Rabbi Herzog: The upcoming solution is that Jordan is Palestine.

Rabbi Herzog

A little from the quiver of “Azraq Al-Yamama.”

Mourning in Jordan. Hashemite tears. And orphans.

The Queen of Jordan is convinced that the black magic, which cost her millions, will protect her. This will not happen.

All the bribes the Queen of Jordan paid to American officials to keep her and her husband in power will be wasted. They took the money from you, O Queen of Jordan, knowing in advance that they will not do anything for you.

The Queen of Jordan and the Intelligence Chief are planning a civil war. A massive and focused incitement against the Palestinians. Rest assured, Palestinians in Jordan, that despite the Queen’s and her Intelligence Chief’s attempts, we will not allow this. And remember that it is Israel who has protected you.

The truth cannot be hidden with a sieve. The official information with the Americans and others is that the Palestinians in Jordan number 11 million, and there are only 370,000 Jordanians left. The rest are Egyptians and Iraqis, less than 300,000.

The upcoming solution is that Jordan is Palestine. There is no other solution, and no one is trying. Especially His Excellency the President of the UAE. Do not waste your money in America trying to stop this project.

Jordan’s intelligence is planning an action against Israel, and we know exactly where, but the results will be devastating for the Hashemite state and its regime.

The Jordanian army is for peace and will work, with the help of the American army, to strike the terrorists, including some small tribes in Karak and Ma’an. A piece of advice for you: behave yourselves.

We will witness the news of the painful and horrific death of a young Jordanian from the small Thawabiyeh family originally. The news will have repercussions, and terror will prevail among all those close to him. This is just the beginning.

What happened in Syria is what will happen in Jordan. The difference is that the next Jordanian president will be secular, while Al-Julani was Islamist.

Later, I will write to you about the blows that the Egyptian regime and President Sisi will face, followed by Iraq.

January 27, 2025 | 27 Comments »

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27 Comments / 27 Comments

  1. @Reader

    I do like reading you comments and find them valuable

    Me too. Even more so when we disagree than when we agree.

  2. @fquigley

    I would still recommend reading his book, I don’t think it is a good idea to make your decisions based on some online opinion which looks like a smear job.

    He is not merely a former architect, he researched the issue fulll time for 8 years.

  3. Reader

    I do like reading you comments and find them valuable

    When it comes to heating of our planet as they say you’re not even at the races

    A lot of information here

    Robert W. Felix’s Not by Fire but by Ice


    Homo sapiens sapiens has been late. We are creatures of the ice age (Jessica Tierney)

    We are in an ice age now…and in THIS ice age we are cooling

    So far so good

    But the earth is not cooling. The cooling* has been interrupted

    Guess by what

    By what Jessica refers to in one of her great talks on YouTube “By our old friend co2”

    Jessica is a youngish professor in Arkansas University

    So there’s two avenues to follow

    The obliteration job by DeSmog

    The YouTube videos by Tierney is super science enjoyed at her public meetings

  4. @fquigley

    You reckon the sun heats earth.

    I have never denied the global warming BUT a global cooling comes after a global warming as night follows day, and both of these natural processes have NOTHING to do with human activity and everything to do with the way the Earth moves around the sun and through the galaxy.

    In addition, the Earth is a giant magnet, and it undergoes a magnetic reversal (its South pole becomes its North pole – no, the Earth doesn’t flip upside down) every so many thousand years, in cycles.

    Read Robert W. Felix’s Not by Fire but by Ice, it is a relatively easy read, and it explains how these processes work.

    The author says that we are entering a cooling stage, and that we are approaching the next magnetic reversal (a catastrophic event).

    I wish the PTB (powers that be) told us the truth (which they undoubtedly know – they have to face reality in order to be able to save themselves!) and prepared the Earth’s population for what is to come (the next Ice Age), instead of politicizing and weaponizing the global warming idea.

    I think they are doing what they are doing because they are convinced that the Earth has become overpopulated and they want to get rid of a few million (or even several billion) of us by natural means.

  5. Reader

    “BTW, Felix was the one who mentioned the lack of response to me first.”

    I’m sure that’s true even though I forget the specifics

    But it’s a recurrent thought

    I have continually talked about the history around LENIN and Trotsky role in the Civil War in Ukraine and it’s big lesson for Jews in the present. All ignored.

    Plus much about October 7 again ignored.

    You reckon the sun heats earth. The sun heats by interaction with an atmosphere

    We are in a long cooling period interrupted obviously by effects of capitalism especially fossil fuel co2

    Keelie says not co2 it’s water Vapour

    I’ve had to study but I usually answer

  6. @peloni

    My comment under Hamas Deal Puts US Boots on the Ground disappeared.

    There is certainly a list of words and expressions which are censored on this website, so, please, give us a list and restore my comment.

  7. @peloni

    if I did so, you would not see your comments listed in the recent comment box on the Left side column.

    Actually, I would see them but no one else (or only some people) would.

    There are ways to do this, this is why I asked.

    BTW, Felix was the one who mentioned the lack of response to me first.

  8. dreuveni-

    You are whistling in the wind. The good Rabbi/ tycoon/ businessman (in no particular order) is waiting for his inspiration to beckon-I mean MBS.

    You can SHOUT…but he will-not hear……..

  9. READER-

    For you to complain that your posts don’t elicit reaction by others is certainly surprising to me… I’ve always thought you were unnecessarily aggressive and denunciatory in your posts due to a sort of persecution complex.

    Israpundit has always treated even vicious ad hominem attacks leniently tperhaps to give te poster time to realise that he is being offensive beyond decency.

    Well, being wrong is not unusual for me.

    So they are actually deliberately provocative… Hmmm.

    Very interesting to know that there is a different personality underlying your posts.

  10. @Reader

    Are you hiding or blocking my comments?

    Of course not. Why would I do such a thing? This is not twitter. I have always, and continue to support dialogue and debate, which is only defeated by such censoring tactics as you are suspecting. Hence, there is no downthottling (which is not even possible on this site) and no censorship at all beyond the expectation that comments should not be personally disparaging of others, which yours are not.

    So, no. I am not hiding any comments, nor am I blocking any comments, and if I did so, you would not see your comments listed in the recent comment box on the Left side column.

  11. @peloni To your points below:

    1. Agreed, facts on the ground are hard to dispute.

    2. I didn’t realize that Israel was supplying so much social welfare to the “pals”. So, why not continue to make the benefits available, on condition of moving to Jordan, (or anywhere else), and giving up all claims within the borders of Israel (incl. Gaza, Judea, Samaria, Golan, etc.)? Then phase out the benefits over time. Also, participation in terrorism should disqualify the entire extended family from benefits.

    3. Jordan is definitely antagonistic right now, but I think that it’s still not a full-blown terrorist state. If the US influence helps keep the lid on it, then we need to make sure that Trump doesn’t pull the plug on that. Also, if, or when, the JO takes effect, they will have their hands full just fixing and running Jordan, let alone policing Islamist extremists. That may be most of the people, anyway.

    4. Yes, Gaza was hard, and was made harder by US interference. So, it stands to reason that Jordan would be even more of a problem, but it’s fruitless to try and decide which would be worse.

  12. @dreuveni
    The ultimate prize which will come from the Jordan Option will be stability in the region and the implementation of the IMEC. So the cost should be envisioned to be leveraged against those parties who benefit from the JO. China should have no role in this, none at all actually, but India and the local regional powers should. Or so I would argue.

  13. @peloni: I agree with you on your points. There is only one real open issue and that is where these new Jordanians will live. Assuming that all of them move to Jordan, we need housing for all of them (which might be an incentive, but the hidden problem here is who will pay for all the required building? I’m sure that all those sympathizing with the so-called Palestinians will immediately stop funding them if that means they are stuck and Israel can be blamed. On the other hand, Israel could solve the problem by doing the building or at least financing it. I guess the Saudis with their new city in the desert have grabbed all the building contractors and their employees… They will not go easily!!

    Final solution would be a Chinese venture but I doubt we want that.

  14. @Raphael

    how are you going to convince the rest of the anti-Semitic world of that, when all they want to do is carve Israel up and give it to the savages?

    Facts on the ground is all that is needed. The antisemitic world have no say in the matter.

    how are you going to get all the palestinians to eagerly move to Jordan?

    Quite easily, ship them by bus. There is no need to force them, as they will go of their own accord. You see, the Pals are entirely dependent upon the social benefits which are provided to them where they currently reside. So stop providing those benefits in Israel, and make transfer the distribution of healthcare, welfare, education, etc, in Jordan. This is entirely doable, and the Pals will overwhelmingly respond by chasing their subsidized donatives wherever they are provided.

    how are you going to deal with a major terrorist state right next door, which shares a long border with Israel?

    Jordan is currently a terror state. The rampant Jew Hatred which is neither marginal nor hidden is why no Jew will openly visit Jordan. What keeps the genie in the bottle in Jordan is the US funded military there. What keeps the Jew Hatred popular and acceptable is the state accepted/allied presence of the Islamists in Jordan, such as the Muslim Brotherhood. The JO rejects the right or tolerance of Islamists to exist in Jordan, which is how the Jew Hatred will be dealt with overtime.

    Gaza was hard enough.

    This is not really true. The greatest obstacle to winning the war in Gaza was the US interference combined with their allies in the IDF leadership. Gaza is the size of a very small city, and Israel could have easily have achieved its war aims had a sympathetic or even neutral agent been leading the US during the war. So many men were killed while battling for territory which was incompetently surrendered to the enemy after having captured it. Additionally, the presence of the civilians was a problem which could and should have been dealt with in the beginning of the war, but again, the hostile actions of the US required that the Pals not be relocated, not in any number and not even for the duration of the war. So, what made Gaza hard was the lack of will to see it won by Israel within the US power structure.

  15. The only way for Israel to resist the TSFS is to realize that those who promote it are CON MEN who play a CON GAME in order to eventually achieve the destruction of Israel:

    con game: A swindle in which the mark, or victim, is defrauded after his or her trust has been won.


    In a really sophisticated con everything is perfectly legal, and the victim will lose because of any of the following: his gullibility, stupidity, naivete, vanity, ignorance, thirst for power or money, etc., fill in the blanks, which the con man knows how to play on to achieve his desired goal.

  16. OK, Jordan is Palestine. No argument here. But how are you going to convince the rest of the anti-Semitic world of that, when all they want to do is carve Israel up and give it to the savages? Second, how are you going to get all the palestinians to eagerly move to Jordan? Lastly, assuming that you get them all to move to Jordan, how are you going to deal with a major terrorist state right next door, which shares a long border with Israel? Gaza was hard enough.

  17. @Edgar That’s why Marxism is called scientific socialism. It has a 100 percent track record in predicting the past. 😀

  18. SKEEZIX-

    That’s OK, nothing predicted has occurred yet, all in the future.

    “Coming next Week, Gone With The Wind:”.

  19. Dr Frankenstein must have given his a dose of cathode Ray lightning power (gobbldygook) which brings alive the dead…first a series of twiches , tnen a wakey-wakey up .

  20. Rabbi Herzog
    We need an “Accuracy Tracker”
    For your output

    So we can see
    The veracity and Accuracy of your words…