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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. No I don’t. The problem is Jews’ lack fortitude.

    And their weaknesses are easily taken advantage of. That is why I laugh at anti-Semites’ claim they run the world.

  2. NormanF Said:

    Judging from your comments the issue isn’t really about Rachael Fraenkel. The nightmare of the Jews will not be solved by an appeal to international pity

    Its not about pity or the Jewish people about her child, if she has to humiliate herself to save him, she will, you’re not a Mother, you don’t have the slightest idea !!!

  3. @ honeybee:

    I may not be a mother but I appreciate even more the fact that Israel is not going to be loved by the world.

    Jews must take care of themselves first and stop worrying about what they think in Geneva.

    Judging from your comments the issue isn’t really about Rachael Fraenkel. The nightmare of the Jews will not be solved by an appeal to international pity.

  4. Nothing is more nauseating than the sight of Jews begging their enemies for their freedom.

    I don’t think Rachel Frankel is courageous at all. What was she expecting, an epiphany?

    And who really cares about the Jews? Sorry but I know the answers.

    If Jews don’t demand self respect from themselves, they have no right to demand it of others.