Obama’s Strange Love Affair with the Muslim Brotherhood

By Roger L Simon, PC MEDIA

It’s hard to fathom how or why our administration ever thought the Muslim Brotherhood saw democracy as other than a means to an end — and a particularly repellent one at that — in the first place.

It’s not as if the MB is subtle. They have proclaimed who they are since their founding by Hasan al Banna in 1928 and have not wavered in any significant way since in their global jihadist goals. They have also been unstinting in their massive misogyny, homophobia and rigid support of Shariah law über alles (quite literallyüber alles, since the Brotherhood were — virtually the last still unrepentant — allies of Hitler in WWII).

You know, liberal stuff.

Democracy, as their kissing cousin Turkey’s Erdogan so blithely explained, is “like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.” Or, as one of the Brotherhood’s own internal documents put it in that oh-so-distant year of 2007, they (the MB) are dedicated to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.”

That’s from the Muslim Brotherhood’s “General Strategic Goal” for North America. The “miserable house” of Western civilization of course includes all the tenets of classical liberalism and most of those laterally paid lip service by today’s soi-disant “liberals” (rights of women, rights of homosexuals, freedom of expression, ad tedium, ad hypocrisia).

And yet those same liberals — not to mention the increasingly addle-brained John McCain who seemingly can’t tell an al-Qaeda operative from Paul Revere — are suddenly pounding Saharan sand in outrage at the extreme treatment of the Brotherhood at the hands of the mean Egyptian military.

Give me the proverbial break!

The only hope for democracy in Egypt — and it’s a mighty slim one, maybe the size of a third of an M&M crushed under a camel — is the military. At least they’re not insane.

Nevertheless, the president of the United States is not amused. We read our government is secretly “reviewing” our support of Egypt. They are urging the Egyptian military to negotiate with the Brotherhood, the same religious fanatics who evidently just told 24 Egyptian policemen to lie face down in the Sinai desert and summarily executed them, the same madmen who are running all over Egypt burning down Christian churches.

What is the explanation for this absolutely self-destructive, even idiotic, policy on our part?

There can be only one — the president of the United States is actually psychologically disturbed. He does not react in a normal manner. I know that’s a vicious and importunate thing to say, but the reaction to Egypt (and to Benghazi, for that matter) is not one of a psychologically healthy human being.

It’s more than the narcissism of which he is often accused, as bad as that is. It’s a form of extreme neurotic attraction to (notably Islamic) religious fascism. Obama is not a Muslim, but he has these deep feelings about it (some of them related to imperialism, others to his absent father, no doubt) that allow him to overlook, or rationalize, all that hideous misogyny, homophobia, and jihadist fanaticism, that loathing of democracy and freedom, even when it could not be more obvious. To Obama, those abhorrent — monumentally illiberal — behaviors and ideologies almost seem irrelevant. But they are the most relevant of all.

The Egyptian military are at least modern. The Brotherhood are decidedly anti-modern, determined to take Egypt, and the world, back to the Middle Ages. (Obama was also, many of us remember, oddly unsympathetic to the cause of the Green Movement in Iran — his silence setting him apart from virtually every Western leader.)

As I have written before (way back in 2010), Obama is a real weirdo.

But speaking of strange love affairs, our liberals continue to act as if Obama is normal, at least most of them do. You see actual Western (liberal) women speaking up in defense of the Muslim Brotherhood on cable television. Are they crazy? Have they lost their minds? Have they ever been to Cairo?

Well, I have — and it’s unspeakably poor and depressed. The Egyptians, as many have written, can barely feed themselves. If you cared even the slightest about the Egyptian people, you would unremittingly support the Egyptian military. They are the Egyptians’ only hope for a decent life at this point.

But not if you’re Barack Obama, lost in a childhood fantasy.

His supporters don’t even have that excuse.

Anyway, as we all know…

August 21, 2013 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Our President must be an Islamist in heart. There is no other way to understand his behavior. And he has the support of the Majority of American Jews!!!!!

  2. Barack Hussein Obama has been on record supporting Sharia law already as a US Senator in 2006.
    Atlas Shrugged Articles on Senator Obama supporting Sharia in Kenya

    Video of Obama and Kenyan Sharia Presidential Candidate Odinga
    Sunday, November 21, 2010


    Atlas covered the unspeakable violence following the loss of Obama-supported, sharia-promoting Raila Odinga in the Kenyan presidential election back in 2008. Obama opposed our American ally, President Kibaki, and supported his pal, Raila Odinga, who used rape as a weapon. Odinga tore through the country using murder and rape as his weapons of choice. Justice Minister Martha Karua said that Odinga’s group (Orange Democratic Movement) had planned to carry out systematic ethnic cleansing.

  3. Barack Hussein Obama has been on record supporting Sharia law already as a US Congressman in 2006.

    Sunday, November 21, 2010


    Atlas covered the unspeakable violence following the loss of Obama-supported, sharia-promoting Raila Odinga in the Kenyan presidential election back in 2008. Obama opposed our American ally, President Kibaki, and supported his pal, Raila Odinga, who used rape as a weapon. Odinga tore through the country using murder and rape as his weapons of choice. Justice Minister Martha Karua said that Odinga’s group (Orange Democratic Movement) had planned to carry out systematic ethnic cleansing.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    so they aim to use the MB on a global level. This didn’t start with Obama and won’t end with him but it seems to be a long standing American MO, that has been used sporadically and inconstantly over the years. Today it seems to be quite focused and consistent under Obama.

    Got to agree, it has developed, organized and is spreading the tentacles.

  5. Obama is entirely sane and rational. He is and has always been an Islamist sympathizer. This is no secret. In his book Dreams of my Father he said so himself in so far as in any conflict between the West and Islam, he “stands with the Muslims”. What could be clearer? He has done more than anyone else to advance Jihad and Islamic ideology during his terms in office. What is puzzling and entirely devoid of explanation is why Americans fail to see this obvious state of affairs and elected him not once but twice!

  6. @ Bert:

    I agree but don’t think he is smart enough to pull off all that he has done or wants to accomplish. I think he is everything and more than your description of him but I believe he is fronting and controlled by others.

    Just as his adviser Brzezinski used the Mujahedin in Afghanistan against the Russians so they aim to use the MB on a global level. This didn’t start with Obama and won’t end with him but it seems to be a long standing American MO, that has been used sporadically and inconstantly over the years. Today it seems to be quite focused and consistent under Obama.

    NWO must begin with World chaos. Destruction of nation states and replaced by first fragmented statelets and in the future a universal security state. MB fits the bill as the foot soldiers to that end, they are also opposed to nation states. The EU is well on it’s way to that end actually that was Hitlers dream of first a united Europe under his rule and then the world. It’s no coincidence that ex Nazis were the prime movers and heads in the formation of the EU.

    Today Germany owns half of Europe without the need of military conquest. Obama has consistently been in ideological lock step with the EU since coming to office and that includes the Russians.

  7. The REAL mystery is why are so may people so puzzled about Obama? Obama is rational and consistent but too many people keep thinking that Obama is supposed to be our loyal leader.
    They are using the wrong reference point which does not fit Obama. Try another reference point in which Obama is a stealth enemy within who really supports the Muslim Brotherhood and who despises America. In that case everything fits and it is many Americans who remain confused.