‘Resettling Gaza was never in the cards,’ PM Netanyahu says in a CNN interview

Peloni:  So Gaza is to remain Judenrein.  It is unseemly that this policy would be maintained.  Jewish settlement in Gaza would increase the security of Gaza as well as force a serious price upon the Gazans for their unprovoked war against Israel.  Though it seems unlikely at this time, hopefully, this policy will not stand.

Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterates opposition to Israeli settlements in Gaza, clarifies no plans for re-occupation. Emphasizes need to remove Hamas for reconstruction and civilian rule.

By Tovah Lazaroff | JPOST | May 22, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a state memorial ceremony for victims of terror, at Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem, May 13, 2024.   (photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Israelis won’t be able to rebuild settlements in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Authority won’t be able to control the enclave, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN on Tuesday night.

“Resettling Gaza,” Netanyahu said, “that was never in the cards.”

Just last week National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called for the construction of Israeli settlements in Gaza and the voluntary emigration of Palestinians from the enclave.

Israel has destroyed 21 Gaza settlements when it withdrew from the enclave in 2005. The Gaza war has sparked a renewed call on the Right for Israel to re-occupy Gaza.

Netanyahu on Tuesday night clarified on CNN that while Israel would need to retain security control of Gaza to prevent the resurgence of terrorism, there were no plans to re-occupy it.

Netanyahu told CNN he has been clear about his opposition to building settlements in Gaza.

Netanyahu’s vision for peace

“I said so openly. Some of my constituents are not happy about it, but that’s my position,” he stated.

Netanyahu also dismissed the possibility that the Palestinian Authority could control Gaza once the war was over and Hamas no longer ruled the enclave, which it had forcibly seized in 2007 when it ousted Fatah from the Strip.

The PA still teaches its children to seek the destruction of the Jewish state and provides monthly stipends to terrorists jailed by Israel for killing civilians, he said.

“I want a different future for Israelis and Palestinians alike,” he said.

Both Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz have taken Netanyahu to task for failing to provide a plan for what happens in Gaza once the war is over and Hamas is defeated.

Netanyahu told both CNN and ABC that he hada very clear plan, that focused on local civilian rule and the reconstruction of Gaza with the help of Arab stat es.

“I have a very clear plan,” but the first is, “We have to get rid of Hamas,” Netanyahu said.

After that, he said, “I want a [demilitarized] civilian administration that is run by Gazans” who are not part of Hamas nor committed to Israel’s destruction.

“I would have a reconstruction of Gaza, if possible, done by the moderate Arab States and the international community,” Netanyahu explained.

“I think it is a realistic plan,” he added.


May 22, 2024 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. “rule by Arabs in any part of Eretz Yisrael seems not to be any part of it.”

    That sums up the correct position for Jews and supporters everywhere. Sovereignty for Jews is inviolable because Holocaust takes place of that is eroded.

    Another aspect is we defend Netanyahu always AGAINST THIS OBVIOUS COLOUR REVOLUTION

    We know we differ. But that defence against the enemy is total.

    The media has hanged up against Netanyahu just as they did against Milosevic

    The CIA and it’s media always fasten on to divisions. The enemy has whole centres of academia who have studied these differences. They create their strategy of creating a plant state based on these studies of divided states. It is sophisticated enough but when aware you can spot it a mile off.

    Means refutation of every attack on Netanyahu is as important as IDF fighting with guns.

    It must be foremost in thinking of every conscious Jew and Jewish supporter. It is really today very important…a narrow thread towards survival

    Bear…I can see no value in a referendum. The issue of Israel has been decided. 1. By international law 2. By geography and physics as Vivarto explained. But immediately Israel must proceed to massively propagating of historical facts.

  2. Netanyahu’s “Vision” is just that. He may never be able to implement it. The large majority of the people may not want this to happen., but to resettle Gaza with Jews, since it’s part of Israel.

    I sense a new militancy in the People as to what they want and what lengths they might go to satisfy their needs; and rule by Arabs in any part of Eretz Yisrael seems not to be any part of it.

  3. @FelixQuigley

    not to concede in words ever Palestine state of any type

    That’s right. The world knows well the Palestinian position. It is being shouted on the campuses and streets around the world: “From the River to the Sea”.
    The world views us as occupiers of Palestine.

    However the world does not know our position, because we never even verbalize it.
    But this tine sliver of land cannot hold two states, let alone two states that are so ireconsilable in their mission.

  4. After the war I would like to see a referendum on whether Israelis should settle in Gaza. The country as a whole should decide this issue.

  5. Netanyahu originally was and remains a Disengagement leading participant. He has sent thousands of our soldiers and civilians into harms way to continue that eckatombe. He must be replaced along with his generals quartet.

  6. Vivarto exactly the way to talk to these Antisemites especially Biden

    Hit the preening Ballina jackass in the balls every time

  7. The Right is full of bullshit

    Netanyahu here betrays

    He could say for example

    No resettlement this moment.but Gaza belongs to the Jewish people and we will go only in that direction

    Need a Trotsky. Keep his options.

  8. Israel should decrare the principal position that all the Mandatory Palestine, at least past 1922, rightfully Jewish National Home.
    Any “Palestinian” statelets are just a temporary.