Report: Revealed documents prove that Netanyahu agreed to discuss ending the war

T. Belman. I do not believe this Report at all.  It is more left wing garbage. An attempt to falsely accuse Netanyahu.

Israel submitted a document about a month ago with its proposal for a deal to release the hostages which was not disclosed to the cabinet. Netanyahu’s office claims that the document presented is partial and misleading.

  Jun 10, 2024, 9:44 PM (GMT+3)

Benjamin NetanyahuYonatan Sindel/Flash90

On May 27, Israel submitted a proposal to Hamas for a deal to release hostages in exchange for a ceasefire, which was hidden from the members of the political-security cabinet.

Channel 12 News claims that the document includes 18 clauses and 3 stages. In the first stage concerning the release of women, the elderly, the sick, the wounded, and female soldiers, Israel proposed their return in exchange for at least 30 prisoners per hostage, and 50 in the case of a released female soldier. It is stated that the release will be “subject to lists provided by Hamas.”

It is also noted that “the identity of at least 100 out of 250 prisoners to be released from Israel in exchange for 5 female soldiers released from Hamas captivity will be discussed in the second stage. A certain number of prisoners (at least 50) who are sentenced to life imprisonment will be released either abroad or to Gaza.”

According to the publication, clause 5 of Israel”s proposal details the method of release for 33 hostages within the framework of stage A of the deal. “On the first day, Hamas will release 3 civilian women hostages. On the seventh day, Hamas will release 4 more civilian hostages, and subsequently, 3 hostages will be released every 7 days, first the women (civilians and soldiers) and all live hostages will be released before the bodies. On the seventh day of the release, Hamas will provide information on the number of Israeli hostages to be released alive during this stage.”

“During the sixth week, after the release of Hisham al-Sayed and Avrah Mengistu, who will be included in the total number of 33 hostages, the Israeli side will release 47 prisoners who were released in the Shalit deal and re-incarcerated,” the document says.

Regarding the compensation for the remaining hostages that will not return alive within this stage, it is written: “Israel will release all women and children under the age of 19 who were taken prisoner in the Gaza Strip after October 7. This release will take place during the sixth week of the deal.”

An additional clause states that “the Palestinian prisoners who will be released will not be re-arrested based on the same charges for which they were previously detained, and the Israeli side will not initiate their return to serve the remaining sentences before their release. The Palestinian prisoners will not be required to sign any document as a condition for their release.”

Regarding the second stage of the deal, it is noted that “no later than the 16th day, indirect negotiations between the two sides will begin to finalize the terms for the implementation of this stage. The negotiations should be completed before the end of the 5th week of the first stage.”

Israel agrees according to the proposal to declare a ceasefire even before it receives the hostages, and clause 15 talks about the second stage: “Declaration of the establishment of a permanent ceasefire of military and hostile actions and the start of this ceasefire before the exchange of hostages and prisoners between the two sides, as well as the completion of the withdrawal of IDF forces from the entire Strip.”

The Prime Minister”s Office commented: “The document presented is partial and misleading the public. The claim that Israel agreed to end the war before achieving all its objectives is false and slanderous. According to the full document, Israel will not stop the war until all its conditions are met – that is, to fight until Hamas is eradicated, all our hostages are returned, and ensuring that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel.”

June 11, 2024 | Comments »

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