Poll: 86.5% of Israelis oppose cease-fire

07/27/2014 15:35

Survey says that should Netanyahu choose to end Gaza operation at this time, he would be confronting the overwhelming majority of the nation.

TRIOPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (R), Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, and IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz meet in Tel Aviv. Photo: ARIEL HERMONI / DEFENSE MINISTRY

Public opinion in Israel is solidly against ending Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip according to a poll released Sunday.

The poll was conducted by respected pollster Mina Tzemach among 504 respondents, a representative sample of the Hebrew-speaking Israeli adult population. It was sponsored by strategist Roni Rimon, who once worked with Likud and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, but now insists he took it at his own initiative for his own curiosity.

When asking about a potential cease-fire, the poll gave two choices. The first endorsed a cease-fire because “Israel had enough achievements, soldiers have died, and it is time to stop.” The second said Israel cannot accept a cease-fire because “Hamas continues firing missiles on Israel, not all the tunnels have been found, and Hamas has not surrendered.”

Only 9.7 percent chose option one, 86.5% option two, and 3.8% said they did not know. Men were more likely to want the operation to continue than women.

Asked how they would rate the operation if a cease-fire happened today, 2.2% said a big success, 22.6% a good result, and 47.6% a so-so result. Fourteen point nine percent said it would be a good result for Hamas, 8.7% said a great success for Hamas, and four percent did not know.

Rimon said that when those who considered the operation’s results so-so are combined with those who believe the result of the operation was good or a great success for Hamas, more than 71 percent are disappointed with the operation so far.

“Israelis want victory,” Rimon said. “The public has a bitter taste in its mouth from the results of the war so far.”

Rimon cautioned Netanyahu that if he agreed to a cease-fire, he would be confronting the overwhelming majority of the nation.

“All the compliments Netanyahu has received for running the operation, his restraint, thinking things through, and obtaining international support will be lost and will be replaced with criticism,” Rimon said. “But this is the test of a leader. If he believes that the greater good of Israel requires a cease-fire because of relations with the United States and the international community, he will put ratings aside and do what he thinks is right. We shall wait and see.”

July 27, 2014 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. That a way to go Sissi

    Sunday, July 27, 2014
    Egyptian army destroyed 13 new tunnels, killed 11 terrorists in Sinai

    Egyptian army killed 11 terrorists in Sinai
    Shimon Mijan – Israel Radio Reshet Bet
    First publication:07:49, 27/07/14 Last Update: 07:57, 27/07/14
    [IMRA translation]

    13 new tunnels were destroyed between the Gaza Strip and Sinai.

    Egyptian security forces killed 11 terrorists in northern Sinai, as part of
    the Egyptian army activity against terrorist organizations. They also
    destroyed 13 new tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Sinai.
    IMRA – Independent Media Review and Analysis

  2. BB has caved again to outside pressure whether he declare a cease fire formally or no the IDF has ceased to initiate fire against Hamas reportedly to respect the Muslim Id. He has left our guys almost like sitting ducks not to mention the Israeli people…. He is vile and despicable. Narcissist pathological liar and coward in love with his own lifestyle and rhetoric.

  3. Survey says that should Netanyahu choose to end Gaza operation at this time, he would be confronting the overwhelming majority of the nation.

    BB is finished. The mood of thecountry will turn to what it was after the Yom Kippur war. He is underestimating the mood of the country and is counting on his ability-to spin the results. Few will buy his spin.

    Hamas leadership military and political is still intact unscathed. The Cost of the physical damage will only be provided by America,EU, Qatar and Turkey. They can rebuild at their own pace with no major obstacles. They will be the heroes of the Muslin world for standing up to Israel. They have weakened the status of Abbu Mazen and strengthened Hamas support in Y&S.

    Iran can claim victory as well as the MB. The IDF will be demoralized and the residents of the South will feel betrayed again by BB.

    Whether Bennett and Lieberman leave the government the People will punish them all at the next polls, especially if in short order Hamas who still controls the trigger and the level of any flame they start begins to fire rockets again for any reason and that goes equally for any of the smaller militant groups in Gaza.

    What Israel has gained so far is the loss of some 43 soldiers and the destruction of some 30-35 tunnels. The Security services will not say even if they have an idea how many tunnels they didn’t uncover and one must assume there are more.

    Hamas has achieved what no enemy of Israel till now has accomplished they managed to close Ben Gurion for 2-3 days.

    They hit Just out side of Dimona ( Nuke reactor) that all are silent about.

    Will probably have Israel investigated for War Crimes too boot.

    Israel manged to level a couple of neighborhoods and kill over a 1000 Arabs. Big Deal!!!!!

    The people of Israel expects their government and Army to place them above negative pressure from Obama and EU primarily.

    I really hate BB more today than ever.

  4. The kerry Obama plans, etc. may have provided the hamas with the hope of getting their goals through US pressure causing them to reject cease fires and allowing Israel the green light to keep the operation going.
    Is this a blessing in disguise, a broken clock being right twice a day…..?
    The question is “what opportunities will BB seize with the extra time”?