like all treasonous persons and spies, put up against a wall and shot.

  4. Time is nearing for adopting the same policy being proposed in the US also here against the items passing a Jews pretending to be leaders.
    Those that still wish to listen to the speechster, go ahead. Behind your backs he is betraying all of you. He has done that all of his public life.
    Prepare for a nuclear Iran while you will be left just as alone as the people in the South are against the islamics rockets. Their “defensive” toys impress no one.
    In a massive rocket attack those things are worthless.
    By the way, the garbage in uniform of command did the same during the Lebanon II War. NOT a one showed up in our town even as we took 180 Hezbollah rockets. Hezbollah did that because the runner Bakak run away from Lebanon and allies there in one of his usual runs.
    They only KNOW how attack and destroy and conspire against JEWS while screeching “demokratiahhhhhh isgrgaeliii”. The most gruesome of them all are the Peres and the Bakak.
    They also train thousands of black uniformed bestial criminally insane items to assault Jews, destroy Heritage using all means including but not limited to specially trained German police horses. EVERYONE in government… KNOWS that but not a peep is issued.
    Netanyahu WILL SOON order the destruction of many Jewish homes and will again expel hundreds of more “victims of peace”.
    Netanyahu WAS INTRINSIC to the “disengagement” and will do it again and again.

    We do have solutions.

  5. I’m being moderated again. This time around, I used very civil language to speculate about the “moderate” severing of heads of all my government officials. I didn’t ADVOCATE such per se, but said I would love to watch. 🙂

  6. @ Paul Winter:

    And the Government of Israel has a lot to answer for in making a police force of the IDF.


    The Israeli police, apparently, are reserved for special operations like cracking Jewish heads at Amona. As for these Danish scum, it almost looks as though the Israeli government went out of its way to give them the propaganda footage they craved. I don’t know who’s for Israel, but it’s not the American government and not the Israeli government.

    I just finished filing my taxes, and I’m ready for a violent revolution. Is there someplace one might apply for such? I’m not violent myself, but I will gladly watch and knit while they lop off the heads of our President, Congress, Supreme Court, State Department and every Federal agency. Their bodies and severed heads should have so much cumulative bulk, they’ll supply our energy needs for seven years. Isn’t that what they call “biomass”?

  7. @ bernard ross:

    This is because they embrace a strategy of pleasing their former masters, of seeking approval, of butt smooching the Europeans, of being the accommodating Jew who will happily take his bar of soap to the oven.

    Thanks, Bernard. You just gave me the word to describe the kiss-ass Jews: Combine “Smoo”, as in “smooch”, with “Jew”, and what do you get?


  8. Lt Col Eisner should not have been in the front line in the first place. If he retaliated after being assaulted, he should have proceeded to arrest that dog of a Dane. More importantly, the loud-mouthed politicians who criticise the officer should explain why they permit foreign hostiles to enter the country and then extend the protection of civil rights to provocative agents for Israel’s enemy. All ISM provocateurs should be arrested as soon as they crawl out from under the slimy rocks under which they consort with the Fakestinians, jailed for a week on a bread and water diet, fined and have all their property confiscated and then deported. No other nation would tolerate foreign hostiles from abusing the hospitality of a country and displaying contempt for its laws. Further, no country other than Israel would allow a demonstration like the one in which Eisner was involved to continue for TWO!!! hours. Eisner was wrong in not telling the ISM scum it had 5 minutes to slither away and if they didn’t disperse, to arrest those dog droppings. And the Government of Israel has a lot to answer for in making a police force of the IDF. The Knesset has a lot to answer for in allowing the nobility of arms doctrine to continue in the face of ongoing vilification to ever increasing restraints shown by the IDF and, when faced by Arab lawbreakers, by the Israeli police.

  9. Better a Colonel Shlomo Eisner who isn’t afraid to bash in the face of a Nazi wannabe than a wishy-washy Bibi who pisses on the victims of genocidal bombers by mass releasing their killers when the RIGHT thing to do was to level Gaza.

    In fact Bibi needs to change his name to “Price Tag”; Barak to Benedict Arnold.

    As for the Danish Ambassador two words are quite appropo – PISS OFF.

    Well, make that a sentence. You’re not King Christiaan who rode through Copenhagen square defending the Jews and defying the Nazis. By allowing these Leftie Nazis and their Islamohitlerite allies that much influence in your now-sorry country, you piss on Christiaan’s tomb, you pisspot.

  10. BlandOatmeal Said:

    Israel’s leaders again look like ninnies.

    This is because they embrace a strategy of pleasing their former masters, of seeking approval, of butt smooching the Europeans, of being the accommodating Jew who will happily take his bar of soap to the oven. The Jews need to throw off the yoke of the past. A rifle butt in the face is more appropriate than butt smooching the descendants of Jew killers in alliance with today’s overt Jew killers. Today they must be shown that the Jews will give them a rifle butt in their face, how else should their dangerous hypocrisies be answered? Eisner has demonstrated, perhaps unintentionally, what Israel needs to demonstrate to its overt and clandestine enemies.

  11. @ yamit82:
    Good video, Yam. This is just another chapter in “Let’s go pick on the Jews”. All of Scandanavia is ripe for God’s judgment over protests like this, and Israel’s leaders again look like ninnies. That IDF officer was doing his job, nothing more and nothing less.

  12. yamit82 Said:

    Therefore, firstly, a band of anarchists is running around in the territories, primarily from Europe; they belong to known organizations, most of which, if not all, support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They are Islamist-to-radical left. Second, the ‘bicyclist’ Andreas Ias is a member of the International Solidarity Movement (IMS), which has already been involved with assisting terrorism in the past, and even openly and declaratively supports Palestinian ‘armed struggle’. Third, these activists are generally more extreme than the Palestinians themselves. And before anyone claims that they are only ‘activists against the occupation’ it is worthwhile noting that the group’s media advisor, Paulo Rosovsky, declared that ‘Israel is a non-legitimate entity’. Israel, not the occupation. Fourth, Israel, it would seem, is the only country in the world which allows those who declaratively act to destroy it to act freely, in the name of human rights of course.

    It seems to me that some of these “activists” should have been held for sometime and questioned thorughly as suspected spies and terrorists. Israel is too casual and sends the message that they are just kids playing with innocent intentions. As usual it is the posture of the govt which confuses the issue. Had they treated them seriously as suspected terrorists they might get useful information and also dissuade future incursions by showing that Israel is not playing games. That’s why I liked Eisners gesture, it is serious and clear and forces the activists and their friends to realize that they could be in danger. I do not want them to feel safe to rely on Israels good intentions and predictable restraint. This is exactly what has been going wrong regarding the enemies who can rely on Israels dependable policy of restraint. I prefer that they feel endangered and in an unpredictable environment. In the video when it happened there was less arrogance and aggression from the provocateurs. All israels enemies need to be afraid of violent unpredictability from Israel a la Eisner.

  13. (Israel Government Press Office)

    Four of today’s articles deal with the recent altercation between foreign activists and the IDF in which an Israel officer hit an activist in the head with his rifle:

    Ma’ariv contends that “We have gone crazy. We have simply gone crazy. Because, there are also facts. And they also deserve a bit of respect. Therefore, firstly, a band of anarchists is running around in the territories, primarily from Europe; they belong to known organizations, most of which, if not all, support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They are Islamist-to-radical left. Second, the ‘bicyclist’ Andreas Ias is a member of the International Solidarity Movement (IMS), which has already been involved with assisting terrorism in the past, and even openly and declaratively supports Palestinian ‘armed struggle’. Third, these activists are generally more extreme than the Palestinians themselves. And before anyone claims that they are only ‘activists against the occupation’ it is worthwhile noting that the group’s media advisor, Paulo Rosovsky, declared that ‘Israel is a non-legitimate entity’. Israel, not the occupation. Fourth, Israel, it would seem, is the only country in the world which allows those who declaratively act to destroy it to act freely, in the name of human rights of course. Fifth, we have had dozens of events in which it became apparent that the filmed footage was totally incomplete, and the more they revealed something the more they hid the real story. ‘Pallywood’, as termed by Prof. Richard Landis. And here, aided by our media, they succeeded to fade into the background, the facts, their ideology and their agitation and their contention – and to reduce the entire story to a few solitary moments in which an officer struck one provocateur.”

    Yisrael Hayom recalls that “A moment before the officer struck the activist from Denmark in the head, that same guy broke his finger with a board.” The author maintains that “The fact that the protesters acted violently, that Lt. Col. Eisner’s hand was injured, disappeared from the pictures which were disseminated, and not for nothing. We must remember that the objective of all of the events is to demonize Israel and the IDF.

    The Jerusalem Post feels that Lt.-Col. Shalom Eisner, the deputy commander of the IDF’s Jordan Valley Brigade, who was filmed striking a foreign pro-Palestinian activist with his rifle on Saturday, should be given the benefit of the doubt “at least until a thorough investigation is conducted.” While the editor thoroughly condemns such actions in the strongest possible terms, if indeed they took place, he feels that “The prime minister, the president and others who leveled criticism at Eisner should have refrained from commenting until the findings of a proper probe are released.”

    Haaretz criticizes the excessive use of force used this week by the deputy commander of the Jordan Valley Brigade, who was caught on camera striking an apparently helpless Danish national in the face with an M-16 rifle, and commends the swift condemnation of the event by senior Israeli officials. The editor believes that “Such reactions are necessary, but certainly not sufficient,” and states: “Use of violence against peace activists is not an image problem that can be swept aside with a suspension and denunciation. A political and military leadership that incites the public against peace and human rights activists bears responsibility for the conduct of hot-tempered officers like Eisner.”

  14. A country is living through a war that began the day it was born, with no end in sight. Its enemies have proudly announce their goal to destroy the country and exterminate its population. An activist decides to visit that counry in order to express his support to its enemies. He expects his activism to be perfectly safe. One of the people whose physical extermination the activist supports smashes his face with a gun. What’s wrong with this picture?
    Only one thing: the scum whould have been arrested at the airport and at least deported immediately.


  16. It is shame to read comments blaming the officer AOI for hitting a “poor not armed man”.
    Nobody asked what these people doing here in first place? I would put ALL of blaming the officer for “brutality” on his place or put them on ship in front of wild bandits wanted only one thing – to kill or hitting you by any means including any cold weapons.
    Somebody recall what happened in Itamar? They come in settl without weapon but result we know: family of 5
    was brutally murdered.
    You can criticize behavior of soldiers ONLY! if you have been in some situations by yourself.

  17. Bibi,

    That Lieutenant Colonel has BALLS, something that you and your little treasonous boyfriend ehud barak are in short supply of.

    I highly doubt a Lt. Colonel Eisner would have continued the sick and suicidal policies of allowing fuel, food to Gaza, nor the freedom of terrorists responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Jews as you have.

    BTW – What would you have preferred BB, that he shoot the NAZI bastard down?…because that is precisely what he SHOULD have done.

    From where I sit, yes, in the Diaspora, because honestly I don’t believe I’d be safe in an Israel that pisses on the graves of those slaughtered in terrorist attacks or is waiting for Ovomit to do something about an Iran he won’t do a damn thing about, and indicated once again yesterday that he doesn’t care what you or Israel thinks, you are increasingly NOT fit to lead. Maybe marginally better than Ovomit, but remember, that bastard is an anti-Semite. What is YOUR excuse?

    Price Tag??? Yes, with a vengeance. The Netanyahu cabinet of girlieboys and corrupt clowns? Nope.(and neither the Ayatollahs general Mofats, the whore Livni, and the Jew-hating crooks of Kadima either)

  18. Eisner is a great performance artist who in one small gesture,clearly and succinctly expressed the feelings of many towards the arrogant europeans and, in the same gesture, pointed the way to a new diplomatic and military paradigm. In fact he portrayed the new Jew who is tired of hypocrisy and seeking approval from the descendants of Jew Killers who now ally with today’s jew killers. His answer is perfect and cannot be misinterpreted. If one views his gesture as a symbol one can see contained in it many critiques of current paradigms and many solutions to move towards. Eisner for PM and Eisner diplomacy!

  19. what is surprising from these events is why these trouble makers have not been arrested and deported?
    if that had happened this incident would never had occurred.

  20. I just sent one of my standard notes to the PM’s Office. It is time to clear the deck and I typed that very carefully…
    Trusting either the Netanyahu or those he selected to command forces is suicidal.
    HE VOTED FOR DISENGAGEMENT and his one time circus act to pretending to vote against is just typical of the speechster. A conniver, untrustworthy item of the worst grade.
    Those anarchists are INTENTIONALLY allowed in to demoralize true soldiers.
    In fact allowing those anti-Semites/anachists in is a copy of the Peresites importing Arafat and his deviants.

  21. As to Col. Eisner, he went too easy on the thug. One light blow and no followup, nor did he even strike with the butt or any more powerful blow.

    But I am distressed that Israel does such a poor job of telling its story. My understanding is that there had been repeated violent actions by the radical group, and that Col. Eisner himself had been injured in the hand previous. Shouldn’t Israel have videographers showing the violent actions of various terrorist fronts and radicals? Is there any organized effort to document the terrorist fronts/groups’ violence, and show it to the world?

  22. My anger is not healthy for me but it is what it is. The reason for my anger is reading and seeing the way Lt. Col. Eisner has been treated. He should be held up as a hero and promoted to full colonel. When will governments who are under fire from left wing activists understand that these people only understand our strength and power. A butt in the teeth is not enough for these unholy bastards who would tear down Israel in a minute if they had the power to do so. Raising a hand to a soldier should be an automatic 1 year in prison. Col Eisner was wounded by someone yielding a club and that calls for a butt in the teeth.

  23. Israel Border Police beat, detain 9-year-old Jewish boy in Hebron
    Incident occurs after a group of Jewish children began playing in the lot between the house recently occupied by Jewish settlers and a nearby closed military zone. Read More

    Will The officer who beat the crap out a nine yr. old Jewish kid in Hebron be relieved?

    Will BB and those who condemned Eisner condemn The Border Guard officer?

    We have an antisemetic Government and BB is the chief Jew hater, Jew Basher and Arch Political Coward.

    BB and Barak only show cojones against Jews especially Jewish kids.

    Yesha NGOs: What about Violence against Jews?
    Legal Forum for Land of Israel, Yesha Human Rights group see hypocrisy in pile-up on Lt. Col. Eisner.
    By Gil Ronen

  24. In condemning Lt Col Eisner, BB gives support, aid and comfort to the enemies of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. In my opinion his condemnation is treasonous especially coming from the PM of Israel whose first duty was to insure that such enemies never breach the borders of the State and that what ever force deemed appropriate by the officer in charge should be supported out of hand.

    The comments by the critics of BB and except for Ben Ari, none are right wing, and their criticisms are quite boilerplate and tepid.

    I would have expected at a minimum that a no confidence motion over BB’s condemnation be submitted forcing BB to answer in public his position and to hear to his face parliamentary criticism. I’d like to see some brave soul enter a criminal complaint of treason against BB to the police.

    Sure nothing will come of it but the newspapers and media will have a good time with it.

    Sarah Netanyahu is in court answering another complaint, from her maid. She is NUTS, this is at least the fourth scandal she has had with household help. All of them have had similar complaints. She thinks she is the Queen of England Israel. 🙂