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  1. @Sebastien
    Well stated.

    Israel is at an inflection point in her history. She has absorbed a blow which hopefully will never come again, and, indeed, to secure against such a redux on the Simchat Torah slaughter, Israel must do more than act, as she must act with decision and wisdom and responsibility. Notably, the responsibility she owns and must revere is not to the slaughtering savages which hold the attention of the Liberal World Order, but rather her own citizenry instead. Nash’s plan resolves to rest upon reform when it is radical change which is both necessary and reasonable and which should be the focus of the rhetoric coming from Bibi, in place of his comments of a New Gaza for Gazans. Should Bibi fail to fulfill this need, he will be doing more than making a gross political error which will not serve the interests of his constituents, as he will be wasting an opportunity to secure Israel’s prospects well into the future, an opportunity which hopefully will never come again.

  2. @Michael “A man with a plan” Obama had a plan. Happy? What Nash fails to take into consideration is that the Pals are so thoroughly indoctrinated that they don’t need help wanting to kill Jews. Any plan that allows them to stay and any plan that lets them evacuate their bowels without written permission in triplicate, any plan that lets them educate their own children, any plan that lets them attend uncensored mosques is bound to lead to the same place, listen to unapproved broadcasts is destined to fail.

    ANY PLAN THAT leaves or admit Arabs into Yesha is bound to fail. They must go.

    To anywhere else just so it’s far away from Israel and America where nearly all the Jews in the world live. Bolivia has a big Pal population. Christian but very dhimmi and antisemitic. Or, better yet, Antartica. Since Jordan and Egypt as constituted are ready to go to war first.

    In short, throw them into the sea. I remember the Vietnamese boat people. Many died at sea. Israel took some in. Fine. Good example for the Arabs though.

    Most important thing though in war: BAN the MEDIA.

  3. @EveRe1

    You each make very important observations.

    For myself, I have been concerned for some time now that the greater interest in victory will be found in the discussion of the day after, which seems to be taking place everywhere but in Israel. Yes Bibi makes mention of the need for changes, but the specifics in his commentary is missing, and what commentary he does offer sounds more like sycophantic rhetoric to appease the psychopathic American elites than anything which would honestly address the problems Israel is facing going forward. He should more directly address the future while explaining the intolerably nature of forcing Israelis to live beside the Pals which have been well disposed to butcher their Jewish neighbors, something which no one could honestly deny as being well based.

    I do find it heartening to hear the US dignitaries nearly daily address their opposition to the relocation of the Pal Cleft. Of course it might be simply to assuage the concerns of the Jordanians and the Egyptians, but there have been some reports to make me believe that these statements are more directed at Israel.

    Another point to consider. Egypt should not be seen as part of the solution, but part of the problem. They have been the primary sourcing of the arms coming to Gaza and if they are not going to take the Pals in the day after, well, I really don’t see any part for them to play at all. If the Pals should remain in Gaza, in any geographic footprint or under any governing authority, Israel should control the border between Egypt and Gaza, not Egypt who has demonstrated a complete lack of interest or capacity to do so equitably. The consequence of leveraging the border control to the Egyptians has been costly, and should not be repeated under any circumstances so long as the Pals are to remain in Gaza.

  4. He seems to think the problem is purely external. The Arab population is thoroughly Nazified and they must go now by any means necessary or this will happen again and again. Rebuilding, expanding, and arming Gush Katif is essential. Not only because it is just but in the interests of security. Terrorism is not born of despair but of hope. Their hopes must be dashed. They must understand the consequence of their atrocities will be losing the land, and being barred from access to it permanently.

    Egypt is not the only way out. There are ports. All of the countries that are crying great big crocodile tears for the poor, poor, Gazan Arabs, should each take in a few thousand. God knows, they took in Millions already from Ukraine, Syria, etc. Though not Cuba, of course. Biden was emphatic about that and Obama before him. They might vote Republican.

  5. Tom Nash makes important points: Israel must have a plan to defeat the international governing elites who want to install an Iran-Qatari friendly puppet in the Gaza strip and unite it with the West Bank. Everyone or almost everyone already knows this would be a disaster, and Netanyahu has never wavered in insisting on Israeli control over Gaza.

    The war in Gaza may take a while to end, but for practical purposes, it is clear the IDF is basically going to win. The IDF needs to have a plan in case Iran/Qatar activate the West Bank and then Hezballah. What the IDF has done in Gaza might have to be done in Judea and Samaria because they are waiting in the wings to attack Israel, it is just a matter of time.

    The other interesting point he makes is Qatar has lost initiative and cache at this point and is trying to remain relevant geopolitically by insisting on their puppet ruling Gaza after the war.

    In addition, Nash makes the point that Israel needs to work with Egypt after the war to make sure there are no tunnels that can feed weaponry back into Gaza. Once Hamas is destroyed, he thinks Egypt will work with Israel on this because it is in their shared interest to do so.

    My concern is this US government: are they just talking a lot about restricting Israel’s options after the war or do they actually intend to call the shots on those decisions? Nash thinks they are saying what they have to say politically, but no one can really stop Israel from protecting herself.

    I am interested in what others think.