Sarah Palin makes a terrific speech in Denver


She mentions Israel at three different times.

Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager joined her on a panel immediately following. I couldn’t help but notice how diminutive she was between these two big men. As you know they are both highly intelligent. Sarah more than held her own. She blew Hewitt and the audience away with her remarks on Cap and Tax. Watch that too.

May 23, 2010 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. Not so fast, Jose Feliciano.

    Did you watch the speech?

    Did you see the Q & A?

    No not yet I have a wicked migrain, I’ll catch it later when my head stops pounding.

  2. That you have to inject what you believe she says or means and thinks is not a good sign. She can’t be all the of apparent contractions you and others are applying to her. If by now her positions are not clear and need your interjection of what she really thinks and for what she really stands for that makes you a blind groupie.

    Not so fast, Jose Feliciano.

    Did you watch the speech?

    Did you see the Q & A?

    The only way that Palin possibly could have been less ambiguous is if she had brought Obama along with her and beaten him over the head with a waffle iron.

  3. It seems to me that you do a lot of Palin interpretation. That you have to inject what you believe she says or means and thinks is not a good sign. She can’t be all the of apparent contractions you and others are applying to her. If by now her positions are not clear and need your interjection of what she really thinks and for what she really stands for that makes you a blind groupie. Obama will dice her up and spit her out. Whatever her merits or lack of she can’t win based on what I see today. Campaign money won’t bet on her unless she makes some big promises and deals and looks like she has a chance in the private polling (the real polls) Venture politics generally don’t invest in losers or those they can’t control and be rewarded from.

  4. Republicans may be too obtuse to recognize a winner when they have one, but Democrats instinctively understand who represents a threat to them.

    Maybe it’s because that she is so far the only one out there although not officially declared a candidate she sure is acting and talking like one.

    Or maybe they are working the double blind shtick, by implying they are afraid of her , hoping they will get her. Anyone with her visibility and coverage still polling in the low 20% range is a candidate I would love to run against especially a Hussein. Since when have Americans ever gone for the best and most suitable for the position. You guys like your rock stars and Hollywood idols. Therefore anything is possible even a Pallin.

    She isn’t my first choice but my first choices never win.

  5. Video 2 (17:40) is the point at which Palin gives her spiel on Cap and Tax.

    Very impressive, and it explains the intense liberal effort to marginalize her.

    Conventional wisdom notwithstanding, Obama does not want the GOP to nominate Palin in 2012.

    Republicans may be too obtuse to recognize a winner when they have one, but Democrats instinctively understand who represents a threat to them.

  6. I don’t see Palin as a libertarian. But she appreciates their message. She supports Israel and a strong US military. Libertarians do not. She supports responsible energy developement. That means regulatory controls and environmental protection. She is definitely pro-business.

    Anyone who is pro-life is not extreme in my view. If the majority of Americans favour pro-life, so be it. Or vice versa. I don’t see her ramming it down anyone’s throat.

    She has yet to comment on changes to the social safety net. How much help will she give those in need. She is on record of supporting special needs kids. She is against cradle to grave security. What if anything is she for.